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Acute stress disorder treatment guidelines

Common Questions and Answers about Acute stress disorder treatment guidelines


190673 tn?1259203266 Just wanderig if anyone here has experienced Acute Stress Disorder attacks and for how long, have you helaed, what medication you took etc...
Avatar f tn ve had symptoms that could fall under acute stress disorder, panic disorder, general anxiety disorder, and depression. Sometimes the symptoms can fit in one catagory and then switch over to a different catagory. For example, in the past I've had frequent panic attacks throughout the day. Overtime, I've found triggers (more trivial than life threatening) for some while others just happen. Majority of the symptoms began after 2 years of profound stress.
Avatar n tn (It appears to be due to a post-nasal drip that exacerbates some kind of underlying allergies. Asthma, coughing asthma, reactive airways disorder, and acid reflux have been more or less ruled out as the cause of the cough.) Anyway, today my ENT suggested that I consider having my tonsils removed. She said it's helpful for people who get frequent infections that require antibiotics. My question is simply whether that's correct.
Avatar m tn I am trying to get something in writing to show that this decision does not follow within the accepted guidelines for treatment of his form of Hepititis. I believe the Dr. in Az. may have made this decision not realizing he did not have a 12 week blood sample. My son is 43 years old and in otherwise good health. He has not had any symptoms of Hep C nor has he had any side effects from the treatments.
1516809 tn?1345082764 I have now been told that some hospitals now turn patients away at the ER level from admittance because the patient does not qualify for acute treatment according to Medicare guidelines. They have procedures in place for this purpose but this hospital does not have such as system in place yet, so we face this dilemma. Everything is predicated on Medicare guidelines according to every facility I called so far. What is needed is some type of Ombudsman for people in my situation.
Avatar m tn Getting done all types of tests and biopsy here is too expensive (No health insurance). My viral load is 3,500,000 (medium level I beleive). ALT is slightly raised (might be because of fatty liver and drinking). Im really confused what to do. I have contolled my drinking problem and its more than two months I havn't touched it. Keeping in mind the impoetance of six months abstinence, all Im thinking about is, am I losing the opportunity of starting treatment within 20 weaks of exposure?
1516809 tn?1345082764 I told her that he had received new meds, that he had extreme difficulty walking but while she understood under Medicare guidelines since they were not treating him with an IV or other acute treatment, he had to be discharged. The plan of the PCP was to ultimately admit my father into sub-acute rehab, however according to her, the hospital reversed the admittance staus that she prescribed from acute to observation.
Avatar f tn Asthma, a chronic disease of the lungs,In traditional Chinese medicine, asthma is considered not just a disorder of the lungs but also of the kidneys and the stomach. It is also one of the most common diseases for which patients turn to alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, for treatment and relief.
Avatar m tn Agree with Frank. A hepatologist will be up on the latest guidelines for treating acute hep C, like whether to wait and see if you'll be one of the luckiest 20% to clear the virus on your own and what the latest recommended TX (treatment) is for acute cases if you don't clear it. Acute cases are the most likely to clear on their own (most folks get NO symptoms at initial exposure) but it's not guaranteed.
Avatar f tn New Onset or Worsening Renal Impairment Tenofovir is principally eliminated by the kidney. Renal impairment, including cases of acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome (renal tubular injury with severe hypophosphatemia), has been reported with the use of VIREAD [See ADVERSE REACTIONS]. It is recommended that creatinine clearance be calculated in all patients prior to initiating therapy and as clinically appropriate during therapy with VIREAD.
1704770 tn?1307709063 I was dignosed with Conversion Disorder, Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and Acute Anxiety Disorder. I am having stroke like symptoms; my left leg drags, my speach is well..not making light of it I sound like Forrest Gump, my left arm as little to no strength in it, I have migraine headaches on a daily basis, and the newest thing is I started having uncontrolable muscle spasms in my right side. I am unable to work, drive and doing daily activities is a struggle.
