
What is adapalene used for

Common Questions and Answers about What is adapalene used for


Avatar n tn I got Differin from the doctor and used it for 6 months with no results. Is he to young to start to serious ritual? He is adopted and his birth mom has very serious acne. He is very worried about all these pimples. He started getting them at nine. The doctor told me they aren't really acne but I forgot what he called them so I could look them up.
Avatar n tn i had the same problem when i was little , you are eather allergic to something , or u have ur showers way to hot , or you sit around really hot things like heaters and steam all the time so ur body is just use to being extreamly warm alll the time
Avatar f tn clindamycin phosphate gel but now my face gets burning sensation and has got shine wherever I used that product. also the pimples which I had is turning into some kind of mark. I discontinued using after 10 days. Will it be proper by itself?
Avatar n tn Why is my skin rough and bumpy on my legs. I've all types of lotions and luffas to solve this problem and I don't know what else to do. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/243217'>little red bumps on arms legs</a>.
Avatar f tn this is known as off labeling...where a drug is intended for one purpose but used for this case insomnia......
Avatar f tn It occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar f tn I have had what I believe to be keratosis pilaris for years now. However, mine doesn't look like all of the pictures- the pilaris bumps in the pics look red, but mine are white. My skin is completely smooth, but it looks like I have permanent goosebumps because the spots are lighter than my skin. In the attached picture, my leg is completely smooth but it looks as if I have raised goosebumps. The spots are always there. Does anybody know if it is keratosis pilaris or something else?
Avatar m tn ve seen two products work well for people- one is called Proactive and the other is Unblemish by Rodan and Fields- both of those products you should be able to Google and order from their web sites, if you wanted to give one a try.
Avatar n tn Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms you are right in guessing because it indeed looks like keratosis pilaris. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar n tn It has been around for several years. It is not eczema as I have been exposed to that before and know what it looks like. My condition is hardly even classifiable as a rash. The bumps are skin colored, small, and only become red if I scratch at them. They are spaced 2-4" apart and cover the back of my legs and the surrounding vicinity. They do not itch or hurt, but they are unattractive in certain lights. Do these symptoms resemble something easily recognizable?
Avatar n tn s not itchy but I feel the roughness on my skin...I just want to know if what causes this there something to do with my giving birth (hormonal changes)? Please help me..
Avatar f tn I'm not sure what is causing this, but neem soap certainly treats a lot of skin conditions. You might want to give it a try.
Avatar m tn I am having Acne vulgaris on my face for the past seven years. Now I am 20 and I am Male. I used to take some ointments(clindamycin,benzoyl peroxide) but that had only temporary effects. Of late, I have started taking medications on the advice of a doctor who says that I have reached the Gr.IV satge of acne. It is given as follows: Isotretinoin 20 mg twice daily, body weight being 50 kg.
Avatar n tn What are these tiny white dots that appear on my skin whenever I sweat. they stay for a couple hours after and disappear by the next day completely, what are they? They only appear from my forearms to my elbow. is it Tinea versicolor, I ask this because my white spots are small and not large patches. Another question I have a goosebumps type rash on my left elbow that has been there for I don't know how many months, what is it?
Avatar m tn A couple years ago I was put on a cream that noticeably decreased and practically eradicated the acne I had. The cream contained adapelene, however, it was eventually taken off my insurance and became far too expensive. I used this cream in the winter, and as such I never had to worry about the risk of sun exposure with it. Recently I was told that Differin became over the counter, and worked well for acne. I didn't really know what was in it at the time, but it worked phenomenally!
Avatar m tn A couple years ago I was put on a cream that noticeably decreased and practically eradicated the acne I had. The cream contained adapelene, however, it was eventually taken off my insurance and became far too expensive. I used this cream in the winter, and as such I never had to worry about the risk of sun exposure with it. Recently I was told that Differin became over the counter, and worked well for acne. I didn't really know what was in it at the time, but it worked phenomenally!
Avatar n tn Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.