Vaginal discharge no smell

Common Questions and Answers about Vaginal discharge no smell


Avatar n tn As long as it doesn't smell/have blood like colors to it you're fine. My doctor told me we get more during pregnancy to help prevent infections.
Avatar f tn I seen the response you gave to the question above and it sounded a lot like what was going on with me. I have like a creamy like white discharge, no burning no itching no foul odor, In fact I did see how it smelled deep inside and it doesn't have a smell, but I'm worried about if it's normal or not. Anyone know if this sounds normal or not, I'm very worried!
Avatar f tn No need to worry, vaginal discharge is completely normal, its your vaginas way of cleaning itself. Vaginal discharge can smell like fish, or sometimes french fries. Dont worry about the smell or the color. And just because you dont have your period but you are producing discharge, it doesnt mean something is wrong with you. I had vaginal discharge a year before i started my period at 12 years old.
Avatar n tn im havin a very pale greenis discharge without any smell,itching or 16 weeks pregnant with a history of a single miscarriage.
Avatar n tn for a few days now i have been having some white discharge. at first when me and my partner had intercourse we noticed white sandy like discharge that doesn't smell. i still have that but also i am having a white and sticky and smelly discharge too. and me and my partner can't seem to be intimate these days due to the fact that it really hurts me and it feels like an itchy burning really scared and confused as to what this can be? can anyone help?
Avatar n tn I've been having some discharge with a really "fishy" smell for a while now. Its not clumpy at all, and it has no color... its kind of transparent. I've been tested for any type of STD and the results came back negative. Could it be a Yeast Infection?
Avatar n tn i have vaginal discharge everyday, whiteish/clear and white or yellow when it dries. but my question is it normal? and also is it normal that even though i get the discharge throughout the day, when its time for me and my boyfriend to get "intimate" why do i find myself so dry "down there" ? its really embarassing when we have to get out the lotion before sex and im only 19years old. is that normal?
Avatar f tn Douching disturbs the natural balance of the vagina. It is a self cleaning mechanism and rarely needs assistance getting things out that don't belong. Vaginal discharge is normal in a healthy vagina and very much needed. If you are unhealthy in that area, the vagina will let you know through strong, pugnent smells to having an intense itch or burning to yellow/green/milky/or lumpy discharge.
Avatar n tn iam 13years old and i have alot of discharge and i went to the doctor and they said everything was fine but its smells bad down there all the time like ill b in school and i can smell myself.
Avatar f tn I have vaginal discharge on the regular and have seen two different doc in the pass 8 months they said my test came back normal no bc, yeast infection, stds, or utf. I do have a history of yeast infections and bacterial inf. But in this case im just constantly wet.n discharging what could be the problem???
Avatar f tn Hello, Going by your symptoms, it looks like bacterial vaginosis to me. It is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal odor and discharge. In addition to unpleasant "fishy" vaginal odor, thin white or yellowish discharge from vagina may also be present. Diagnosis can be confirmed after pelvic examination and microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge. Treatment is by metronidazole and clindamycin. The other possibility which should be ruled out is of a rectovaginal fistula.
Avatar f tn Are you already pregnant? It sounds similar to the discharge that is produced during ovulation.
Avatar n tn s in the last few months and after that went away I started to have an odor in my urine and shortly after that in my discharge. I have no pain, no sickness, just odor. I have never had a smell from there in my life, I had no idea that a vagina could actually smell this bad. Has anyone ever experienced this?
Avatar f tn My problem is my vaginal smell that seems to stay no matter what I do. Im seventeen and have been tested for everything , and everything came back negative. I did take the Depo shot for birth control and I now have the Mirena. I've never been pregnant, I recently had surgery for my Fallopian tube tying but other than I can't think of anything that may cause this awful smell. it's gotten to the point I'm too embarrassed to get up from my desk.
Avatar f tn I'm about seven days late and I have this clear runny wet vaginal discharge. I got it around the day I would normally start my period and I still have it now. I'm really worried. I have never experienced this type of discharge it has a slight smell but it doesn't stink.
Avatar n tn Theres always cramps and a foul stinch from my vagina. The smell is fishy at times but sometimes it actually smells like gas. There is no itching, burning, or irritation. The color of the discharge is white/sometimes yellowish. The smell is loud and I sometimes smell it through my clothing. It's so embarrassing. I don't know what it is...could you help me out?
Avatar f tn one to a yellowish very foul smelling one. (The smell is hard to explain but its not my normal smell). I change my underwear like 3-6 times a DAY! I still shower my normal amout of showers because I know of the good bacteria. But the smell is starting to scare me. I've never smelled this way or had this color. The discharge will continue until my next period (which are abnormal so idk when it's coming) and after my period it repeats the cycle. So I constantly have this smellyness to me.
Avatar n tn No its not normal. You may have a vaginal infection. Green, foul smell, and itching are all signs of an infection. Those are the main things to look out for. You should see a doctor promptly.
Avatar f tn After about 3 months in the relationship we started having unprotected sex. The vaginal itching suddenly returned. This time, no discharge or foul smell. The itching was strictly confined to the external vagina. It's a terrible itch that i experience every month, a week after my period. The vagina looks and smells normal, it just itches! Does someone have any idea what is happening to me? Could my previous condition be returning? Could it be an STD?
Avatar f tn Im having a problem with vaginal odor and am looking for a wau to get rid of smell really bad on the inside mainly,everytime i had sex with may bf has smelled and i can smell it on may pants and even when i am just sitting down. I've never had this problem before and dont smell anywhere else. Please help me is greatly appreciated..
Avatar f tn t do thing with them anymore because the smell is so strong. if i can get rid of the smell iwould be so doctor is no help if anyone know a doctor that can help with vaginal smell in grand rapid mi area please let me know.
Avatar f tn Bright red, with or without pain may be a concern. See your Dr. Clear or white with no smell discharge is usually normal. If you're having a lot, like you need to change during the day, see your Dr. It's easy to get infections during pregnancy, but usually very treatable and not dangerous to your baby. Hope that helps!