
Throwing up in labour

Common Questions and Answers about Throwing up in labour


Avatar f tn Im 36 weeks and have been losing mucus plug, contracting, throwing up and my cervix stretches to 3cm all since wednesday but there is just no sign of baby coming, its wearing me out already, im fed up i wish things would either stop or progress into labour, and i just know that even though i only have 27 days left its going to drag now cause of everything thats happening. Is anybody else having the same problem and how are you coping?
Avatar f tn I'm not sure if throwing up is a sign of labor it might be somethin else..
Avatar f tn My best friend threw up her entire pregnancy. It's not bad unless you are not getting enough nutrients and are under weight. As long as baby is ok you will go through some terrible things. This is my first and I had not one problem until I was 27 weeks. Now my skin hates me my immune system is trying to kill me [not rreally just over exaggerating] and my uterus is abnormally large. Just keep a smile on it will be over in no time and you will have your precious little one in your arms.
7909558 tn?1398394709 This happened often when I had morning sickness, the most embarrassing time was when I was at my parents who live two hours away, I was in the bathroom throwing up and I peed myself. I wasn't stopping the night so didn't bring a change of clothes, had to shout my sister up to ask my mum if she had any knickers and leggings. Luckily she had just bought a pack of 8 knickers lol. Didnt have any leggings though, had to borrow some pjs.
Avatar n tn 83 year old woman is throwing up 3 three hours now, water/bile but has not been drinking in the last 3 hours...
Avatar f tn Sounds like it might just be acid related, which is very common in pregnancy. Are you burping a lot, have a funny taste in the back of your throat? Does your stomach wake you at night? If so, try sleeping elevated and try taking tums and minimizing acid-causing foods in your diet. Apples and bananas are great natural acid-reducers. Definitely mention to your doc, too. Call if it becomes too cumbersome before your next appointment or if you don't feel well.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm 14 and for some reason have been throwing up after breakfast and not being able to keep food down in the morning. At first I thought I was allergic to eggs so I cut those out of my diet but I keep throwing up!! This makes me insecure because it's making me loose weight. i'm the lightest I've been in a few years and was upset about being too skinny before this happened. I just want to gain weight and be healthy again.
Avatar m tn Now I got 7 days in and didn't throw up today,now I just feel a new low in depression,guess its just a bad day.
Avatar n tn Our 4 year old Old English Sheepdog has been throwing up regularly for a few months. She always had a sensitive stomach and tended to throw up if she ate something other than her food or if she drank her water too fast but now she is throwing up yellow bile a couple times a week on an empty stomach. About a month ago she coughed up blood so we took her to the vet.
344397 tn?1235577228 My daughter has been dealing with that since she was about 6 years old. She randomly wakes up sick in the morning throws up a few times and then is fine. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out if it was a certain food item, but it's not. We try to control the symptoms by taking Zantac 75 before dinner (per doctor recommendation), and not eating for several hours before bedtime, this has helped quite a bit, although she still gets flair ups from time to time.
Avatar m tn I have been throwing up sence the surgery. I am still throwing up. I throw up at least 3 or 4 times a day. Every day. I have lost 22 lbs in this last 6 months, and it seams no one cares. I am getting really scared for my life. 79 lbs. is no joke. I really need help..
Avatar f tn Yea I ate them with food .. . & Still threw up !!
Avatar f tn I threw up in the middle of eating and it may sound weird but I just continued eating afterwards because I felt a little better but sometimes it would ruin my appetite ask day and I would make myself snack on crackers and other small things just to keep food in my stomach because throwing up acid is the worst! I hope you feel better mama!
Avatar n tn If you're throwing up blood you probably need to go to the hospital. You're probably dehydrated hun. I threw up everyday at least 2 times until I was 28 weeks, and was in the hospital 5 times for dehydration. Dehydration can lead to preterm labor, which is no good at 23 weeks. If you don't want to go in right away I'd call your dr and see what they say to do.
Avatar f tn My dr gave me some medicine when I was in my first trimester for throwing up issues. So I have to take that now. Just try and not eat until you get full. Stop eating a tad bit before you hit the full point. It might help.
Avatar f tn ( turned out i had gastro ) but at the time, i remember my sister telling me that she thought i was going to go into labour because the same thing happens to her right before she went into labour with her daughter. Make sure to go up to hospital to get some fluids if you keep throwing up, could be something like gastro or food poisoning, but it's also apparently a sign of labour. Hope it's nothing too serious!
10227424 tn?1410558188 has anyone started throwing up again at 30 weeks. i was really sick the first 5 months and then it stopped. now its back. is that normal? ?
Avatar f tn I woke up early this morning and got a glass of milk about an hour later I was throwing up what looked like old curdeled milk and it was kind of yellowish(sorry for the mental image).but I checked the milk and it doesn't expire until dec 20.What is going on?
Avatar m tn Hello, My cat has been throwing up a brown very watery liquid for the past few days. He will go maybe a whole day and not throw up at all but then overnight we find that he's thrown up 4 or 5 times. He still drinks his water and eats his food and seems his normal self but i'm worried there might be something else wrong. Oh, this morning in his vomit was a lot of little white pecks maybe a little larger than grains of salt or sugar. Thnx any help would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn I'm almost 7 weeks and im not throwing up a lot is that a good thing
Avatar f tn Im 26weeks and constantly throwing up or feel sick to my stomach.