
Topamax dizziness

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax dizziness


Avatar f tn I was building the topamax up and lowering the lamictal down. Now I am just on the topamax. The side affects seem quite scary to me, severe dizziness and very off balance, I am always tired and have tingling in the hands and feet. I seem loss for words and confused. Will these side affects deteriorate over the a certain amount of time? It is difficult when I have to go to work and live everyday life. Please help.
Avatar f tn I started taking Topamax a week ago. I have had a constant low pressure headache since. Also I have been experiencing odd heartbeats, night sweats, and dizziness. Does anyone else have the same symptoms? I have high hopes that Topamax will help with my extreme daily headaches and moderate depression.
Avatar f tn Today is my second day of taking topamax for migraine. As soon as i took one i started feeling very strange. I am having very bad nausea, dry mouth, wired taste, headaches and dizziness. Can anyone tell me are these normal symptoms when taking topamax and how long are they going to last? I am only taking 25mg a day right now.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone! I was just released from the hospital and I have Pseudo Tumor Cerebri and ICP. I am 33 year old female and never had a headache problem so this constant pain *****:( I know that Topamax won't treat a headache but helps to prevent... But I wanted to hear if anyone had any positive experiences with Topamax? Today is only my second day and I've only noticed mild dizziness. Any major side effect experiences? Thanks a bunch!!
Avatar m tn Hi, From my previous posts...I was injured in a rocket explosion in Baghdad 4 months ago. I was knocked out for a few seconds and suffered a head concussion. Since coming back home, I started to have migraine like headaches along with other post mTBI symptoms (dizziness, cognative problems, etc). Anyway, my neurologist is treating me currently with 25mg Nortriptyline and 25mg Topamax at night. They have helped (more so the Topamax).
Avatar n tn Would severe itching on arms be a side affect or reaction to taking topamax? This discussion is related to <a href=''>itchy arms</a>.
Avatar m tn I recently jumped from about 25mg/50mg to 100mg a day of topamax. Since then, I have whan my doctor has says is tendonitis in both hands, wrist and middle arms. Strange I think. I have taken a strong anti-inflammatory, and then the steriod pack, heat, ice, etc, etc, rest, arms splints all that for 2 weeks. No change. Still top of hands, top of wrists looks swollen, hurts to bend wrists. Tingling (pins and needles) sensensation.
1781720 tn?1314842836 I'm on 100mg of Topamax twice a day. And I am wondering what kind of long term effects this medications can have on someone? I'm only 19, and I take it for daily migraines. I know Benzodiazepine has a bad stomach side effect, and with Topamax, I was wondering if that would happen with taking this high of a dose.
Avatar f tn Hi there Dr perscribed me Topamax for my migraines and I am a little nervous to try them. I heard you can also lose weight with this. I quit smoking 4 weeks ago and have put on quite a bit of weight, so was wondering if you can share your experiences and side effects to see if it is worth it.
Avatar f tn Ive started having migraines since 2 years ago, and I started taking topamax when in pain. But, I don't take it every time since I don't want to get used to taking pain meds. I've also been using yaz pills for my PCOS that's what my OB prescribed me as to not worsen my migraine. Last month i shifted to yasmin pills i finished the pack 4 days after i started experiencing pain again. Headaches at first I thought it might be the medicine.
1702882 tn?1307498836 As you read through these forums (and all over the internet for that matter), you'll notice that many doctors are not up to speed on recent CM research. They may think your CM is not big enough or who knows. So, yes, you can be having symptoms. Drs know a lot, but you are the only one who knows how your body feels! My initial symptom was dizziness also. I was bedridden until they got me on anti-nausea meds.
Avatar f tn My daughter is 11 and has scarring in her left temporal lobe and was started on Topamax a year and a half ago. She had had a grand mal seizure, but her main seizures consisted of a funny feeling in her stomach and dizziness. The doctor she was seeing said once she was seizure free for 2 years (she has been seizure free a year and half) she would recommend a second opinion but would like to try taking her off her Topamax. Her doctor has since left the practice and on the last appt.
