
Too much protein liver damage

Common Questions and Answers about Too much protein liver damage


Avatar m tn m eating per day. What I did notice, and since have changed, is that I was eating too much protein. My BG levels had crept up to 150 and I had started eating these low carb high protein bars as snacks. Once I stopped eating those my BG levels came down to the 130's. I have since reduce protein amounts and I'm seeing fasting numbers in the 120 and under range. Any one else experience higher BG levels with too much protein?
Avatar m tn sure scratchy, keeping active for the sake of heart healthy, as a preventative against diebetes etc is wisdom. But since the liver has to do far more work the more active we are, too much can be deleterious to the liver. Plus, heavy excersise like weight lifting causes far more muscle byproducts and toxins to form, as well many more steroids to be released, which will then inflame the liver. (doctors , MD.
Avatar m tn However, consistantly taking more than the max dose of tylenol greatly increases your risk of liver damage or liver failure. You are way too young to be dabbling with exceeding the tylenol dose. Liver transplants do not come by easily at all especially to those that knew they were doing themselves harm.
Avatar m tn Albumin and total protein. Levels of albumin — a protein made by the liver — and total protein show how well your liver is making proteins that your body needs to fight infections and perform other functions. Lower than normal levels may indicate liver damage or disease. Bilirubin. Bilirubin results from the breakdown of red blood cells. Normally, bilirubin passes through the liver and is excreted in your stool.
Avatar f tn Will i need hospitalized??
Avatar f tn Maybe every month or so, just to monitor your liver enzymes and keep a close watch on things. If things were to start to show liver stress, your medication could easily be adjusted.
Avatar f tn Friends have lost 30-60 pounds when this happens. End-stage liver disease patients need to have protein to maintain as much muscle as possible.
Avatar m tn Too much protein damages the kidneys because it is very hard to digest, and requires a lot of stomach acid for proper digestion. It also throws off the proper balance of other nutrients. BCAAs are liver protective for the same reason lots of things are liver protective --they have antioxidant properties that help protect the liver. And I can't tell you how much protein is optimal for you -- that will depend on your particular metabolism and whether you're getting the results you want.
Avatar n tn One of the main ways to treat fatty liver disease, regardless of type, is with diet. As the name suggests, fatty liver disease means you have too much fat in your liver. In a healthy body, the liver helps to remove toxins and produces bile, the digestive protein. Fatty liver disease damages the liver and prevents it from working as well as it should.
Avatar f tn t eat too many carbs or my sugar goes up and with too much protein I feel terrible too. I am at my wits end and I need help!!! I feel overwhelmed, so many health problems and I am scared all the time. I try not to think about it but I do. How do you stay up and positive and brave in the face of all this?
Avatar m tn Everything you eat and put on your skin is absorbed by your liver. I went to a health day to learn about hep c and nutrition. Eat as much vegetables and fruits as you can eat, fried foods in moderation. If you look on the hepatitis c trust website there are details about foods and your diet. I eat what I like but I try not to each too much beef and chips as is puts a strain on your liver, and your body is already fighting the virus.
Avatar m tn because your AFP result was high they did a CT looking for masses/cancer. don't worry to much because many with HCV have higher AFP's. Liver cancer usually makes the AFP in the hundreds.
Avatar n tn The amount of Asprin and Tylenol you are taking is too much. I would be concerned for your liver and stomach if you continue on this path. Please find a Pain Specialist as soon as possible if your in so much pain. There is a great forum that can give you info on the safe amounts you can take here at Med Help. Go to "Ask a Pharmacist" they can give you safe advise. Another suggestion...Maybe it's possible to ask your old Doc if he can refer you to a new Physician in the area.
Avatar f tn s nearly impossible with 2000 mg of sodium limit daily. I hit the protein shake w/ chick pea n hemp protein. The whey protein made me tired. Too much bad protein can bring on HE. You'll find your balance where you can feel good. Lots of protein bars and dry cereals have high protein and I consume a lot of those!
Avatar m tn I have been having kidney pain on both sides, and excessive sweating. Could this be from taking too much NSAID medication?
Avatar m tn t have any baseline liver condition. i think the liver will be OK and the current Rx should concentrate on the lungs.
Avatar f tn If you are seriosly concerned you may ask for liver enzymes to be run - elevated enzymes are the first indicator of liver damage - How many of how much for how long? I have a pretty good working knowledge on this liver is shot! Feel free to PM or post a question..............Your liver will forgive you if you quit in time......if you were on the diuretics before the hydro you should be okay in that direction - but thats more of a heart thing with retaining the fluids.....
29837 tn?1414534648 Since my doctor's visit's bloodwork revealed the other day that I had too much iron in my system, the doctor was concerned.
Avatar m tn i was told i have too much protein and also microscopic blood in my urine,my dr wants me to work on getting the protein numbers down what do i eat ,do i stay away from foods with high protein am i allowed to eat low amounts i have mild chronic kidney disease.