
Topamax and bulimia

Common Questions and Answers about Topamax and bulimia


Avatar f tn I have not said a word to my doctor about it helping the bulimia as she and everyone else is unaware of my problem with bulimia. Topamax has a few side effects that are not the greatest (makes me a little tired, reduces my sex drive, thinning hair, very expensive) but for it to HELP tame the beast inside me its been worth it. Are there any long term side effects I should be aware of? I have tried to go down in dose but my cravings and desire to purge comes back.
1343409 tn?1296026007 I did find one positive reaction from topamax that was unexpected; I had been battling bulimia for 30 years and since being on Topamax , my thoughts of weight, food, calories, ect isnt a thought anymore. Its as if it never existed. One time I tried to go off the topamax because I was having to many memory issues and being a RN that doesnt work well for me, I noticed the eating issues popped up right where they left off. Once I went back on it within a few days, it changed.
5857909 tn?1375628784 I have reduced quite all my medication and I feel like slowly back to being the person i used to be I am currently taking only 50mg of Topamax and I can say that the pain disappeared almost completely and the goal is to be free of this medicine at year end. Also I have feelings of anger, because I think I've been taking Topamax for over 10 years without any sense. I think I have found what was the source of all my chronic pain and Topamax was not helping me at all.
Avatar f tn I've tried Topamax and had really great results with all of my disorders - bulimia, drinking, depression. It even caused me to lose weight, which I loved of course. The side effects, however, can be pretty rough. Go to for more information or just google topamax. My Way Out is mostly for drinkers because topa has shown to be very helpful in that area. The worst side effect for me on topa was feeling extremely irritable.
Avatar n tn I just want to stop doing this and be healthy i try and it just never works out. it consumes me. despite the bulimia i have gained 20 pounds in the last 6 months. i researched the effects of bulimia and it scares me. i want to be here for my son. i dont want him to lose his mom. he means the world to me. can someone please give me some advice on how to self help. i lost my job in sept 08 and my health insurance so i cant get medical help. please help if you can?
Avatar n tn Is anyone out there a binge eater that would like to get into contact to help recovery? I've had eating disorders for the past 10 years...anorexia, bulimia, recovered on my own for a bit, but now after starting a career and having more stress in my life, I'm not normal anymore. I binge. I went on topamax for a bit and this helped but didn't like the weird side effects and I know I can't rely on drugs my whole life. I'm 26 and just want to be normal with food.
785277 tn?1244324809 I can only speak for myself. I had beautiful teeth when I was a teenager. Now from my twenties on....43, Infections!!!!I have had all my teeth root canaled, bonded, pulled, bridged, and now finally all pulled and I'm working on implants. Its not worth all the pain and suffering, I will tell you that right now. I have spent over 35,000 on my teeth over the years. Infections in the mouth can lead to death...the infection can go straight to your heart or brain.
Avatar f tn I need a partner that understands this: I I am looking for a committed, honest, relying, mature and goal-oriented person who is looking for a partner in the quest of getting cured from this absolutely heart-braking and exhausting bulimia. I have had bulimia since I was 15(now i'm 21), and I really want this to happen, but I need a support. In change, I would do the same for you. Are you up for it ?
Avatar m tn Can years of Bulimia weaken my immune system and hence, give me a false negative at 8 weeks (elisa) and 4 months (Omni-Sal). Im awaiting a test (done after almost 2 years post) and i am really scared its going to be positive now, since my immune system may have been compromised by the bulimia.
Avatar n tn However, my main fear is my behaviour problems, which I wish not to blame on an actual problem if the truth is I am just being an outrageously horrible person and needing to sort myself out, but I wonder if the bulimia can cause such terrible moods and outburts? They are so horrific sometimes I convince myself I have bipolar disorder although I know self diagnosis is dangerous and often inaccurate.
Avatar f tn I find myself occasionally binging and purging at what point does that classify as bulimia? I only do it once or twice a month is there any health riaks?
Avatar f tn I have been bulimic for 1.5 years, purging 3-4 times per week. Recently I learned that bulimia can trigger SVT's. I went to the ER twice in 2 months. Once it stopped on it's own and the second needed meds. I was referred to a cardiologist who wants to do an ablation (I haven't told her I'm bulimic). My question is will the SVT go away if I stop purging, if so how long would it take? Also, I had an SVT about 15 yrs ago (not bulimic).
