
Zopiclone for insomnia

Common Questions and Answers about Zopiclone for insomnia


Avatar f tn Hi all, I have had sleep problems for the last 6 years. I started on zopiclone about 18 months ago which are great most of the time for getting me off to sleep, however I still wake up to 3 times during the night and wake in the morning feeling like i've had no sleep. I take 3.75mg as my normal dose, sometimes I take 7.5 and sometimes when i'm hyper (i'm bipolar) i take the max dose of 10.75mg. The thing is, as I'm still not getting a restful sleep very often, what do I do.
Avatar n tn s usually for psychiatric indications instead of just insomnia. Also, the higher dose has not been shown to be more effective for insomnia than the 7.5mg dose. Also, this medication should not be used for more than 1 month. So, please discuss with your doctor regarding this. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn However, this is disputed by one study of low dose zopiclone taken for only 7 nights. It found that discontinuation of zopiclone caused significant rebound insomnia. Furthermore when midazolam taken for 7 nights was discontinued no rebound insomnia occurred suggesting that zopiclone may have even more significant problems of tolerance and dependence than the benzodiazepines. After 3 weeks of use mild to moderate rebound withdrawal symptoms appear upon discontinuation of zopiclone.
Avatar m tn Hi i used melatolin for a period of time , and yes it helped , i found it worked better in a dark room with no light coming in the bedroom , i used to take it an hour before i went to bed , My Doctor took me off it cause i am on a CPAP Machine , But he put me on another drug , Zopiclone that knocks me out nicely Plus i'm not groggy in the morning , you may like to ask for it , i get a good 8 hours sleep with it , Hope this helped , Take care ,
Avatar m tn It is a very helpful medication for a few months after the withdrawal of opiates. Good for you for quitting. Stay strong!
Avatar f tn I'm currently taking zopiclone for sleep been taking them for ten days. Can I just stop taking these? I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety I'm also currently taking propranolol and fluoxetine.
1622896 tn?1562364967 Zopiclone can be habit forming when taken regularly. It is usually only prescribed short-term and for more severe cases of insomnia. Withdrwal from this med should not be done too quickly. Some of the withdrawal symptoms are the same as quitting alcohol or benzos. Even though it is classified as a hypnotic it is still difficult to stop.
Avatar m tn t want to live my life taking zopiclone to help me sleep for a few hours especially when I have a baby on the way...
Avatar m tn Diphenhydramine is good for making you drowsy, but it isn't your best bet to help you stay asleep, which is probably why you're still having troubles. Taking 3 will definitely give you a "hangover" the next morning, so I wouldn't recommend it. In fact most of the over-the-counter sleep aids are only effective at making you drowsy, which is all some people need. If these aren't enough for you, it might be an idea to looking into prescription sleep aids as a safety net.
Avatar f tn Just saw my doctor and she gave me an RX for Zoloft (was on Trazadone but that stopped working). Also, back on zopiclone. 1x 7.5 MV tab for one month, then I will taper. Is this the right thing to do? Or should I tough it out for another 7 days and hope I sleep again? I have no drowsy feeling or sleepiness. That never comes to me. Or hasn't come to me since stopping zopiclone. Will this ever come back? Help!
Avatar f tn s usually for psychiatric indications instead of just insomnia. Also, the higher dose has not been shown to be more effective for insomnia than the 7.5mg dose. Also, this medication should not be used for more than 1 month. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn It's meant to be a better vision of escitalopram as I'm in the uk they don't do lexapro it's cipralex here I'm on day 5 and no better yet just want things to start working really iv been told up to 2 weeks but can be as soon as 6-8 days the only side effect is the insomnia and not being able to sleep that's why iv been given zopiclone for that but don't want to have to depend on it for a long time, iv been through all this before on many different anti depressants wit
Avatar n tn Also, the higher dose has not been shown to be more effective for insomnia than the 7.5mg dose. Also, this medication should not be used for more than 1 month. Medications, however, are not the ideal choice of treatment for insomnia anyway. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is the best choice as demonstrated by a study at Harvard in 2004.
Avatar m tn I took trazodone for insomnia for about a year without any side effects. Being a woman I didn't have to fear priapism though. But my psych said she preferred it because it had low side effects in relation to other sleep meds out there. Obviously it's just one doctor's opinion, but it worked for me.
Avatar n tn She has initial insomnia, which has not been countered by behavioural techniques. She is a smoker, ergo drugs which inhibit breathing are a no-go. Modern sedatives are ineffective (Zopiclone) and she has now been prescribed amitriptylene. Any suggestions?
Avatar n tn t taken any tramadol today. Although I am tempted, and will, unless my friend can find for me some Zopiclone from when she used to take it, I'll need to take a couple later at bed time as I ran out of Zopiclone. So this long winded answer really is just saying that I know this is wreckless of me, but I know it is and to the best of my ability have anticipated how wreckless it is.
Avatar f tn Zopiclone has worked for me in the past, though I found that I quickly built up a tolerance and needed a higher dose for it to work. Some people find that the supplement melatonin helps, though it's never really worked for me.
Avatar f tn I had insomnia for years and found zopiclone or night nurse (this is not what it is meant for, i wouldn't advise you to take it but drowsiness is a side effect) was the most effective but did leave me with a slight 'sleeping pill hangover' the next day. Obviously I don't know your whole situation and if there are other reasons to take antidepressants, you should really consult a doctor before coming off them.
Avatar n tn I have menopause and I get Insomnia only durring the summer, any other time i'm able to sleep fine, I would like to know why it's only the summer I have insomnia, and if there is any way that I can help make it easiar. Thank you.