
Benefits of not eating junk food

Common Questions and Answers about Benefits of not eating junk food


Avatar f tn Maybe try not pushing the issue. Don't let her have junk food, but don't try to get her to eat, wait until she gets hungry enough to ask for food and then offer her something healthy. If she won't accept it, tell her she can't have junk food and wait until she's willing to eat healthy food. You probably shouldn't do it for more than a day though, as I'm not sure how long it would be safe.
5427210 tn?1367856022 So when i first found out i was pregnant i was eating super healthy and doing so good, But now for about 3 weeks ive been eating alot of fatty junk food. Its weird because when i eat healthy foods i throw up more then when i eat junk food. Do you think im eating too unhealthy and will it effect the baby??
Avatar f tn I am 36weeks and I can not stop eating junk food. I just started last week eating junk food like crazy. Is it bad will it harm the baby???
Avatar f tn I'm 36 weeks, and all I crave past few days are cookies and cheese puffs lol that's not all i eat, but I've been eating more junk food then I have my whole pregnancy. I was good and now I'm caving and eating more junk (also eating healthy stuff during day) is this bad or anyone else having junk food cravings as well? !
7678907 tn?1400809113 I usually am really bad at eating junk all the time and I can hardly keep anything down but healthy food. Its so weird to me. And my doc thinks im starving my kid.
Avatar f tn I craved junk food all the time. Seriously had it at least 2 times a week, but for the rest of the day, i ate super clean and healthy, plus excersized. Fast food is only bad if you're eating it all the time.
Avatar f tn I've been eating alot of sugar lately. Also since my hgb levels have been so low i've resorted back to drinking at least 1 c. of coffee a day just to give me a little pep to my step. Has anyone noticed if they have to many foods that tax the liver (like sugar, coffee, preservatives)do sx get worse or do you not see a difference? I've been pretty bad lately; for instance i had taco bell last nite.
5431850 tn?1381682097 How many of you eat junk food? I LOVE chocolate and ice cream!!! Grrr I feel so guilty for eating snacks instead of snacking on fruits n veggies which I do too but it's like I must have cookies and ice cream everyday lol Am I the only one? I really am way too over educated on pregnancy for my own good, it makes me worry about everything!
Avatar f tn Alls we have is junk food and ice cream. My bf ate while he was out at work and i asked him to get me something and he made a huge deal and i havent eaten all day and cant test my sugar cause ibhavent eaten..
7928796 tn?1396351929 What i suggest is making what ever crap junk food your craving at home with all natural organic ingredients. For example if i crave pasta i buy brown rice or sprouted grain noodles 100% tomato sasauce and cheese and make it myself. The other day i was craving a big juicy burger so a made a cheesey turkey burger i even mixed spinach in the organic turkey so i get the nutrients of spinach without tasting it.
Avatar f tn Eating Processed Foods, Pregnant Or Not ... Not The Greatest Idea. Its Harder ToEat Healthy In American Society Because ... Well, food Industry Is Counting On Us To Be Uneducated. TheyDesignFood ToBE Chemically Addictive SToo We Keep Buying It. Not ToMention, Its Cheaper And Faster. Your Baby Will Be FiNE During Youth, But Will Be More Apt To Havinaas Health Problems. As An Adult.
Avatar f tn I am having a hard time not eating junk food. Before being pregnant, I ate really healthily. Now, I seem to want fast food at least once a week. Ice cream and peanut butter cups have become an almost daily thing. I still try to eat as healthy as possible, but I seem to give in to the junk much more easily now... Does anyone know what kind of an effect this is having on the baby? Anyone sympathize?
Avatar f tn Everytime i enter the kitchen all the smells hits me nd i start vomitin. Been eating loads of fruits, drinking plenty of water and asked my friend to cook loads of food for me.
Avatar f tn Hi guys well ladies, I have been very sick the last few days and all I was able to keep was junk food down, now all I am craving is junk food. Is it bad to fight my junk food cravings as it don't want to put on loads of weight, this is my second pregnancy had miscarried the first time round .
Avatar f tn I go to the gym about 4 day's a week, m-t and I feel that all my efforts are going to waste because I have no clue what to eat. I love food and can't seem to stop eating the junk that I love and I was wondering if anyone had any healthy snaks that can replace my bad one's and if you had recipes for for food's that are healthy and yummy?
Avatar m tn don't eat junk food. eat your five aday.
Avatar f tn A few weeks ago I realized that I was eating compulsively, lots of junk food, all hours of the day and night... And gaining weight. I am gluten free, so my diet is limited (but admittedly not that healthy). Any tips for curbing the food cravings? I have tried replacing junk food with raw veggies and fruits, but eating just seems to lead to more eating (eventually junk food). Any suggestions?
Avatar n tn Make a list of the relatively healthy foods that your child likes. Make sure they are no sweeter than fruit, and not extremely high in fat. These foods will sustain your child during the weaning period and rid your house completely of junk food. Absolutely no sweets, chips, and other sweet or overly fatty foods. Your whole family needs to cooperate. Your child shouldn't be able to see these foods, or see someone else eating them.
8175778 tn?1398945437 Anyone else have a bad craving for junk food? Iknow i shouldnt have a lot of sugar but geesh its what i crave for!!! Me and my hubby are laying here eating oatmeal pies and rice krispy treats!!!! Ahhh... im so weird !
Avatar f tn I never felt this way with my son. So idk what im supposed to be eating to stay full for longer periods of time.
Avatar f tn I tried to do the healthy eating and exercise. I had tins of junk food cravings though. I have into the craving so much though that I put on 20 pounds in my second trimester because I stopped denying myself the food I was craving.
Avatar n tn I have been wanting junk food too. Not really sweets but more like, burgers, cheese, steak..."Man" Food, lol. I feel bad when I think about it too, but the thought of it sounds soooo good, even right now! BUT that "Poutine" even sounds a bit much for me lol. Maybe its better than it sounds, lol.
Avatar m tn Would ovreat the things he likes but will remain hungry if the food is not of his choice.Loves to eat junk food ,fried ,nonvegetrerian food but a big no to greens and vegetables in general.How can I cure this as he is gaining weight despite of doing excercises becoz he eats more than he burns!
Avatar m tn t mentioned. Magnesium is a common cause of anxiety and panic attacks and is easily depleted eating junk food. Changing your diet and taking a good quality multivitamin is recommended.