Avatar f tn Diabetes and Bulimia are a deadly duo, To say "As per I knew there is no relation between bulimia for diabetes." is incorrect. This link produced 1,510,000 hits on the subject. As you review each thread you'll see lots of distinct relationships between bulimia and diabetes.
Avatar f tn I am on topamax now and some side effects are hard to deal with. my dr is decreasing my dosage. my side effects are that my arms and legs are numb and tingling like pins and needles and I am very tired I have diahreea alot. you have to stay in contact with your doc while on the medication.
975514 tn?1324997938 I've been taking Topamax for about 2.5 months and since then noticed some issues with my left eye. Within a month of being on Topamax my left eye seemed very dry, so I thought I was suffering from allergies (which I do have). I purchased some over the counter allergy eye drops, which caused my left eye to dilate, which scared me. Being cautious, I went to see a optician for a basic check up because I know about the possible Glaucoma complication with Topamax as well.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever responded to the original questions posted in 2010? I am curious. I have been taking 300 mg Wellbutrin and 200 mg Topamax since May 2016 and have lost approx 30lbs. I wasn't aware of the side affects and my doctor said as long as I feel fine there is no reason to run tests. I just want to make sure others are having this same significant weight loss.
Avatar f tn Oh and vistaril too.
Avatar n tn Except for my teenage and college years, when I struggled on and off with bulimia for roughly 10 years. I stopped completely about 5 years ago, and have never had another episode. Last year, I suddenly started experiencing heart palpitations. I went through the whole workup - Holter monitor, stress test, echo, cardiac MRI, and then another 2-week event monitor. The doc said I'm having PVC's and a few runs of NSVT, but otherwise my heart looks structurally fine.
Avatar f tn s one of those side effects of bulimia that you often read about, and it can get very dangerous very fast. In fact, if the esophagus tears, it can actually be life-threatening. If you are sure the blood comes from your nose and not from further down -- there is nothing to prevent the stomach acid you're throwing up from also affecting the nose, via the throat. Can you not get help to address the bulimia? It's dangerous for you in so many ways.
Avatar n tn All of a sudden, I have experienced joint pain and stiffness. I found out that topamax can lead to these side effects. however, I have gradually gone off the topamax and have quit taking it for approximately 4 - 5 days. Today I am still stiff (shoulders, knee, wrist and ankles) and my ankles are swollen. Do you think this is still a side effect of Topamax in my system?
Avatar f tn I just logged on here at 3 am to see if anyone else had these symptoms with this drug. my legs and arms are numb and like needles and pins, I have diahrrea and nausa every day and food dosen't tast good at all. I itch all over which is keeping me awake. I am going to stop taking it. can't call the doc till monday, but can't stand this either. good luck to you.
Avatar n tn I am recovering from bulimia, and have been for about three months now. I was bulimic for 7 years (I started at age 16), and only ceased for two healthy pregnancies. I didn't realize all the harm I was causing to my body. I really don't know much about it, but I guess I am curious if my body will ever get back to normal. How long, if ever, will it take for your metabolism to return to normal? Is it possible to get cancer from throat damage?
Avatar f tn m currently battling with bulimia and am trying to swap my habits for exercise however my thighs and bum have always been my reason for personal disappointment, if anybody could help me with which exercises prove the best results in these areas I'd be so greatful
Avatar f tn Hi everyone! I was just released from the hospital and I have Pseudo Tumor Cerebri and ICP. I am 33 year old female and never had a headache problem so this constant pain *****:( I know that Topamax won't treat a headache but helps to prevent... But I wanted to hear if anyone had any positive experiences with Topamax? Today is only my second day and I've only noticed mild dizziness. Any major side effect experiences? Thanks a bunch!!
Avatar f tn treatment of bulimia nervosa,[19] obsessive-compulsive disorder, treatment of alcoholism,[20] smoking cessation,[21] Pseudotumor Cerebri, and treatment of neuropathic pain.
Avatar m tn hello, anyone on topamax? I've been on it for about five weeks and its been great for my migraines but I've been having a lot of side effects! like tingling in my hand and feet and really bad heart burn every day! also get moody and cry. very bad fatigue too. will any of this go away???