
Zegerid use in infants

Common Questions and Answers about Zegerid use in infants


Avatar n tn Has anyone tried Zegerid? So far I have tried Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec,Protonix, and Nexium. Aciphex gave me bad side effects and Nexium made my reflux symptoms worse. Prilosec did absolutely nothing for me. I was successfully treated for H. Pylori in Nov 07. Since then I have been suffering from Water Brash and now heartburn. I don't know where to turn. My GI now wants me to take Zegerid(isn't this med just like Prilosec with sodium?).
Avatar f tn I also suffered with acid in my younger years, so bad I went to the hospital for it, so bad I have slept in the tub upright before. Zantac would not touch mine. I take 30 mg prevacid (prescription) every day. After time it goes away. You need something very strong like this.
Avatar n tn I have been treating my GERD for 3 years with Zegerid. For the first 2 years it was my "miracle drug". About a year ago I began having what I called reflux "attacks" again, usually in the middle of the night. They would last anywhere up to 4 hours, during which all I could do was pace the floor and pray for relief. I averaged one attack a month; finally decided to revisit my gastroenterologist.
Avatar f tn Then I became sick with bronchitis and needed to take an antibiotic and had to stop taking the Zegerid for about a week. Upon continuing the Zegerid I have had increasing typical acid reflux symptoms, to the point of waking me up at night. So I called my doc and started taking another Zegerid during the day, and taking Gaviscon before bed... this really hasn't helped. I notice that when I sit for a long period I get a build up of gas in my stomach/intestines, resulting in passing gas.
Avatar f tn My nurse said its O.K to use it during the Tx. But I want to hear from the fellow members that whether this medication is safe and does not interfere the effectiveness of Pegasys. Hopefully some members will advice me on this issue.
Avatar f tn You should let your doctor know, just in case there are any complications the doctor will know how to handle it.
Avatar f tn i have been that i might have gerd and was put on zegerid ro see it if that what you would have done?
1507909 tn?1313633804 Motrin contains ibuprofen, which can cause reyes syndrome in infants. My daughters pediatrician told me to use infants tylenol our an off brand containing acetaminophen. I would discontinue the motrin and get some infants acetaminophen.
Avatar f tn If that does not work, try Pepcid, Gaviscon, Prilosec OTC, Omeprazole, Pepto, Zegerid OTC, Equate Acid Relief or Alka-Seltzer. If you do not want to go to the store, try a quick remedy-- baking soda or cold milk. And also, you can use PregEase. It treats morning sickness and heartburn. It is clinically proven a safe choice with natural ingredients, so you do not have to worry about anything harming the little one.
1361044 tn?1277598308 Honestly, in my opinion, babies are so wrapped up in this new world, all the new things going in for them, that a little cold (virus) hardly slows them down. it could be your baby is behind because she doesn't feel well all the time, and THAT is holding her back. Maybe not, but in either case I would push for them to figure it out. Chalking it all down to a virus is a lazy, sorry excuse. My point is, YOU DO know your child more than anyone.
Avatar f tn I feel Gerd and milk allergy are grossly overdiagnosed in infants. Lactose overload has been diagnosed in breast-fed infants now - and I believe it is also found in babies.
Avatar f tn After taking Mylanta what else can I use to relieve this heart burn? I can't sleep and that's getting old real fast. I feel like I'm breathing fire.
Avatar f tn My doc has kept me supplied with samples of Zegerid and Nexium ( to use one or the other, not both) and a prescription for Hyoscyamine for the cramping. It is an ongoing thing with me.
1428481 tn?1340593131 I have a strong feeling that my 2 month old son has pink eye! I have the eye drops (Vigamox) on hand and was wandering if I could use them on my son. I have heard a lot about pink eye but never in infants so I'm not sure how to treat an infant with Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis). He has green mucus basically gluing his right eye together. I have had to wipe it clean multiple times with a wet cloth.
Avatar f tn Well I told him I thought maybe it was my gallbladder so he sent me for a ultrasound (which came back fine no visabal stones) and in the meantime he gave me Zegerid for the burning. It helped and in three days I was fine so I stopped it. I went back and told him the pain was easing up and that I had stopped the Zegerid so he said ok and if it did come back to take prilosec. Pain did come back so I took it for 12 days and had major reactions to it. So I again stopped.
Avatar f tn Dr. Chasnoff recommends that these infants should have routine ultra-sound evaluations of their kidneys in order to rule out such defects. •There is evidence that the use of cocaine shortly before birth can be associated with cerebral infarction (stroke) which damages the brain of the newborn.
Avatar f tn Signs of toxicity and symptoms of withdrawal have been reported in infants following high doses or chronic maternal use close to term. Diphenhydramine has been evaluated for the treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum. It is generally not considered the antihistamine of choice for treating allergic rhinitis or nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Breast-Feeding Considerations Infants may be more sensitive to the effects of antihistamines.
1035252 tn?1427227833 Infants should be placed for sleep in a supine position (wholly on the back) for every sleep. Side sleeping is not as safe as supine sleeping and is not advised. 2. Use a firm sleep surface: Soft materials or objects such as pillows, quilts, comforters, or sheepskins should not be placed under a sleeping infant. A firm crib mattress, covered by a sheet, is the recommended sleeping surface. 3.