
Trigeminal neuralgia treatment side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Trigeminal neuralgia treatment side effects


Avatar n tn It’s available in most health food and vitamin stores. It needs to be applied four times a day. But if it relieves your pain without side effects, it’s worth it. Some people do experience discomfort at first, because the cream increases the pain signals before decreasing them, a side effect that generally subsides after several days of continued use. Just make sure you wash your hands after you use it and DON'T touch your eyes until you wash your hands!! It helped my mother-in-law!
Avatar n tn com, you can put in tegretol then neurontin then lyrica and look at the prescribing info for all three medicines to see if the side effects you are experiencing on tegretol are also listed as a side effect of either neurontin or lyrica. If it is not, then discussing a possible switch to neurontin or lyrica with your doctor might be worthwhile.
Avatar n tn i have been treated for tmj for 5 years with no relief and then i had an arthrocentesis done and still no relief. now my doc tells me i have trigeminal neuralgia and is going to give me an injection into that nerve. what i want to know is there side effects of this injection? and can trigeminal neuralgia cause pain in the back of the head where the skull meets the spine. i have had continuous pain there worse then ever. i am now on neurontin and baclofen and it helps extremely.
Avatar f tn Carbamazepine (Tegretol) was first used to treat trigeminal neuralgia in the 1990s. Because of its success in treating that painful condition (which is very difficult to treat), it was then used to treat all kinds of neuropathic pain. While it may be useful, there are more modern medications that may help if you have a neuropathic pain problem -- for instance, Neurontin (gabapentin) and Lyrica (pregabalin).
Avatar m tn As many as 90% patients have reduction in symptoms after a month of treatment. Some side effects of facial numbness have been associated. Gamma knife surgery for trigeminal neuralgia has been a safe and effective treatment and better than traditional surgery. Take care.
Avatar m tn Traumatic trigeminal neuropathy is generally not associated with trigeminal neuralgia. However, both entities may be responsive to pharmacologic intervention. Seeing a neurologist or orofacial pain specialist misadvised.
Avatar m tn I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia and am currently taking BACLOFEN to help with the pain. I was treated with the Gamma Knife about a year ago without success. A friend also had TN and was treated with an alcohol shot to the face that had to be repeated about 4 weeks later. That was over 10 years ago and he has had NO pain since. I can find only passing references to the alcohol shot to the face. My question is where can I go to get this alcohol shot to the face?
347645 tn?1283220742 ve gone through a great deal. There are usually three treatment options for patients with trigeminal neuralgia. MVD, Rhizotomies, and Radiosurgery. Often times, treating patients with multiple modalities can increase the risk for side effects such as numbness and anesthesia dolorosa (painful numbness). Perhaps visiting a pain specialist next is a good step to reassess.
Avatar f tn Your symptoms do not exactly match the clinical picture of trigeminal neuralgia but you should continue with the treatment and do notgo in for complicated details.The treatment consists of medicines, surgery, and complementary approaches. For more information refer
Avatar n tn I have recently been diagnosed with atypical trigeminal neuralgia , I have severe crushing pain top and bottom of my right jaw pain into the cheek and across to my nose, ear ache and some neck pain. All the pain is in the right side and stops exactly in the middle of my face. (I dont get a headache with it . the attacks have lasted up to 12 hours with no reprieve until i got some tablets from my doctor.
Avatar n tn I am going twice a week to a Chiropractor to get relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia .He is an expert in in nerve pain treatment.I have Trigeminal Neuralgia since Nov ember 20001..I took Homeopathic treatment,Accupuncture treatment..Since one and half years I am taking Gabapentin,colonzepam,baclofom etc.Pain goes and come.some times it almost blind me due to severe pain. Is there anyone who got cure by Chiropractor.
Avatar f tn Could compression or stretching of the trigeminal nerve during surgery cause damage which is causing this neuralgia and head ache. I have no infection and normal blood counts. After trying two steriod dose packs and a Zpack suggested by my neurosurgeon, I went to a general practioner to make sure I had no infection or other cause. Except having high blood pressure, which I usually have low blood pressure, everything was within normal limits. I feel the BP is due to pain.
