
Topamax panic attacks

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax panic attacks


3547166 tn?1347814000 Anyone on Topamax experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, increased depression, anxiety, panic attacks, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, aggression or an extreme increase in activity after taking this drug should inform their doctor immediately. You need an alternative antiepileptic at the earliest to reduce the frequency of your seizure attacks.Antiepileptics are prescribed based on the type of seizures. Consult your neurologist. Take care and regards!
Avatar m tn The reason I ask all the questions is I am curious about the usage. I have GAD and panic attacks but also tonic clonic seizures and mirages which is what it's intended for, however I have seen more and more neurologist using it to treat GAD and other panic type disorders.
1302779 tn?1287405029 it was prescribed for my tremors and hasnt helped at all for my migraines. they might try something else for your migraines. they have me on topamax which is suppose to help with both of my symptoms.
Avatar f tn I already take a anti anxiety med clonazepam for accational panic attacks. How do I safely take these?
Avatar f tn I get the speeding elevator. I also have a lot more panic attacks but without the panic. I feel all speeding and the attack but my heart does not race. Don't know if that makes sence. Hang in there. The more your body gets used to the med the better it will be. Luckily my family is very understandable when I forget everything and stumble on my words. Although that was a problem before Topomax. Lol. It does help with the pressure headaches a bit but does not help my tremors.
13746467 tn?1441840515 PLEASE HELP........ I am at my wits end dealing with anxiety attacks. It has literally taken my life away. I first had anxiety 19 years ago, that lasted about 2 years. I was good until summer of 2012. It will be 3 years since I enjoyed life. I can't drive, go to family functions, be involved in children's activities.......nothing!!!! I was on Paxil and Klonipin for 2 years and finally gave up on the paxil. Still take the klonipin.
Avatar f tn s original indication was for seizure disorders at a much higher dose than I listed above, numerous post-marketing studies have been done showing benefit for anxiety, migraine prevention, sleep cycle disorders, and panic attacks. You might want to discuss this with your provider on your next visit. I hope this helps...
Avatar n tn I have never heard of TGA but looking over the past few years, I think what we thought were panic attacks were possible seizures or TGA.
2107676 tn?1388973859 What seems to help everyone with panic attacks during withdrawals from opiates and benzos? They are a major issue and not really addressed. Please post what helped you through them.
Avatar n tn For the past week or so, I have been getting up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. Not the feeling like I am going to die attacks. Mine are like Crysda, in waves of fear from my stomach through the rest of my body. During these events, I feel like I want to run somewhere and hide but I dont know what I am running from or where to run. It is the oddest feeling I ever experienced. What follows is even more worse than the attack. the feeling of unreality or derealization.
Avatar f tn I am 16 years old and the past year my depression & anxiety have gotten out of hand. I self harm. I've begged my parents for help, but they won't. I also don't have any friends to turn to at all.. I'm just not really sure what to do anymore. it's gotten to the point where I'm questioning the value of my own life. the past week I've had constant anxiety/panic attacks that make me feel shaky and nauseous.
Avatar m tn Has anyone tried escitilopram ? How are the side effects?
Avatar m tn I am new to your forums and found it today while searching for help. My panic attacks have reached their peak over the past couple of weeks. I am now taking Zoloft 50mgs per day and have been for about 10 days. The dr says it will take a while to get into my system to begin working. Work has seemed to be my trigger as many things have changed over the past couple months and the stress level is at an all time high there.
Avatar f tn ive had panic attacks for 15 years and take xanax 0,5 for 15 years i started at 3 a day now 6 a day but its not better i get up in morning it starts im afraid my wife sees me like this so it seems to get worst what to do?
10553058 tn?1420738321 Not that much like before but some of fear is here.i had panic attacks. Workout to much, eat only the best and i was afraid of that is not the problem anymore.. But still.. I have bad dreams like my baby is going to die,,i wake up and cry.. In two month i will be a mother and i am sooo afraid to give a birth..that pain and presure .. What if something go wrong., how to tell my self BE MORE POSITIVE! Cause i am always scared and negative.. Please dont juge.. Just help. Tnx.
Avatar f tn t really have panic attacks. I suffer from bipolar disorder. I am manic. So I run really fast. I talk fast and my thoughts constantly race. I was taking two different meds. As soon as I took that first positive test I had to immediately stop my meds. My Dr told me the withdraws would be flu like symptoms. Ha! Yeah right! Girl...when you stop psychiatric drugs there's nothing flu like about it!!! They need to correct that. I have never been so sick in my entire life. I threw up for 72 hours.
Avatar f tn Anyone suffering from panic attacks? They are horrible everything I use to care about I don't anymore...they have me low dose ativan but don't like taking it...
Avatar f tn I get such terrible panic attacks, i'm close to 33 weeks and this has been throughout my whole pregnancy. Before pregnancy I took medication to help with anxiety and depression, and I try to breathe or drink water to calm down (since I can't smoke anymore) and it doesn't help. It gets to the point where it's uncontrollable. I struggle with bipolar, and i'm so worried about my daughters health when she's born that it gives me more anxiety.
Avatar f tn I have had panic attacks scene 2011, I take 0.25mg xanx and here recently when I have a severe attack my body tingles all over then my vision goes black.. is this do to the attack or could something else be going on???
10011789 tn?1409704061 Anyone have issues with panic attacks? I had them probably 3 or 4 times in my life and never with my first pregnancy. Now with this one (having twins) I've already had 2 and I'm only 12 weeks. Both my parents take anxiety meds. I never have had to and don't want to but it's kind of scary. I'm never like stressed or thinking about anything at the time. It just suddenly hits me and I can't breath and I feel overwhelmed and trapped.
Avatar f tn has anyone had really bad panic attacks being hypothyroid.. and did it get fixed with the right dose of medication? someone told me she went to and expert for thyroids and she said something about her t3 being blocked and thats all she is on now... anyone ever heard of that??
Avatar f tn Hi, I had a bad panic attack recently. I suddenly felt dizzy, I was shaking, sweating, crying and felt terrified. I couldn't control my mind and felt like my body wasn't my own. I've never been more afraid in my life. I've researched panic attacks on the internet and i realise that these are all common symptoms, but ever since i feel like ive got a knot in my stomach and i just want to relax but can't.