
Yeast infection symptoms last

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infection symptoms last


Avatar f tn Even if you went through treatment for your yeast infection, it might still be hanging around. That could be causing the itching. You might want to talk to a doctor about it. But yeast infections have nothing to do with a bump in your mouth. Hope you feel better.
Avatar f tn m super uncomfortable still. Anyone ever had a yeast infection even pregnant? How long did your symptoms last?
Avatar f tn I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I too was worried when I went off abx that the symptoms would come roaring back, and I do still have some symptoms, but after being sick for soooo long, it gets hard to remember what it was like back at the beginning. I know I was VERY ill 3 years ago, and I'm much much better now, but like you fear getting worse.
Avatar n tn Hi moms and moms to be. Has anyone had yeast infection during their pregnancy? What are the symptoms? And what helps cure/prevent it?
Avatar f tn i have never had a yeast infection but I think I may have one now. Have any of you had one and if so what do you do to treat it?
Avatar n tn I'm two months pregnant and seem to be having symptoms of yeast of infections. Is this common for pregnant women? This is my first baby.
Avatar n tn Hello. Last week I began having symptoms of a yeast infection: vaginal itching, soreness during sex, and discharge like cottage cheese. I visited the doctor about 4 days after the symptoms started and she confirmed that it's yeast. I completed the Monistat 3 over the counter treatment, and the infection seemed to be clearing up after the second night. However, one day passed after finishing the product and the symptoms have begun again.
Avatar f tn I got a yeast infection after taking the antibiotics I was prescribed so make sure if you get symptoms of a yeast infection you call your doctor
1386765 tn?1451164337 The symptoms are very similar to those of a yeast infection. 1/5 people carry this virus, I learned that at a conference last week. If you have had repeat yeast infections, it would be a good idea to be tested.
285848 tn?1219092313 I just started the 3 day pack of off brand monistat last night. I have all the symptoms but OMG (sorr tmi) I am itching so bad! Its driving me INSANE! I used the little cream for extra relief but it seemed to make it worse! I am cringing its itching so bad! lol I doubt theres anything I can do but does anyone know ANYTHING to make the itching stop?!
Avatar n tn Ask for the fluconazole tablet from your doctor. It'll treat your yeast infection better and faster than Monistat and is far more convenient since it's a single pill you only have to take once. Honestly, yeast isn't the only thing that can cause the same symptoms of a yeast infection, so I'd go to your ob and request a culture to make sure you're not working with a bacterial infection or anything more sinister...
Avatar f tn I was told I may have genital herpes. I developed a yeast infection while taking antibiotics for a sinus infection, unfortunately I didn't realize what it was and waited 5 days to go see a doctor. the last 2 days before I was seen urination was severely painful and my entire genital area was red and swollen. The day I saw the doctor I had blisters some of which had burst and were open. The doctor did no testing just diagnosed me with a yeast infection and herpes.
Avatar n tn My doctor has test for everything STD wise and I have come back clear. My test for yeast came back as heavy yeast. The yeast can cause all those symptoms you are having when it has overwhelmed your body like mine. I have been treating it with some pretty heavy stuff and it still comes back. The concern is why? Why does it keep coming back? My doctor is now testing for diabetes and possible thyroid problems.
Avatar f tn continuation of symptoms may call for a second round of treatment. Visit the doctor to make sure a yeast infection was the proper diagnosis. Yeast infections are normal occurrences in woman.
Avatar n tn I got infected about seven weeks ago, and had my first symptoms about five days after our last sexual encounter. They lasted about two and a half weeks. I got on medication about two weeks ago (Valtrex) and to my surprise and disappointment about a week ago I started to have my second recurrence. It came just before my period came, but I also got a yeast infection. My questions are: Is it normal to get a recurrence so often?
Avatar n tn My question is wether it is possible that my yeast infection is due to HIV infection but just hasnt showed in my blood yet? Is it possible for symptoms to show before antibodies are created in the blood?
608005 tn?1234186146 I have never had a yeast infection so I don't really know how soon after having sex symptoms would appear. I also don't know that you can get a yeast infection from sex...maybe if he had sex with another girl that had one, I'm not sure though. I think that including the guys size and the fact that the sex was rough was relevant because those two factors could be contributing to the fact that you are sore and swollen.
Avatar f tn I'm 38 weeks and I've had a yeast infection for awhile. They gave me a 7 day cream 2 weeks ago. That didn't get rid of it. A week ago at my last appointment they gave me 2 pills. I took 1 and then I took the other 3 days later (like it said to do) but I'm 99% sure I still have a yeast infection. I see my Dr again tomorrow. Has anyone else had an infection that wouldn't go away?
Avatar n tn Does an initial outbreak of herpes last this long? (Over four weeks). Can a yeast infection last this long? They can only perform blood tests in this country, (for whatever reason), so how long should I wait before I get a blood test for herpes? I am sorry for the barrage of questions, but I would really appreciate some further insight into my situation. Thank you for your time.
Avatar f tn Going to depend how bad the infection is. And btw curing the infection is how symptoms go away lol. Wow ppl are so clueless. And my doctor has a list of what to take for everything when you pregnant. And monistat 7 isn't one. Monistat 3, gyne-lotrimin, terazole (prescription) and fluconazole (prescription). No 1 day creams. This is specifically for yeast infections.
Avatar m tn I suspect I could have contracted a yeast or bacterial infection from this woman, or herpes. For the last 2 days I've been on what amounts to a "candida diet" (no alcohol, caffeine, starches, etc...,). The last two days I've had an occasional mild fever (mostly at night), general malaise, and some headaches; the fever being what has concerned me most.
Avatar f tn ars symptoms (early signs of a recent infection) come at 2-4 weeks post infection and last for 1-2 weeks. these symptoms come at once...leave together. the symptoms that you are describing are NOT indicative of hiv infection. dont really know what more to say other than TEST TO KNOW YOUR STATUS.
Avatar m tn as petal already recommended, be seen every single time you think you have a yeast infection for proper testing to make sure it really is yeast going on at this point.
Avatar f tn I went to my doctor and she told me monistat was on the safe list and that I did indeed have a yeast infection!
Avatar n tn On and off, I had to avoid sex with him because of the yeast infections. A week and a half ago, I was treated for a yeast infection. I felt that the symptoms were gone, but the doctor said she could still see that I had it, and gave me a prescription. Five days passed, and I had no symptoms. I thought it would alright to have sex. My boyfriend and I had sex, and things felt fine. Ten minutes passed afterwards, that I felt alright.
Avatar m tn Ok. If its not yeast, what else could it be? It has the symptoms of a yeast infection such as redness, itching and it goes away everytime i apply the yeast cream but it comes back once a while. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Yesterday I googled several of my symptoms and a page came up with many of symptoms listed as a product of a yeast infection (Candidiasis). Has anyone ever heard of this before? Is this possible? If so, can I be tested and/or treated for it? Any advice would be helpful!!!
Avatar n tn I am asking this question because about 18 hours after using the Ovule, I am still exhibiting typical yeast infection symptoms and I am miserable. I sort of want to go buy the Seven-day Cream and start using it only because I know it works. I bought the Ovule because I thought it got rid of all symptoms much quicker than the cream. Bottom line, I'm wondering it it would be harmful to use two different Monistat products at the same time. Thanks for any and all responses!