
Zymar corneal ulcer

Common Questions and Answers about Zymar corneal ulcer


Avatar n tn Hello, Last night I started having discomfort in my eye -- it felt like something was lodged in it. I went to the opthamologist, and was told that I have corneal ulcer, likely due to a contact lens induced infection caused. The doctor prescribed Zymar -- an antibiotic -- and might have to prescribe a fortified compound if the symptoms don't begin to dissipate. I have a major problem in that the effected eye is now photophobic.
Avatar f tn Diagnosed with corneal erosion on March 20th. Bandage lens placed on eye with one week follow up to remove lens. Used Zymar drops 1 x day while bandage on. Told 4-6 wk. heal time. I am at the 4 wk. mark. I have scratchy, gritty, irritated, burning eyes. Called opthamologist several times w/same response of give it time. Using eye drops several times and hour still and pm ointment. GP is ruling out Sjogrens syndrome with bloodwork.
Avatar m tn 1. Corneal ulcers can be minor and heal in 24 hrs or cause loss of eye. Too much difference to generalize. 2. Only your ophthalmologist can tell you, all I can say is follow the eye MDs direction. 3. see #1 4. On properly selected individuals lasik is a fantastic procedure. For others its not an option. Again only an Eye Md that examines you eye can tell fo sure.
Avatar f tn That question is too vague to answer. Sometimes yes but often no. There are quite a few different types of corneal ulcers.
Avatar m tn You could have lost your eye from an infected corneal ulcer. Vigamox is the strongest antibiotic out there. Corneal ulcers need not be painful. Follow up with the opthalmologist of your choice and stay away from optometrists.
Avatar f tn her right is a little bulging and slight corneal ulcer...we went to have eye check up and ask what is the possible problem...we also went to seek help from endocrinologist...but the doctor told us that my mother is NOT HYPERTHYROIDISM...but before she had undergone thyroid surgery because there was a cyst in the right upper thyroid...but yet after the surgery the eye is still bulging... what else can be the possible problem causing the eye to be bulging without hyperthyroidism????
Avatar n tn My doctor gave me prescriptions for Zymar (0.3%), to be used 4X daily for 3 days AND Xibrom (0.09%), 2 X daily for 3 days prior to surgery. After looking on the RXlist medication information site, it says that Xibrom should be used only 24 hours prior to cataract surgery. Any longer could cause corneal adverse events......what kind of events? I'm really nervous about surgery and am beginning to question if I want to go through with it at this time.....What are preferred anesthesias?
Avatar m tn Could be a corneal abrasion there now and could be at high risk for a corneal ulcer which can be ugly. You really never want to get one. Keep a very high index of suspicion for corneal ulcer and get seen today if eye doesn't get better. Beware of wearing new contact lens right now because it can mask the pain and increase chance of growth of new corneal ulcer.
Avatar m tn I am approaching 4th week of treatment foe corneal ulcer... 2 weeks of antibiotic drops prescribed by optemologist, then Wills Eye Hosp. added steroid drops to the antibiotic drops. Im on day 7 of steroid drops and have noticed blurred vision in the affected eye. My question is, is this a normal part of the healing process?
Avatar f tn I have a corneal ulcer/infection being treated with fortified antibiotics(Vancomycin and Tobramycin) 1 drop every hour, vigamox 4xday, tobradex ointment 1at bedtime, and predforte 4xday. I have been using these medications since Friday Oct.31 Saw Dr. Nov.1st and was told to stay on this schedule. I saw my glaucoma specialist today and he took me off all meds except fortified antibiotics.
Avatar n tn t appear to be damage to underlying layers, no corneal ulcer. I am only being treated with Systane Ultra preservative free drop and Oxaflaxacin. I am wearing a corneal band aid contact lens. I can still feel some discomfort and vision is very very blurry - like a cloud obscuring vision. Why is it healing so slowly? Will this mean a terrible prognosis? I am very worried and depressed.
1356840 tn?1277281969 Hi there. I developed a corneal ulcer due to extended wear contact lenses. After a week, it cleared up but the ophthalmologist says the scar that it left could be permanent. She recommended staying off contact lenses for a couple of weeks; but was unable to say whether or not it would be best never to wear them again. She did suggest daily wear lenses. What should I do? Ideally I'd never wear lenses again but this is just not practical for me. Should I buy daily lenses and wear sparingly?
Avatar f tn Hi, my corneal specialist (opthamologist) said I have a marginal corneal ulcer bacterial in nature and was thought be caused by rosacea. He gave me Vigamox drops every two hours and Bacitracin ointment for night time. I am having a lot of side effects from the Vigamox (irritation, watery eye, itcy, pain etc. and very red eye). But that is not the biggest problem. I tried the Bacitracin for two nights. Last night I up and saw that my eye was very swollen.
Avatar n tn I am a contact wearer and recently went to the eye doctor due to pain and redness in my eye. The doctor told me I had a corneal ulcer. I am curious if taking my prescription for Valtrex would have any impact on my eye?
Avatar m tn There is nothing in your posts to suggest the possibility of Fuchs dystrophy at all. Fuchs is not rare. I saw two patients with it today. A corneal ulcer does not lead to Fuch's or glaucoma.
Avatar n tn Recently I had to go to the eye doctor and found out my right eye had cornea abrasions and and ulcer. The doctor gave me Zymar, a bacteria antibiotic and that cleared that up. If I had a viral infection such as HIV would the bacterial antibiotic have treated my eye? Also, I've been working at a mail processing place for over a year. Throughout the day I work with a lot of cash, checks, and rubberbands.
Avatar m tn Hey, at the beginning of august i got a really bad eye ulcer due to wearing contact lenses. i developed a pretty thick scar which really affects my vision in that eye. I'm just wondering, is there any possible drops i could put it to reduce the scar or any possible treatments available to get ride of the scar?
Avatar n tn I have the same type of lenses. After I developed a corneal ulcer I switched solutions to Sauflon. It is a hydrogen peroxide based solution that you have to let your lenses sit in for six hours in a vile. You can not use it in your eye.
Avatar m tn Hi forum, Early this year over new year I was submitted to hospital for emergency treatment on a corneal ulcer and was kept in hospital for three days and given intensive treatment of ofloxacin eye drops every hour, then released from hospital and continued to be on ofloxacin eye drops every 2 hours and steroid drops every 2 hours with frequent visits to the hospitals eye clinic to monitor my progress.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with a corneal ulcer. No contacts lenses, Zylet drops 3 times a day. The redness resolved after a few days, and everything seemed great. At my 1 week follow up, my doc cleared me to wear my contacts again. Everything was fine that day. (Thursday) The next day, all the symptoms returned. I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist for a second opinion. He said I had a corneal abrasion (what was once the ulcer?). He prescribed me Vigamox 4 times a day.
Avatar f tn While this may not be ocular herpes, you could have a corneal abrasion or corneal ulcer which needs treatment. Do not wear the contact lens until you see the ophthalmologist.
Avatar m tn On the night of 12/9 the lesion progressed so rapidly that she suggested us to go to a local hospital to see a corneal specialist, and there a corneal smear and debridement were performed. The next day the hospital called to tell us that amoeba cysts were observed in the smear sample. On 12/13 we went to a hospital to have a confocal microscope scan and they found small round things that look like amoeba cysts.