
Yeast infection in urethra

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infection in urethra


Avatar n tn it might a yeast infection. Guys get it too. I had a yeast infection at the tip of my penis and it just itched in the beginning. It then progressed to yeast infection symptoms such as redness, itchiness with burning. My doctor told me to use a jock itch cream and it's gone away.
Avatar f tn So a few weeks ago I had a nasty yeast infection (so my midwife says...) However she found no live yeast. Well my hubby and I have had sex twice since I got over it an both times during and after sex my urethra burns like crazy. This has never happened before and its making sex very uncomfortable for doesn't burn when I pee only during sex and after for about 10-15 minutes. Anyone experience this or...?
Avatar m tn My doctor didn't think it was an std, he also suggested that it might be yeast. But unlike a lot of photos of male yeast infections online that i've seen, in my case the glans has no redness. all the pain is centered in the urethra. I've been trying to coax some of the anti-fungal cream the doc gave me down my urethra and it sometimes causes burning when i do. also i tried the spit in a glass test today and my spit didn't dissolve, suggesting yeast infection.
Avatar m tn Yesterday I had a slice of grilled pineapple and it’s almost back to square one. I’m losing confidence in yeast infection to be the cause since this medication, healthy diet, exercise, regular schedule and little to no stress have no impact. I tried TCM, 2 Urologists, GP, and scavenged the net. Want are my other avenues to investigate that issue?
Avatar m tn A week ago my doctor gave me doxycycline hydrate to fight off an infection that is causing me to have a itchy urethra. My doctor did not do a swap test or anything but thought i had a bacterial infection. Present day ( a week of the medication) I still feel the itchiness and am thinking that I have a yeast infection. I've heard eating yogurt can help fight it, but what about dairy free yogurt? Would eating one container of dairy free yogurt help?
Avatar m tn Hello, You are right in thinking that it can be a male yeast infection. Men yeast infection can develop due to the overgrowth of Candida albicans. It can be transmitted through intercourse but may develop due in diabetics, weakened immunity and when taking a course of antibiotics also. Some of the symptoms of this condition are irritation and soreness in the head of the male genital, white curdy discharge and redness in the head of the penis.
Avatar f tn Hi, A yeast infection usually starts in the vagina and may involve the urethra. If the condition is right , the infection may ascend to the bladder and ureters. However for UTI, bacterial infections are more likely. Have you been diagnosed with yeast infections before? If the infection is severe ( spread to the blood), it may present with fever. However, bacteial infections are more likely to cause fever.
Avatar f tn Hello Grace, I recieved a urinalysis and it was negative. My general doctor gave me yeast infection cream but I doubt is that. The redness in the foreskin and penis head comes and goes. When its present it lasts about half a day to a day and then clears up. The redness in the bottom part of the Urethra seems more persistent. Not sure if the are both associated. Could it be my prostate? Wouldnt the urinalysis detect something if it was the prostate? Yeast?
Avatar n tn Dr. Hook, Thank you very much for your help. Just a few follow up questions: - If I have some condition other than yeast infection will the use of anti-yeast cream that you recommended have any negative effect? - Are there any bad complications that such an yeast infection could cause? I've read that yeast infection can get into urethra and then into prostate that may cause issues in the future. Is that true? Thanks very much for your answer, Dr. Hook!
Avatar m tn To discuss broadly, your symptoms of a swollen meatus with redness and skin chaffing can be due to meatitis or infection/inflammation of meatus, urethritis or infection/inflammation of urethra or due to balanoposthitis (inflammation of glans penis and foreskin). In all cases the cause can be either a STD or a non-STD infection. If you have been sexually active, then it is important to test for STDs, bacterial vaginosis and fungal infection. Non-STD infections can be either bacterial or fungal.
Avatar f tn then later itchiness and i knew a yeast infection was setting in because we had a lot of dry sex and i always get yeast infections after dry sex. so anyway i chug water for my uti and buy monistat 1 for the yeast infection. had a horrible reaction. swelling, pain, itchiness, redness and my left labia was much more swollen than my right! now that the swelling went down i decided to check it out down there, thats when i noticed a firm bump that itches and is sore.
Avatar n tn 3 days later, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with a yeast infection. 14 days later I had symptoms again and went to the doctor again. He said I still had a yeast infection and gave me more medicine. My symptoms never went completely away and now I have some burning again. I have had no bumps but I have one spot that is still red and irritated. Could this be herpes or some other infection? Is this too long a timeline?
Avatar f tn I have had unprotected sex with this same girl a dozen times and nothing like this has happened until she gets this yeast infection. So my question is what are the odds of this only being a yeast infection and not herpes?
Avatar n tn i have a very red, inflimmated, and a little swollen urethra, n i dont know what could of caused it. could it be a yeast infection??? i have no pain peeing but once in a while my penis head itches. what is it pls help!!!!
Avatar n tn she went back to get tested for everything and her doctor checked for yeast infection. she had a yeast infection and her doctor said she probably had one for a log time. i read that mixing white vinegar in a bath helps yeast infections. i've done that twice and it has been the only thing that has helped my symptoms besides using a ton of lotrimin. i also have a yellowish film on my tongue that looks like yeast infection pictures i've seen online.
Avatar n tn have not gone to the doctor as i know every one in this small town but might go to one in a different looks a little like a yeast infection from pictures on the net.....any ideas of what i was subjected to or what i might have?
Avatar m tn to make sure it is in fact a yeast infection before you try to treat it yourself.
Avatar m tn I went in about 2 weeks after the incident and had a STD test that came up negative for everything. The doctor said that I have a yeast infection. Now it is 6 weeks latter and I still have pain at the tip with a little swilling inside the urethra. Could the test have been wrong. Is this part of having a yeast infection or do I have something else?
Avatar n tn is it possible to develop a male yeast infection from receiving oral sex???Symptoms include: Small red painless dots Small white painless slightly raised bumps Flaky dry skin occasionaly on testicles inflamed tip of urethra burning when urinating(burning only at tip after course of tetracycline) dry skin on testicles hurt twice feeling like it wus cracking Varying symptoms have been developing over the past month continuously...Hoping this is not herpes but something curable...
Avatar f tn I use a shower head on a hose so that I can properly wash out my vagina after sex, but I do not use soaps that may irritate, just the water. I do not have a yeast infection, no itching, no discharge, no back pain, no fever. I feel fine except for the burning sensation. I have been drinking an 8oz glass of cranberry juice and water when I feel it and it clears it up for awhile... but I need to know what causes it! I do not drink much soda... maybe one every few days.
Avatar f tn BV can cause itchiness too, but a lot of cottage cheese like discharge sounds more like yeast infection. Yeast infections can cause small red bumps or redness if left untreated. Try the over the counter stuff first like how you are doing, and then go to the doctor if it doesn’t clear up to narrow it down to what type of infection it might be.