
Viagra blog

Common Questions and Answers about Viagra blog


Avatar n tn Thank you to the owner of this blog. Because this blog is very informative for me.. this type of blog have a lot information that has help me. Does any one have comments on generic viagra I found this website about generic viagra Generic viagra but I will like to know if anyone has use this website before or maybe can recomment another website.
Avatar n tn //www.forhims.
Avatar m tn It seems similar to porn addiction where you need novelty to keep getting the dopamine hit. I have ED and Viagra can barely get me erect for a woman. This is a great blog and I am attempting to abstain from masturbation and my love addiction following the prescribed path here. Does anyone have an opinion if this is the path for someone like me?
Avatar m tn I went to my doctor and told him my problem and he told me he thought it was performance anxiety and so he prescribed me 15mg of viagra. Since then I have taken it when I hooked up with a girl in anticipation of sex( i was put on viagra around 2 months ago) and for whatever reason, to be fair not my own doing, I have not got to a situation to have sex (eg she had work early, no place to go, etc). I met a nice girl who does not live in the same country.
4489852 tn?1375753951 This is not a question, but I wanted to post my blog on here for other people to read if they wanted to. I had a hard time finding a chiari blog that was kept up to date and was current, so I wanted to start one not only so that i could have record of everything, but also so that other people could read my story and see that they are not alone in this fight. This is the blog I started in April.
1853014 tn?1340038575 I think this is the blog you are talking about. It is excellent. You can see there are many, many pages of valuable information. Plus it is written very well and has some humor too. http://hep-free.
Avatar m tn s a treatment that worked in near 100% of cases. Viagra combined with complete abstinence from all gaming as well as pornography. In some cases viagra was needed for only a short time while others required up to 6 months. However gaming and porn must never be started up again. There is a very complex neurobiological reason. Do not continue Viagra for longer than is needed. You Medical professional must evaluate you for potential side effects.
Avatar n tn Hi, Viagra will prolong your erection but I’ll suggest you to consult your physician before starting on Viagra and rule out certain important diseases like hypertension, coronary artery disease before starting on Viagra. Viagra can cause hypotension (low BP) and can tend to worsen hypertension and coronary artery disease. I hope that helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts. Kind regards.
Avatar f tn Please try Viagra if you are a woman who has MS. The study for efficacy of Viagra in women which is currently in progress is a study for sexual enhancement for women. So it has nothing to do with MS. Viagra increases blood flow and it helps a lot. It will drop your blood pressure and you don't want it to drop to a dangerous level, so you need to monitor it. Start with the minimum effective dose which is 25mg and see if it does something for you.
Avatar n tn I was diagnose with clogged arteries over a year ago. I even had a stent put in because one of my arteries was ecluded. I still had stable angina every time I did some for of cardio activity or is I ate something with sodium. I started using Nitroglycerin patches and even have the pills just in case my angina episode occurs. I had a date and I read online that you can't take viagra and any nitrates cause it can drop your blood pressure really low.
Avatar m tn Viagra to act, you need your libido, desire to have sex. Viagra will act if you already have libido.Take the help of a doctor for a complete treatment.
Avatar m tn Recently I used some viagra two hours before an encounter with my date. I started drinking after the taking the Viagra. The viagra did not work....I took another one and waited awhile and it still didn't work...I took one more and waited a while with no results.... I have used alcohol with viagra before and I performed well. Can someone tell what the issue might be...Its puzzling because I don't know why it didn't work. I could not maintain a hard enough erection to penetrate her...
Avatar f tn Nitrates (nitrogen oxide donors) should not be taken with Viagra. Concomitant use of Viagra and nitrates may cause severe drop in blood pressure. I recommend you consult your cardiologist before using Viagra, and yes it may help in your case if it is not contraindicated.
Avatar n tn my partner takes viagra even when we are not going to have sex,he is not having an affair but i dont no why he does this,he will sometimes only take part of a tablet???
Avatar n tn Viagra gives me an erection but I can not ejaculate. Is there something in the drug that causes this?
Avatar m tn i am 38 and have no problem getting an erection. what would a viagra do for me if i wanted to give my wife a special night? any risks?
Avatar n tn Hello Doctor. My doctor prescribed me viagra for performance anxiety. I suffer from anxiety disorder. It worked great and sometimes didnt even need it. Ive been taking it usually a couple times a week. Last couple times I took it it dindnt work very well. Is there a tolerance build up to viagra? For a man like me who didnt physicaly need it, could it damage my penis and make me impotent? Been taking it for 4 months 2 to 3 times a week.
Avatar f tn Does Viagra cause infidelity? I caught my husband carrying a pill in his pocket, when I confronted him he said it was "just in case". I am worried about this is this a side effect? Appreciate an answer soon.