1326513 tn?1276518001 aspx Seroquel XR is a once-daily tablet approved in adults for (1) add-on treatment to an antidepressant for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who did not have an adequate response to antidepressant therapy; (2) acute depressive episodes in bipolar disorder; (3) acute manic or mixed episodes in bipolar disorder alone or with lithium or divalproex; (4) long-term treatment of bipolar disorder with lithium or divalproex; and (5) schizophrenia.
Avatar m tn I'm not familiar with AIMS, Cochin, but ischemia induced acute lvf indicates there is/are blocked coronary arteries that impede adequate blood flow to heart cells. Ischemia can/will damage heart cells and the consequence of that is left ventricle heart failure (LVF). Treatment is to open the coronary arteries. The therapy can be medication to dilate vessels, reduce the heart's workload, maintain stable heartbeats, etc.
Avatar n tn What is an acute HIV rash? does it look like a sunburn rash, pimples outbreak rash, does it have some kind of guidelines? Any information regarding this would greatly be appreciated. how long after exposure does symptons come and how long do they general stay?
Avatar m tn Have you seen a doctor and received a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder? Have you tried any treatment methods thus far, and if so...what, and what was the outcome? You've received some great tips and advice on ways you can try to reduce your anxiety. Therapy is always a good bet too, as a therapist can help you to explore any possible reasons for your anxiety, and teach you ways to cope. If you haven't already, visiting a psychiatrist is an excellent first step.
Avatar m tn Sorry if this has already been posted, but I wanted to let the group know that the April 2009 issue of Hepatology includes a very long detailed article about current diagnosis, treatment, and patient management issues regarding HCV: Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C: An update (p 1335-1374) Marc G. Ghany, Doris B. Strader, David L. Thomas, Leonard B. Seeff It is written as a guide to the medical community. The article seems quite thorough and full of useful information.
1172595 tn?1263533500 Hi I am zuhak from Afghanistan I have Migraine Acute Attack from 15 years and have not find any treatment yet please help me and save my life from this dirty pain which made my life darcken
Avatar n tn In persons with a history of alcohol abuse who have completed alcohol treatment, GGT may be used to monitor compliance with the treatment program.
Avatar n tn i could have hashimotos, but my hyper phase followed by extreme hypo phase don't follow the typical hashis pattern. it seems that most people with hashimotos don't have an acute hyper phase followed by an acute hypo phase. usually people with hashimotos slowly become hypothyroid over a period of years. hashimotos is a gradual destruction, whereas silent thyroiditis is inflammation followed by recovery. only time will tell if my issue is transient. the same is with you.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm 24, a former ballet dancer (stopped when I was 16) with a stress fracture in the second metatarsal of my right foot that has not healed after 3 years of treatment and a possible new stress fracture in my left foot from over compensating. Why is it that my feet aren't healing and keep fracturing? I don't do any strenuous exercising like running or jumping.
Avatar f tn t think that you should necessarily try and stop your feelings. Maybe following some of his treatment guidelines would be helpful. Psychotherapy can be helpful for depression.
10485665 tn?1411740029 It varies for everyone so there really is no guideline. It depends on genes, your activity level, the food you eat. For me, I gain little to no weight during pregnancy...It's the year after the baby comes out that I pack on 30lbs from breastfeeding (breastfeeding doesn't always make you lose weight). Talk to your doctor about it, but don't stress. Eat healthy, exercise moderately, but don't worry about the weight. It will come off after baby is born!
Avatar f tn After three years of hell and every test known to man and at least 10 doctors, I've been diagnosed with conversion disorder which I know is false. The only abnormal results have been high lymphocytes, one single o band, vitamins d and b deficiency, costocondritis, gastritis, and white matter lesions they say are caused by age. I'm 45. Symptoms started with burning, tingling, weird smells, shooting pains in head and fingers, and muscle atrophy.