
Trigeminal neuralgia gamma radiation

Common Questions and Answers about Trigeminal neuralgia gamma radiation


Avatar n tn my son developed trigeminal neuralgia after a dental procedure. he is presently on medication for it. he is 28 years old and what is research showing for future care.
Avatar m tn Has anyone had the gamma knife surgery and in doing so worried about radiation exposure? I know it is extremely high in order to destroy the nerve. I would love to know how people deal with and approach the fact even though the radiation is highly targeted, it is still approaching high theapuetic levels. I have pain in both sides of the trigeminal nerve and may need one dose to each side. The idea of that much radiation freaks me out to point I am consdiering Rhizotomy instead. Thanks!
Avatar m tn As many as 90% patients have reduction in symptoms after a month of treatment. Some side effects of facial numbness have been associated. Gamma knife surgery for trigeminal neuralgia has been a safe and effective treatment and better than traditional surgery. Take care.
Avatar f tn I have typical Trigeminal Neuralgia and had a Gamma Knife treatment 6 months ago. I was told to begin weaning off my medication (Trileptal). Since reducing the medication by 150 mg, I am once again experiencing TN pain triggered by chewing, talking, washing my face, etc. Is this normal when weaning off anti-seizure medications used for TN?
Avatar f tn I'm going to tell my story so it will be kind of long, but has a great end ing..promise;-). In 2011, at age 29, I noticed a sharp pain when I brushed my teeth. At the time, like many others, I assumed it was dental related. I went to the dentist and they found nothing wrong. As the weeks went on, the pain started happening when I talked, brushed, washed my face, clenched my teeth, slept, smiled, if the wind blew hard, etc. It was the WORST pain of my life.
Avatar m tn I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia and am currently taking BACLOFEN to help with the pain. I was treated with the Gamma Knife about a year ago without success. A friend also had TN and was treated with an alcohol shot to the face that had to be repeated about 4 weeks later. That was over 10 years ago and he has had NO pain since. I can find only passing references to the alcohol shot to the face. My question is where can I go to get this alcohol shot to the face?
Avatar m tn In 1974 similar pain started on the left side of face the surgeon diognised as trigeminal neuralgia in the 2nd branch. since than I am on tegretol and gabapentin, both this medicine do control attack, with the help of remmissions i have managed to avoid surgery, as this would lead to my entire face being numb for ever. The pain has returned just last week, after 2 years remission. I started on tegretol 200mg 3 times a day and neurontin 300mg twice a day.
Avatar n tn Thank you for your question. This may be Trigeminal neuralgia as you have typical one sided facial pain extending to temple and eye( ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve may be involved) and sore gums of the teeth of same side (maxillary branch of 5th nerve). Trigeminal neuralgia may have a triggering factor like recent history of tooth extraction, touch, cold breeze or hot sensation etc. which you need to evaluate and avoid.
Avatar n tn Treatment may include a specific form of directed radiation called gamma knife radiosurgery. This is a misleading term; this is NOT a type of surgery, it is just the use of radiation in a very focused beam so as to prevent damage of normal structures by radiation. Another treatment option is surgery to remove the mass. Tumors larger than 3 cm may not be amenable to radiation, and in such cases, microsurgical resection is the best option.
Avatar n tn I had Gamma-Knife Surgery 4 months ago for Trigeminal Neuralgia. After the surgery, I felt no different than before. However, recently, I began to feel a twinge in my lip like a oncoming cold sore. Two weeks later, I have almost complete numbness on the entire left side of my face. I am incredible greatful because my pain is gone, but I no longer feel anything. I feel as though I can't move my face even though the PA said it's all within the nerve not the muscle.
Avatar n tn I am going twice a week to a Chiropractor to get relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia .He is an expert in in nerve pain treatment.I have Trigeminal Neuralgia since Nov ember 20001..I took Homeopathic treatment,Accupuncture treatment..Since one and half years I am taking Gabapentin,colonzepam,baclofom etc.Pain goes and come.some times it almost blind me due to severe pain. Is there anyone who got cure by Chiropractor.
Avatar f tn m not under more stress than anyone else. 3 months ago I had gamma knife radiation for trigeminal neuralgia and am on seizure medicine. I can get these anytime of day. Am also on klonipin 3 x' per day . Afraid to drive or do anything else. Help no answers. What about dinner and flying. Afraid to do that. Neuro thinks i dont need to worry and its probable just stress.
2015036 tn?1332997788 Volume 71(3), September 2012, p 581–586 Outcomes After Percutaneous Surgery for Patients With Multiple Sclerosis-Related Trigeminal Neuralgia Mallory, Grant W. MD*; Atkinson, John L. MD*; Stien, Kathy J. RN*; Keegan, B. Mark MD‡; Pollock, Bruce E. MD*,§ CONCLUSION: Percutaneous surgery for patients with MS-TN is less likely to provide pain relief than similar operations performed for patients with idiopathic TN.
