
Warfarin information

Common Questions and Answers about Warfarin information


Avatar f tn re on a blood thinner like warfarin for some reason, they may aim for 2.0 - 3.0. In some cases where clotting is a real problem they may push it up to 2.5 to 3.5. Does that help? Do you have a heart or clotting disorder? Work with your doctor on that. They can control it but you'd have to be monitored regularly.
Avatar n tn This is exactly what I read in The Coumadin (Warfarin) Help Book. Since my husband has been taking his Warfarin before his evening meal & his INR has been keeping fairly level. And that's good news, we want no more Strokes.
Avatar n tn ginger and glucosamine sulfate will affect coumadin (warfarin) I'm on warfarin and can't take ginger or glucosamine and a host of other supplements.
233622 tn?1279334905 The clearance of R-warfarin is generally half that of S-warfarin, thus as the volumes of distribution are similar, the half-life of R-warfarin is longer than that of S-warfarin. The half-life of R-warfarin ranges from 37 to 89 hours, while that of S-warfarin ranges from 21 to 43 hours. Studies with radiolabeled drug have demonstrated that up to 92% of the orally administered dose is recov-ered in urine. Very little warfarin is excreted unchanged in urine.
Avatar m tn Hello, Dermatitis, urticaria, alopecia, rash, bullous eruptions, pruritus, and pallor have been reported infrequently with use of warfarin. If you are having these symptoms after use of warfarin then you can talk to your physician and get dabigatran prescribed as an alternative to warfarin. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.
Avatar n tn To date there have been no reports of an important interaction in humans between warfarin and clopidogrel. Nonetheless, because warfarin increases the risk of bleeding, blood tests to measure the degree to which the blood is anti-coagulated or thinned (prothrombin time; INR) may be ordered to assess the degree of blood-thinning when warfarin and clopidogrel are used together.
Avatar f tn I am having an angiogram in 5 days time and i am worried as they cannot put stents in because i am on Warfarin (Comadum} and they cannot give me another blood thinner for the platlets as they do when they put in stents. I have just turned 60. Thanks a mill!
1013028 tn?1250923267 Thrombosis can be prevented with heparin administration and treated with heparin and warfarin. If clots occur heparin followed by warfarin ( coumadin )is usually prescribed. Higher-than-usual doses of warfarin may be needed. Warfarin or Coumadin is prescribed to prevent strokes arising from atrial fibrillation and DVTs forming in the legs usually.
Avatar m tn 9 Months ago I had a DVT, Which broke off and became a PE. The DVT was in my Left Knee, and after 3 months of using Warfarin and several Ultrasounds and VQ Scans Later I was diagnosed as Fine and no more need for the Warfarin.
Avatar m tn What anxiety drugs can I take that do not interact with Warfarin or Metoprolol? I have taken Lorazepam, and while it works quite well, its calming effects are too short lived.
612551 tn?1450022175 The Plavix is widely advertised and available in the USA. I have discussed with my cardiologist in past years. He said, no way is it a substitute fo warfarin... but again I tolerate warfarin well. But too, I've never had any severe cuts while on warfarin.
Avatar n tn Thanks for the input. And you are right, passing it by the doctor is smart!
Avatar m tn hi there, i am taking warfarin and lately a lot of information i have read has said that guys that are on blood thinners should not uses **** rings. wondering why is this?
325086 tn?1217971180 Steve, Thanks a million for posting this link for others. Just had a friend undergo a liver & kidney transplant last week and I'm going to share this link & information with her Surgeon. Any more information you know about would be greatly appreciated. Do most patients that develop cirrhosis of the liver due to drinking, end up getting Hep C? If so, can you explain why?
3287038 tn?1398422427 At a minimum your mom has a score of 2 and those with a CHADS2 score ≥ 2 should receive a blood thinner such as warfarin. If this information raises questions as to why your mom is on both aspirin and warfarin I would recommend clarifying this with your mom’s specialist. Being on both does increase her risk of bleeding which is always the trade-off with these treatments. So let’s talk about rhythm control since that leads into your question about cardioversion.
Avatar n tn I'm on Warfarin 6mg a day and have been told that it's not good for me to spend a lot of time out in the sun. Is this true? I'm also on 600mg of Gabapentin and would like to know more about it, also the Dr. has me on 2000mg of Vit. D3 a day and I was wondering if this is important and if so is it enought?
Avatar f tn Given that yesterday he said to not take the warfarin he was changing me from the genertic warfarin and putting me on the brand name of the med coumadin. Said some folks do not tolerate warfarin well but do well on coumadin and i am to start the coumadin today. I would be lying if i didn't say i am a bit gunshy at this point. This med has made me absolutely miserable and today is my 43rd bday...
Avatar n tn Obviously the doctor will prescribe, but I can offer the following information about AFib verses (if that's the correct relationship) PVC. While AFib causes "extra", indeed maybe "premature" VC, AFib has the additional risk of clot (stroke) formation due the the fibrillation of the Atrium. In general the medication for AFib is rate control (keep the ventricle rate below 100 at rest) and clot mitigation.
Avatar m tn Been on warfarin and lopressor for a few years now, but wondering if I'm better off with Aspirin ( 80 ) mg. or so. Side effects have been limited, but somelack of erectness. Thanks in Advance !
Avatar n tn I have been on Warfarin for over a month and suddenly developed a rash on my arms and legs. What can I do about it?