
What is vesicare used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is vesicare used for


1188179 tn?1350116119 Thank you very much for your input- it is appreciated!
Avatar m tn I have very similar symptoms, and was curious about asking my doctor for vesicare. I apologize since you're looking for an answer and all I have is questions, but I'm hoping you can help me decide if this medication can help me. I'm a 23 years old male, and have had pretty severe OAB symptoms since I can remember. So bad I have publicly wet my self for not being able to get to a bathroom fast enough.
1056851 tn?1318720978 GP has put me on Vesicare 5mg. It is to help my incontinence. Anyone else taking this? How is it?
Avatar m tn I am scheduled this Friday (the 19th of Feb) for a cystoscope/with dmso...which is how I was diagnosed with IC to beging after this procedure back 06 I had some pain for the first couple of days....but, it helped a great deal...but, I am uncertain as rather the Vesicare and/or the Elmiron is causing my blood pressure to raise....or if it is the combination of the two medications.... I have tried Detrol and Detrol LA and, neither of those help me....
721523 tn?1331581802 I also was given samples for 3 drugs and all three have the heat warning. Seems it lowers your sweat ability, thus making you twice as likely to overheat. I will ask my neurologist next week before I entertain any of these, as I travel in the summer to a cooler climate due to the heat bothering my MS symptoms so bad. You are in an area that has even more humidity than where I presently am! I will let you and the rest of the forum know what I find out, since my visit is sooner than yours.
Avatar n tn Hi, The bladder spasms can make the bladder wall contract even before the bladder is completely full making the patient visit the toilet frequently. The muscle relaxants like vesicare are used for the treatment. However other methods can also be used like avoiding drinking things that act as bladder irritants such as sodas, alcohol or coffee. In some patients, electrical stimulation is applied to the nerves controlling spasms to make them relax.
Avatar m tn The urologist I used to work for would probably do an IVP next, I think. CT scans supposedly make it obsolete, but CT scans deliver quite a bit more radiation. He used IVPs to identify stones, mostly. Not all stones show on plain x-rays, but an IVP shows blockage even if the stone doesn't show up on the film.
Avatar n tn Ok here goes: I'm 28/female, pretty healthy ... on 10/6, about 1 week before I was to leave for Vegas I was extremely nervous about flying. Out of the blue I started having frequent urination problems. No urgency (meaning I could hold it if I had too) but just frequent trips to the bathroom. No real pain or anything. I have an underlying anxiety disorder that is not controlled and I did start to panic about these symptoms which in turn probably made them worse.
Avatar f tn I had to switch to a really high fibre diet (like 35g of fibre) from a food list from the dietician. Not all fibre is good, for example some is better for diarhea such as oats. I tried benefibre it didn't work for me either. Bran and grains are the best according to the hospital. I now take flax oil, and ground flax seed, in smoothies with berries juice and yogurt in the morning, followed by lots of water.
Avatar m tn 4)mg but the urge to urinate was there all the time so my doctor added (Vesicare 5mg). It was good for few weeks but then the urge got stronger and I was again given Bactrim DS for 4 weeks and now even with Bactrim DC I am not feeling any better. Few days back the doctor increased the dose of Floamx to 0.8 mg and stopped the Vesicare. It did not help and the urge to urinate is there all the time and there is tightness in the bladder. I also took Celebrex for few days and it helped a little bit.
Avatar f tn The VERY sad part is that while playing the waiting game is that you are not being treated if it is MS....(Hope I made sense..Lol) You know your body better than anyone else and what is and is not normal for you. Be your own BEST advocate! Remember to keep all your test results, MRI result, and all other Medical Records for yourself. Make it easier when going to another Neuro to have it all at hand. Wishing you luck!
Avatar m tn I'm using Vesicare and Lyrica and I just got my urinalysis result and they're normal. Can Vesicare and Lyrica affect urinalysis? Are they antibiotics?
Avatar n tn does anyone get headaches from taking vesicare?? They seen to go away with advil. Anyone had these symptons, did they lessen with longer use of vesicare??
Avatar n tn About four months, I had symptoms that were consistent with a UTI (burning during urination, frequent urination, lower back pain). I went to my PCP and although the urinanalysis showed nothing, my PCP put me on Cipro. After a week of that, I still had symptoms, so I went back. I had a pelvic exam and did another urinanalysis (again negative). My PCP gave me an antispasmodic and a numbing pill for the burning sensation (I don't remember the name of it, but it turned my urine orange).
Avatar n tn Hello, Fatigue and dry mouth and dyspepsia are frequent side effects of Vesicare but it is unlikely to cause any sore throat. Your sore throat can be due to some viral infection. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and use over-the-counter throat lozenges. Salt water gargle is also a good way to relieve a sore throat. In addition, you can take anti inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) after consulting your general physician.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
Avatar f tn I wonder if it helps with the burning because it helps with the urgency and perhaps (some leakage) and urine is / can be quite acidic /irritating and that may be what is causing the burning in the private parts. While you are taking it the sx go away because you no longer have the urgency / spasms??? so no leakage = no burning?? I guess you could kind of look at it like how some babies are more prone to a diaper 'Rash".
Avatar f tn can someone please tell that which medicine works best for OAB ........VESICARE,ENABLEX OR DETROL LA..........I m male and 29 yrs old ,can i also take detrol la.....Any response should be highly appreciated..........
Avatar m tn said I had a stenosis and atrophy of the urethra. Gave me a script for Vesicare but told me to wait a few days to see how procedure goes. also mentioned estrogen Creme. I am miserable....what should I do?
Avatar m tn I am a 23 yo M w/ no significant past medical history. For the past 7 months I have been experiencing bilateral testicular pain only upon palpation of my testicles on a certain area next to the epididymis bilaterally. At the same time I wake up in the middle of the night 3-4 times to urinate. I went to a urologist who said I have an inf inflamed testicular cyst on the right side and possibly a case of low grade epididymitis bilaterally. He also said most likely have overactive bladder.
Avatar f tn I'm 21 and I've recently started having an over active bladder (well that's what I think it is) so basically I have to pee all of the time, I began thinking a lot of it was mental, as I have to go 3 times before I can go to bed, even the slightest trickle, unless I cannot stop thinking about it. I have been put on medication for overactive bladder- vesicare, but it's not helping at all.
Avatar m tn Mind you I had a clean UTI at all the doctors, a good exam at my gyn but she sent me for ultrasound which was normal, and I had blood work done for all things including diabetes. Although my glucose came in at 101 and under 99 is the norm it wasn't cause for concern. I was worried about Intersitital Cystitis but both uro's dismissed it. So here I am on day 3 of Vesicare. Anyone have experience with this? I feel like since on it my frequency is actually up a bit.
Avatar n tn I had an early miscarriage at the same time all of this started, but none of the doctors have found cysts and think that it is unrelated to what is happening now. I am desperate for some relief!