
Blood sugar high level 400

Common Questions and Answers about Blood sugar high level 400


Avatar f tn Can someone tell me how high your blood sugar should get before you become alarmed or call the doctor? I have not been diagnosed but a few months and my doctor has not told me much of nothing. My sugar keeps going up and down, my doctor won't put me on medicine(the highest its been is 400+, the lowest 60) Thanks for your help!!!
Avatar n tn Hi Michael: Any type of illness will cause your blood sugar to go out of control. So the fact that you have a "bad cold" is probably the cause. That being said, a high blood sugar should be a cause for concern especially if the cold is causing you to not be able to eat or drink fluids. If you get dehydrated, it will cause your blood sugar to go up even higher. So make sure that you're having plenty of fluids and do NOT skip meals when your blood sugar is high.
Avatar f tn Can anyone suggest me why there is so rapid change in my sugar level?? Or is there any other medicine which can be taken to maintain a normal blood sugar level...Right now, I am taking Novomix 30 (biphasic insulin aspart) and Volibo 0.2 (twice in a day-breakfast and Dinner time)...
Avatar m tn s thyroid and blood sugar is totally inadequate. Even at 350-400 her blood sugar is WAY too high.
1448460 tn?1284694467 t have too much to worry about. If your blood sugar is at that level for a longer period of time that may bring about some damage. Exercise more, if possible, definitely drink lots more water and really watch your diet. I was on prednisone for several months and my blood sugar was rarely below 400 which is why they put me on insulin. If you are overly concerned, speak with your doctor or diabetes consultant.
1773108 tn?1314158067 Good Morning, I have a question about high blood sugar levels that don't seem to stabilize. My boyfriend has been struggling for years with high blood sugar. He told me this morning that his level was at 480+!!!! He says he doesn't feel any different whether it's high or low. The lowest it's been (to my knowledge) is still in the high range of 200+.
Avatar m tn Have you ever gotten your blood sugar tested? What you describe there could be Low blood sugar, Low hematocrit or hemoglobin which means low oxygen, but I guess a fall in blood pressure can make you dizzy and faint! Less pressure means less glucose and oxygen to brain so the brain will get your head a ground level so that it can get the needed glucose and oxygen which is why people faint...........High blood pressure will most likely cause a headache, but then again anything is possible.
Avatar n tn please inform me if by taken ofther medication your blood level could get high as 400 - 500 my mom has her sugar level out of control she take medication for her arthristis and i think the medication is making her blood level high she does not eat sweet or out of control eating eats very little small potion . med. name are Methotrexate 2.5 Prednisone 5 mg. Metformin mg.
1680047 tn?1468911829 140-180 two hours after eating would be too high. Your stated values of fasting blood sugar readings are high, according to my doctor.
Avatar f tn His blood sugar level turned out to be at 400. He got defensive and said that it had nothing to do with his high blood sugar level and that I was the problem. He will say some things that are way out of line and will repeat himself to the point were I have to defend myself. He has been dishonest, verbal abusive over very minor issues, won't stop making rude comments, loves to provoke me and threatens divorce when I stick up for myself and the list goes on.
Avatar n tn drink lots of water it will matabolize out the sugar in your blood. i did this when i had ges. diebetes when i was pregnant with my daughter it worked very well for me.
Avatar n tn Hello, with his blood sugar as high as 400 his body is unable to use what he eats. He doesn't need janumet, he needs insulin. There is no way he should lose more weight and for his doctor to tell him to lose more weight means he is not looking at him. He should be eating a low carb diet (no mountain dew or junk food) and he needs insulin. Sorry to be harsh, but your husband may well die soon (in weeks to months) if he can't get his blood sugars under control.
Avatar n tn I went to the ER not long ago and I was told I had very high blood sugar, I had not eaten anything for more than 8 hours other than toast.
752468 tn?1237560359 Hi...I am a member of the Breast Cancer Community and just found out that my husband's blood glucose level fasting is 250. He has had the symptoms of diabetis ...excessive thirst, weight loss...tingly feet, and I noticed very sticky spots of urine on the bathroom floor. We are not surprised that he has diabetis...runs in the family. My question is, where do we go first. He hasn't even talked to a doctor yet, but we want to get a jump on this.
Avatar f tn Hello, fasting blood sugar in the range of 120 - 130 puts you firmly in diabetic territory, as does your hba1c of 7.4 which corresponds to an average blood sugar level of about 180. These levels would already require medications. Consider that normal fasting should be below 90 and normal hba1c is < 5.0. Given your height and weight, you are not overweight. Further you have no family history of diabetes. Therefore, I believe you should be evaluated for adult onset type 1 diabetes.
Avatar n tn He was admitted with a blood sugar level of over 2500. After 3 days in intensive care, his CK level rose to 78,000. He tested negative for the diabetes antibody. Two days ago, after 10 days in intensive care he was moved to the regular pediatric floor however his ketones are still at 2000 and the doctors are puzzled why they keep going down then up for no apparent reason. His blood sugar levels vary (400 down to 150) based on what he eats and how much insulin he is given.