Avatar n tn I have a recent dx of Trigeminal Neuralgia from Primary Care and have been referred to Neurology for further evaluation. The pain distribution is unilateral and follows the sensory distribution of cranial nerve V at the maxillary area. History of previous trauma (neuroplasia) dates to 1997, though asymptomatic to current presentation. There is no prior history of TMJ, aneurysms, tumors or other common precipitants. I am 61 years old, consistent with typical onset.
Avatar f tn Gamma Knife is not new to TN. I had 2 rounds of Gamma Knife and 2 rounds of MVD. I still have TN and now I have Phantom pain from all of the treatments. The docs are going to try to restore the nerve and start all over again. Gamma knife runs about 150K per round. Insurance companies are hesitate to approve its use for TN now, since it only helps one-half of the TN patients. It is the least invasive of all treatments, the best of all worlds, ONLY if it works.
Avatar n tn Hi, It is difficult to treat such a persistent post herpetic neuralgia. If you have tried gamma ray knife surgery as well, then there is nothing much in the way of a treatment that can be done. You might have of course tried topical creams, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, steroids, local anesthetics, probably electrical nerve stimulation. If your doctor has not prescribed any of these, you may ask for them. There have been some cases where some amount relief is offered by meditation.
Avatar n tn I know that occipital neuralgia ( eye TN ) has ruinded peoples lives . Go to you tube, type in trigeminal neuralgia, and you will seee videos of a man who suffered from this ..........let me know how thing's go for you . Good Luck, I know the pain .
Avatar m tn I just had a nerve block procedure done for my trigeminal neuralgia pain in my face. My face was sore but after 3 days, the pain in my face became more painful and I felt more electrical current shooting onto my lower teeth area. Why does it seem like my facial pain just got worse after this procedure.
Avatar f tn ve been on opiate meds for 9 years for Trigeminal Neuralgia. I had brain surgery (twice) and both failed me leaving me with a diagnosis of Anesthesia Dolorosia. Not fun. In Feb. I decided to detox to see if I would be better...It was hard to find any opiate based drugs that really worked, however, I found Xanax 1 mg 5x/day has helped with the pain. When I was in rehab they gave me Klonopin and I had no pain for the first three days: Then, the pain in my face came back with a vengenance.
Avatar m tn I have had TN (Trigeminal Neuralgia) now for about 17 years. Sharp stabbing pain at times right side of face, usually centered around upper right teeth/top of lip/bottom of nose area. Have had two Gamma Knife procedures done 10/05 and then 10/08 after pain had returned early '08. Pain has returned this spring and continues. Recent MRI shows no changes from before.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had any experience with using Trignotab as an alternative treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia? I am posting this for a friend who does not have access to a computer. She has suffered from this condition for years (30+), has undergone surgery with short term success, has been assessed for gamma knife treatment but is not a candidate. She is currently taking trileptol and baclofen, and is not sure if she can take the Trignotab with these medications.
Avatar n tn hi again....I looked this up on MAYOCLINIC.COM its referred to as TRIGEMINAL follows the branches of the trigeminal nerve...look at the site for more info.
567677 tn?1246767776 he said to me well Utah does not have Medical Majiuana but for trigeminal neuralgia I can put you on Marinol the side effects will help you ... I asked him what it was and he told me I was just glad I wasn't presenting for it...
Avatar n tn Hi, I am not sure if this is something to worry about, but I've noticed in the last few months I can't move my right small toe. I used to be able to. I have trigeminal neuralgia and had a gamma knife procedure to alleviate the pain (it has helped greatly). I am currently taking neurontin, tegretol, and triliptol (not sure of spelling) to help with TN pain.
1175164 tn?1274116632 I have had Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia for almost four years. I also have Anesthesia Dolorosa. I was wondering what everyone's triggers are. I seem to have some that are not "textbook" like you read everywhere. For instance, I find that if I am anywhere with a lot of noise or external stimulation, I get triggered. Please share what you experience. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Also, I would love to have another child within the next 2 years and I wondered how the radiation of a gamma knife would affect that. I have been on tegretol forever and I hate it. The last 3 months that I was off it, I was a different person. I had so much energy and was like my old self. I am tired of being a brainless zombie who just wants to sleep all day. The tegretol is not working as well as it used to so I am going to have to do something. Any opinions would help. Thanks.
Avatar m tn gamma knife radiosurgery or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy, with a linear accelerator (linac), or proton therapy. In the gamma knife approach, 201 beams of gamma radiation are focused on the tumor in a single session. The damage to the tumor at the convergence point may cause it to stop growing but usually does not cause it to shrink in the long term. It may cause short-term shrinkage due to necrosis in the tumor. The damage may be to the tumor cells and/or to the tumor vasculature.