
Blood sugar keeps going low

Common Questions and Answers about Blood sugar keeps going low


Avatar f tn I've been hypoglycemic (have low blood sugar) since I was very little. You need to have peanut butter crackers or some almonds on hand at all times if you're getting low blood sugar. Gum will only help for a little while. Candies and stuff are high in sugar but they don't last as long. The protein in nuts and peanut butter raises your sugar and keeps it up for a good while.
Avatar f tn d work my butt off to get down to it, but then I took a health risk assessment with my healthcare provider just to see where my standings were now and found out that all of my levels are within ideal range, even my weight! (And blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterols and triglycerides are all perfect!) Here I'd been looking at my BMI which has been saying that I'm still overweight so I've been stressing myself out wondering how to get down more.
5149794 tn?1374087979 How far along are you have you looked up low blood sugar that's how iam and I got low blood sugar
Avatar f tn Hypoglycemia/ low blood sugar would be considered blood sugar levels less than about 70. Your result of 103 is normal, not hypoglycemia. It is likely that your symptoms may be from other causes. Sometimes headaches can be a sign of not drinking enough - so a glass of water and a few minutes to relax / be quiet - may help a lot. Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn Since the beginning of this summer we have been dealing with night time low blood sugar while she sleeps. Most of the time we catch it and give her something to correct it but more times than not 4 to be exact she has woke up in the morning feeling nauseated, headache and sometimes throwing up yet her bloods sugars are showing normal to the 200's when we test her. One of the times she had to go to the hospital.
7543158 tn?1391978069 I am trying my best. All I've ever dealt with was low blood sugar though. I've never dealt with spikes and crashes that make me pass out so it's freaking me out a little.
Avatar n tn This doesn't make sense. If you have low blood sugar, you are a diabetic - hypoglycemic. Did you ask your doctor why he/she feels you have low glucose when your tests say otherwise? For a doctor to come to such a conclusion there must be something going on that's not being disclosed . Call him/her if for clarification.
1947337 tn?1331423890 ll be thinking of you tomorrow, and most definately mention the low blood sugar to your dr. I would suggest you keep some orange juice also in the frig, but at low 50's is very low. If your feeling funny I had to give my dad a 1/2 spoon of sugar to get it back up quick. I also have learned if you over exercise this could cause your sugar to drop. Let us know about your appt. Wish you the best.
Avatar n tn Has anyone had a low blood sugar level during pregnancy im 8wks & 2days and i swaer im going to drop to the floor im not due back to my doctors till i am 12 wks.
Avatar f tn I have not heard about MS and low blood sugar being related. I do know that there are many people that have MS and diabetes. Still the doctor's say they are not related. I still have the gut feeling that they are related. Please make sure that your doctor is aware of these times of low blood sugar. You don't want to take any chances with your health.
4250330 tn?1388621179 What Can I Eat For Low Blood Sugar I Feel Really Shaky And My Hearts Beating Fast And Everything This Happened Last Time I Thought My Blood Sugar Was Low.. Im 31 Weeks and 6 Days pregnant..
4250330 tn?1388621179 I had the same problem I was almost passing out at work several times during a shift, I went to the doctor and they said it was low blood pressure and low sugar, they told me to eat lots of protein and drink lots of juice and water, no more soda, I did this and it helped 100% I have only had one more episode since and I hadn't eaten correctly all day
Avatar n tn Well, because when your body shoots a slug of insulin into your blood after you eat lots of protein, it drives your blood sugar low. People who drink high concentration whey protein shakes (that are low in sugar and carbs) they hit a wall, because the insulinogenic effect of the high protein promotes the injection of insulin, which then dramatically reduces the few grams of glucose you have circulating in your blood, and then you feel weak, cold, shivery, etc.
Avatar f tn Various things can lead to low blood sugars. If you go without eating for a period of time, your blood sugar can drop, or if you exercise strenuously (especially if you do both in combination). If you are on insulin than taking too much insulin for the carbs you are eating can definitely cause low blood sugars and these can be the more dangerous kind because you can drop very rapidly. If you are getting frequent lows, talk to your doctor.
Avatar n tn After I do one set of 10 repetition squats for example my mouth dries out, not matter how much water I drank that day. Is that a sign of a low blood sugar? My mouth gets dry after other exercises too. Also, I turn pale and feel a bit dizzy. Why does my mouth keeps getting dry?
Avatar n tn Hi, Can I ask what insulins you take? Are you on pump or MDI (multiple daily injections). Is your basal insulin taken once or twice a day. If you are going low from exercise, you may need to decrease your basal (this is easier if you are on a pump). Alternatively you may plan your exercise after eating and inject slightly less than usual insulin for the meal, as the exercise will naturally bring your blood sugars down.
Avatar n tn Have you heard of insulin resistance? This may be partially to blame for hypoglycemia if it is "rebound", meaning her blood sugars may not sharply exceed the high levels, but if she eats a heavy meal -especially one high in simple carbohydrates- several hours later it "crashes" giving her hypoglycemia. It was explained to me that the insulin triggers becomes overreactive and dump a large amount of insulin in response to the free sugars in her system.
Avatar f tn Actually with low blood sugar the best thing is an increase in protien. I keep a block of cheese on hand and if mine starts to drop then I slice off a piece and lay down with some water a few mins and it clears up. I have dealt with low blood sugar in all 3 pregnancies now but was not diabetic...oh and my dr suggested powerade or Gatorade to help keep then stable.
Avatar f tn I'm 6 1/2 weeks & my blood sugar has been dropping really low also. Try eating smaller meals more often. That has been helping me.
Avatar f tn I've always had problems with this even before pregnancy and I think it's my blood sugar. I try to always keep peanut butter crackers or a protein bar in my purse for when I start to feel bad and it seems to work!
Avatar f tn Has anyone dealt with low blood sugar during pregnancy? I took my 1 hr glucose test- I had black coffee prior to the drinking the glucose drink, then 1 hr of nothing and my blood draw. My level came back at 65. My midwiNenmade a passing comment about it bein low and watching for symptoms of lightheadedness but wasn't concerned. What were your numbers if you were deemed low blood sugar? Any other symptoms? Thanks!
Avatar m tn My Father 77 yo and already have diabetic since 25 years ago but now he get low blood sugar (50 - 70) after he take oral medicine for deabetic. He get receipt from cardiologist monthly because he have chf also. What i/he have to do?
Avatar f tn Anyone else have very low blood sugar? What do you do to keep your sugar levels up? Eating more fruit isn't working for me and I hate sugary drinks...
Avatar f tn Did any of you ladies get realy low blood sugar to the point you passed out? Im 10+2 weeks and terrified its hurting my little bean ... :( ...
5650943 tn?1374112808 Any of you ladies experiance low blood sugar while pregnant just curious