
Vesicare for bph

Common Questions and Answers about Vesicare for bph


1188179 tn?1350116119 Thank you very much for your input- it is appreciated!
721523 tn?1331581802 I've honestly never been clear on how the drugs for overactive bladder help people with urine retention. I have noticed though that several forum members with retention take them and figure there must be a good reason why they are prescribed. Can you clarify Lulu? If it's not too personal.... do you have an additional problem with distention incontinence or urge incontinence that this type of drug helps control? Inquiring minds (or at least this one little mind) want to know.
Avatar n tn My uro MD has suggested cryotherapy for My BPH. I have not read or heard much about it being used for this. Would love to know more opinions before going this route.
Avatar m tn I have very similar symptoms, and was curious about asking my doctor for vesicare. I apologize since you're looking for an answer and all I have is questions, but I'm hoping you can help me decide if this medication can help me. I'm a 23 years old male, and have had pretty severe OAB symptoms since I can remember. So bad I have publicly wet my self for not being able to get to a bathroom fast enough.
Avatar n tn Ok here goes: I'm 28/female, pretty healthy ... on 10/6, about 1 week before I was to leave for Vegas I was extremely nervous about flying. Out of the blue I started having frequent urination problems. No urgency (meaning I could hold it if I had too) but just frequent trips to the bathroom. No real pain or anything. I have an underlying anxiety disorder that is not controlled and I did start to panic about these symptoms which in turn probably made them worse.
Avatar m tn I recently rang a number in an advertisement for BPH stating "WE provide a non-surgical non-invasive treatment programme for BPH which can relieve you of all these embarrassing and irritating symptoms"I was told it was a course of treatment of an oral medication made by natural means and would cost around $3000.00 per month and would remove all symptoms.
Avatar m tn I'm using Vesicare and Lyrica and I just got my urinalysis result and they're normal. Can Vesicare and Lyrica affect urinalysis? Are they antibiotics?
Avatar n tn does anyone get headaches from taking vesicare?? They seen to go away with advil. Anyone had these symptons, did they lessen with longer use of vesicare??
1056851 tn?1318720978 GP has put me on Vesicare 5mg. It is to help my incontinence. Anyone else taking this? How is it?
Avatar n tn I am 64 years old and have had BPH symptoms for about eighteen years. My symptoms have become progressively more severe with time and I probably should be considering some form of surgical intervention. Although the various surgical options are effective, I do not perceive any of them to be an elegant approach to this problem. Therefore, I have made a decision to do nothing in the surgical arena until I absolutely have no other choice.
Avatar m tn 4)mg but the urge to urinate was there all the time so my doctor added (Vesicare 5mg). It was good for few weeks but then the urge got stronger and I was again given Bactrim DS for 4 weeks and now even with Bactrim DC I am not feeling any better. Few days back the doctor increased the dose of Floamx to 0.8 mg and stopped the Vesicare. It did not help and the urge to urinate is there all the time and there is tightness in the bladder. I also took Celebrex for few days and it helped a little bit.
Avatar m tn I underwent TURP on 11 th Feb for BPH and got discharged after 5 days after removal of catheter I am having a small flow of urine leaking in standing posture and walking mode. My urologist advised Kegel exercise which I am doing.
Avatar m tn (about three years ago) I was ok for awhile and, now the severe pain has returned....which meant I had to return to my urologist....He gave me elmiron and vesicare to treat the IC....the Elmiron never helped my pain and, the Vesicare took my blood pressure from 113/72 pulse 68 to 153/103 pulse 122...I contacted my urologist and, he stated...that's not true ... neither of these meds would cause your blood pressure to go up...well, I called him back four days later...
Avatar n tn It all started initially with frequent urination for which my primary care physician put me on a dose of Vesicare (Solifenacin). I took it for about a week, and was fine for few days, but then the symptoms again showed up. In the meantime, he had me take urine culture tests, blood tests, and a did a physical exam of my prostate. They all seemed to be normal. I was referred to a urologist who then told it may be a case of non bacterial prostatitis, although I did not have any pain.
Avatar f tn can someone please tell that which medicine works best for OAB ........VESICARE,ENABLEX OR DETROL LA..........I m male and 29 yrs old ,can i also take detrol la.....Any response should be highly appreciated..........
Avatar m tn I am a 69 year old male with BPH, and a father who had prostate cancer for 15 years, but did not die from it. I have had two bouts of acute prostatitis causing complete retention in the last 7 years, one requiring catheterization. My PSA averages around 2.0, and I take Proscar and Cardura daily. My BPH symptoms are fairly mild causing only about one or two nights a month of nocturia, reduced urine flow, and hardly ever the feeling of urgency.
Avatar n tn The second possible problem could be an enlarged prostate (BPH) causing obstruction of the urethra resulting in retention. BPH usually occurs slowly over decades and I suspect your father was not emptying his bladder completely 3 months prior to the retention episode. This problem (BPH) occurs in over 80% of men. An Alpha blocker (Urimax) is the appropriate drug to try. The question is what to do when the Urimax and prolonged catheter drainage do not reestablish normal voiding?
Avatar f tn So with all that being said my two questions are is it possible for me to have BPH? And is the doctor right or should I be looking for someone different since his comment kind of caused me to lose a little bit of confidence in him. Thanks in advance and sorry if I didn't catch any typos!
Avatar f tn My grandfather was operated for bph for which TURP was done and was catheterised for 21 days,now his catheter was removed but he developed urinary retention and catheterised again is there any way his catheter can be removed and he can urinate normally,his age is 81yrs?