Avatar f tn This may be Trigeminal neuralgia as you have typical one sided facial pain extending to temple and eye( ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve may be involved) and sore gums of the teeth of same side (maxillary branch of 5th nerve). Trigeminal neuralgia may have a triggering factor like recent history of tooth extraction, touch, cold breeze or hot sensation etc. which you need to evaluate and avoid.
Avatar f tn Hello, In your case, I think that it can be trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is very painful swelling (inflammation) of the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that delivers feeling to the face and "surface" of the eye. Trigeminal neuralgia causes severe, short-lasting (only a few seconds) facial pain on the side of the affected nerve even by slight touch. Mostly affects elderly females. May be caused in multiple sclerosis also.
Avatar n tn In all probability, you are suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. For medical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia several types of drugs are tried either singly or in combination. These are anti-epilepsy drugs such as valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, gabapentin, and pregabalin; muscle relaxants such as clonazepam and baclofen; tricyclic antidepressants such as carbamazepine, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline.
Avatar f tn Which medication are you on? All of the anticonvulsants can cause side effects, but some people report they get used to the drugs after a few weeks. Be aware that the drugs used to treat TN can cause depression -- as if dealing with the diagnosis isn't depressing enough! They can also make you drowsy. My doctor suggested I take a NoDoz with the daytime doses. But talk to your doctor, because caffeine can be a trigger for some people. People describe a "brain fog" feeling.
Avatar f tn I can understand what your going through with the Trigeminal Neuralgia, I myself was just in the ER about a month ago with a severe attack on my left side eye/cheek area. This has turned my TN into Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia due to a right sided attack in my cheek and jaw area about 2 years ago. I was ordered to see a Neurologist also and MRI's are being ordered. The TN on my left side has been coming and going ever since but minor and on occasion, Thank god!
404715 tn?1233829631 Not having any doctors here to help me I went out of town to an emergency where they then put me on tegretol and told me I most likley have trigeminal neuralgia and set up an appointment with a neurologist.I was on tegretol for two weeks and waiting to go to my neurologist appointment but the pain was still unbearable so I went to the emergency in my city where they changed my meds and put me on neurotin which took a week to work and most of the pain is gone.
Avatar n tn Not until I got on the cholesterol medication Simvastatin did I get Trigeminal Neuralgia. I refuse to take any anti seizure medications, the side effects are to dangerous. I take muscle relaxers and Advil as needed. After taking the statin drug Simvastatin I haven't been the same. I even got to the point that I was breathless. I took myself off the Simvastatin hoping the TN would go away, but it hasn't. I get half face headaches, throbbing, itching and can't be in the cold.
Avatar m tn Does Trigeminal Neuralgia worsen with age. I've tried Tegretol but the pain has some back agaiin after about a year and is very, very intense. It is like a needle made of glass penetrating the right side of my nose and going into my head. What is the best treatment for this and can it be cured completely. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/894401'>Trigeminal neuralgia more help</a>.
Avatar n tn Hello, From your symptoms the possibilities of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis need to be ruled out. Trigeminal neuralgia is painful swelling (inflammation) of the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that delivers feeling to the face and "surface" of the eye. Trigeminal neuralgia causes severe, short-lasting (only a few seconds) facial pain on the side of the affected nerve even by slight touch. Mostly affects elderly females. May be caused in multiple sclerosis also.
Avatar f tn From reading my info could this be trigeminal neuralgia or atypical trigeminal neuralgia, acute sinusitis, tinnitus, TMJ? Other than MRI are there any other procedures and scans that can be done to get a better look at my sinuses and internal ear. Can wisdom teeth cause these symptoms? My dentist recommends I extract all 4 wisdom tooth, can these extractions cause my symptom to increase.?
Avatar f tn Trigeminal neuralgia can come and go but your statement suggests that you probably had some type of nasal surgery or what is called percutaneous stereotactic radiofrequency rhizotomy, an effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia and one with lasting benefit. Thus the pain that you are now experiencing is unlikely to be related to the trigeminal neuralgia, as you yourself suggest.
Avatar f tn has suggested a diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia. I am on a wide host of medications but not getting relief. I have had MRI, CT scan, etc... What do you suppose I do next. Does this sound like a likely diagnosis?
624326 tn?1223829190 There is a fabulous site of the Facial Pain Association that deals with the various types of facial pain and is dedicated to the treatment of them. For MS (my forum) this is Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. I hope this also has good info for you.