Avatar m tn I had the flu in 1974 at age 16 with a high fever, I remember seeing everything jumping up and down,walls tables, everything. After I got over the flu there were weeks or months of feeling confused and lightheaded. I March 1979 I had my first severe dizzy spell and since that day not a day or an hour passes that im not somewhat dizzy from mild to extreme. On the other hand my sister has the same dizziness and been on ssi for years - I'm going to try for it to.
3219519 tn?1345993889 1) need to know if Topamax, that my doctor prescribed to me for weight loss will really make me lose weight, 2) How long will it take to start losing the weight, 3) does topamax require you to do alot of exercise in order for it to work? 4) what are the side effects of topamax? If anyone can answer this I would be truly grateful! Thank you all for reading and have a blessed day!
Avatar n tn I am currently 16 years old and for the last 7 months I have been experiencing extreme headaches and dizziness. I also seem to have a quarter sized bump on the top right side of my head it has been there for 2 months now and I am extremely sure I wasn’t hit. The bump is hard and feels almost like bone its completely round it has no discoloration it is normal skin thown. This originally started as simple vertigo but has seemed to progress into constant headaches with the same dizziness.
Avatar f tn Is the seizure medication Topamax? Sometimes, certain medications have a variety of uses--like Topamax, which is primarily prescribed as an antiseizure medication, but is also heavily prescribed as preventative migraine treatment. If the medication your daughter is on doesn't do anything for headaches/migraines, I would definitely suggest she bring this up to her doctor at her next appointment.
Avatar m tn My Fiance has tried savella which creates severe sweating, Lyrica created nothing but drowsiness and dizziness i read cymbalta is even worse than Lyrica! Is there any treatment for Fibromyalgia you recommend?
Avatar n tn I continue to have symptoms off and on that consist of mild numbness and tingling, headaches and dizziness. I have severe anxiety and it's entirely possible my numbness/tingling are due to this but I worry I have MS. Does anyone know if you have ever had an MRI and it was clear, if that means you definitely will never have lesions that show MS?
Avatar f tn It is due to my migraines and they use Topamax to control it. Topamax works on seizures too so it could possible help if that is the cause. It is possible the tumor is hitting on a place that is causing the vertigo. I hope this helps.
2063048 tn?1641389945 Hello everyone! I went back for my follow up with the local NL and I'm just not sure I trust him. I really don't believe he knows anything about Chiari or related conditions and I'm pretty bummed. I was so relieved in February when my PCP seemed to be on board with getting me back to a good quality of life.
Avatar f tn The only thing she said was that she had never heard of Topamax causing palinopsia before. Was it ever determined that the Topamax was behind your visual disturbances?
Avatar m tn I have been misdiagnosed for years with vertigo and migraines. My symptoms include headaches, dizziness, neck pain, ringing in the ears, and blurred vision. After much research it seems my only options are do nothing or surgery. My Neurologist has had me try topamax in the past but the side effects were horrifying. She now wants me to try Diamox. Any relief with this drug?? I am so afraid of taking any other drugs after the topamax. Side effects or any info would be much appreciated.
Avatar n tn Please google Topamax side effects or Topamax reviews and you will see many people with a lot of the same symptoms as you. Good luck to you and God Bless.
1544786 tn?1293504543 I have been suffering from migraines since i was around 11 years old. I Take 50mg topamax twice a day to prevent them i used to get migraines alot like 20 or more a month i am on other medications also daily.. I take frova when needed for a migraine when topamax doesnt work. ANyway Friday i have this pain in my neck in the back kind of where my spine is but towards the sides t at the base of my skull. ITs a dull pain it hurts when i do turn my head and bend my neck.
Avatar n tn I don't know if anybody else is having these type of problems with Topamax. I was put on 50mg 2 weeks ago for migraines and since then I am having some died effects that I see are common tingling in my face hands and feet, memory loss, inability to sleep. But I'm also having some other concerning problems worsening headaches, neck pain and back pain and dizziness and nausea. Are any of these symptoms going to go away or has anyone else experienced these not as common problems?