Acute stress disorder children

Common Questions and Answers about Acute stress disorder children


190673 tn?1259203266 Just wanderig if anyone here has experienced Acute Stress Disorder attacks and for how long, have you helaed, what medication you took etc...
Avatar f tn How do you handle the stress of divorce with 3 kids and one on the way? Im in and out of court, Ive been diagnosed with complex migraine disorder which causes complete paralysis on my left side, my ex is trying to have my license suspended, I havent been able to work and ive lost my home. How does everyone else deal with their stress? I feel like im falling into a hole.
Avatar n tn AA first affecting the eyelashes rarely spreads to the other parts of the body Does your child have any recent history of acute illness, blepharitis, and history of atopy or thyroid disease, or any family history of this symptom? An important differential diagnosis is trichotillomania, which usually involves both the upper and lower eyelashes. Here the patients may have a present or past history of psychiatric disorder, a habit of compulsively pulling the eyelashes.
1704770 tn?1307709063 I was dignosed with Conversion Disorder, Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and Acute Anxiety Disorder. I am having stroke like symptoms; my left leg drags, my speach is well..not making light of it I sound like Forrest Gump, my left arm as little to no strength in it, I have migraine headaches on a daily basis, and the newest thing is I started having uncontrolable muscle spasms in my right side. I am unable to work, drive and doing daily activities is a struggle.
454366 tn?1211245301 Please read the info on on Bi-Polar disorder in children. The info is kinda scary; but I think you might help with finding other avenues to take. Peace be with you and keep the faith. Our kids are our future. Let's not just dope them up because we are told to. Let's not dope ourselves up either.
Avatar n tn i could have hashimotos, but my hyper phase followed by extreme hypo phase don't follow the typical hashis pattern. it seems that most people with hashimotos don't have an acute hyper phase followed by an acute hypo phase. usually people with hashimotos slowly become hypothyroid over a period of years. hashimotos is a gradual destruction, whereas silent thyroiditis is inflammation followed by recovery. only time will tell if my issue is transient. the same is with you.
Avatar m tn 31 M non-smoker, history of nasal allergies, 2.5 years of recurrent acute sinusitis. 4 infections in 6 months, re-ocurring 2-4 weeks after finishing antibiotics. Sore throat Thick yellow post-nasal drip Can’t irrigate maxillary sinuses with Sinus Rinse bottle (Usually it fills the sinuses then drains out when I tilt my head.
Avatar f tn ve had symptoms that could fall under acute stress disorder, panic disorder, general anxiety disorder, and depression. Sometimes the symptoms can fit in one catagory and then switch over to a different catagory. For example, in the past I've had frequent panic attacks throughout the day. Overtime, I've found triggers (more trivial than life threatening) for some while others just happen. Majority of the symptoms began after 2 years of profound stress.
Avatar f tn At Xmas he saw his brother get assaulted by a man on their school bus which terrified him, he thought the man would come to our house and kill us all. I got in touch with doctors and school as he was showing acute anxiety, doctors then said this was normal reaction and school has been giving him counciling.
Avatar f tn How much is stress the culprit in cardiac conditions? I have a first degree blockd artery and thinning of the aortic wall. I have perfect cholesterol and triglyceride levels. I was told mine was due to repetitive stress. What if I just can't reduce the stress in my life (2 children) and single parent with bipolar disorder (applied for disability)?
1326513 tn?1276518001 aspx Seroquel XR is a once-daily tablet approved in adults for (1) add-on treatment to an antidepressant for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who did not have an adequate response to antidepressant therapy; (2) acute depressive episodes in bipolar disorder; (3) acute manic or mixed episodes in bipolar disorder alone or with lithium or divalproex; (4) long-term treatment of bipolar disorder with lithium or divalproex; and (5) schizophrenia.
Avatar n tn im desperate for help im 20 years old and im terrified i wont be able to have children coz i had an eating disorder im so scared ill be infertile please help how do i know if ill be able to concieve ?
Avatar f tn Parenting these children (and all children) should involve solving the problem together - as opposed to letting the adult dictate the solution or letting the child dictate the solution. He believes that many outbursts can be avoided by successfully thinking through solutions with the child before the trigger presents itself. For example, if you know that your child freaks out when he has to brush his teeth, you work through a plan with him in advance so that he does not freak out.
4835896 tn?1369369421 I'm so stressed out , I cry all the time . It really scares me that my baby could be born with some type of disorder . I'm 18 weeks so I haven't had my anatomy scan yet , is this possible ?
584040 tn?1218783011 yes...i have the exact same thing...but i become so elated i make a fool of myself, and so depressed i break down and can only think about death...usually its small periods of elation tho..3 hours maybe?? its random...hourly..or daily..usually hourly though...and i also tend to push people away, even the people that would do anything for me :(...i dont know why..its strange to me...i get extremely paranoid...people think i'm joking...but i always seem to think people are staring at me ..
Avatar f tn Anxiety is common disorder for adults and children alike but it is also highly treatable with an excellent prognosis. Today, our child is doing so well (she's now a teenager. If you have any questions, please write. All the best ...
Avatar n tn ADHD is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity. The former is medically Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), while the latter is DSM-IIIR. ADHD is also called AHDD or attention hyperactivity deficit disorder. So the basic difference is the presence of hyper-activity along with attention deficit in AHDD. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar f tn The drug is also used in clinical trials to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.[15] A pilot study suggests that Topiramate is possibly effective against infantile spasms.[16] A study by Harvard recommends topiramate as an effective treatment in the prevention of Periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants after an hypoxic-ischemic injury.[17] In May 2006 the U.S. National Institutes of Health web site clinicaltrials.
Avatar f tn He is a beautiful soul, but he suffers with his challenges. He got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and depression last year. He is under the care of a medical team, and it looks like he may have early on-set bipolar disorder as he has massive mood swings ranging from being calm, to irritable, to extreme anger, to feeling very down and suicidal, to over-excitedness. This can all be in half an hour at times!
Avatar n tn ll outgrow it or if he has some issue going on like sensory integration disorder. My son has sensory integration disorder and he too will cover his ears at loud sounds. When he was young, he had a fight or flight response to it He also didn't love loud, crowded places like the mall or a party. He's now 9 and copes really well but will still cover his ears in a movie.
Avatar f tn First, I havent heard of explosive behavior disorder. (in children) In adults, this type of thing would show up as an Axis II personality disorder. In children, particularly 4 (very young for this kind of diagnosis, ADD/ADHD as well - and I would hold off on the meds until a second or third opinion is obtained..cheaper than treatment I'm sure...) ALSO - (I have personal experience in this - my 5 yr old girl had wild tantrums, and I was very worried,, and took her to different drs...
Avatar f tn I have been on Zoloft 50mg, and now at almost 20 weeks my anxiety is getting worse, I am having more frequent obsessive thoughts and skills learned in therapy are not always helping. I'm thinking maybe I should up my does, but I was trying to keep the does low bc I know of the possible side effects of SSRI and pregnancy. I know my thoughts are irrational, and I can pretty much pinpoint the reasons I'm having them, but I still can't stop them!