
Tenofovir gel herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Tenofovir gel herpes


Avatar n tn So it is available because it is approved for something else? Is it expensive if bought this way? I believe the herpes handbook still mildly recommends it.
Avatar m tn Nothing you describe sounds like typical herpes symptoms and the timing is also not typical - 5 weeks is too long. Most new herpes infections will show symptoms within 7 days, some cases up to 10 days, very uncommon past 2 weeks. If this were a true primary infections your symptoms would be obvious and would appear on the surface where maximum friction occurred during sex - the penis, but you used a condom making this very unlikely. Since you had protected sex, i.e.
Avatar m tn are these drugs antiviral? how long am i going to be on them? i did liver scan recently where a gel was poured on my right side very close to the ribs and a piece of equipment is rolled over it though the report is not out yet. Is this same thing as fibroscan? pls how safe is my wife and children?
Avatar m tn There is a new version of Tenofovir in trials that is supposedly 200 times more potent than the TDF that is out now, boosting intracellular concentration, thus reducing any harmful renal effects:
Avatar m tn I recently had a red patch on my leg that I thought was herpes but my gp thinks it's follicitus. I totally ocd'd about it and bought antibacterial hand gel thinking this would kill herpes on my hands if i had that which I've now learned wouldn't happen. Now I think that if this gel dried and cracked the skin on my hand a bit, and I did have herpes could the virus infect my hands?
Avatar n tn 10miu/ml means she had hbv and cleared as to hbv clearance they problem is hbv is same family as herpes and on most never clears 100%.transmission can be possible only by blood transfusion or organ donation if you really want to move forward you have to get vaccinated for hbv and have hbsab antibody high, let's say about 500miu/ml by more than the usual 3 shots if it doesn t get so high.
Avatar f tn My Herpes tests came back as follows: HSV G1 EIA 7.84 HSV G2 EIA 5.57 HSVM1/2EIA .32 What do these results really mean?
Avatar m tn On a side note, the pimple appeared the day after i saw the green stuff coming out, my stress level was at maximum, and i know dormant herpes is activated with stress. I havent been tested for herpes in a long time, but i didnt have it before.
Avatar n tn i had my annual physical at the gyno today, no i have had some itching over the last several days and i have had yeast infections in the past, she took a look and told me i should have a herpes test. im so distraught as i have not had any symptoms, burning, bumps or scabs.....
Avatar f tn That is actually not much better than tenofovir vs tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, the actual substance in Viread. It is 50 times more potent than tenofovir. It is all this improper simplification of callling viread tenofovir. Tenovovir, if it would be given orally, would have no effect on HBV. TEnofovir if given intravenously or sc would still have almost no effect on HBV in the liver. the substance has a high negative charge and cannot easlily penetrate cell membranes.
Avatar m tn the gel will not prevent contraction and you can get herpes without any cuts but with syphilis there would need to be an active chancre sore.
Avatar f tn (20) The T69S insertion mutations, associated with resistance to multiple nucleoside analogues, are associated with resistance to tenofovir as well. Tenofovir resistance conferred by the T69S mutation or by multiple thymidine analogue resistance mutations appears to be multiplied if the M184V mutation is replaced by wild-type.(21) The K65R mutation, which may be selected by prior nucleoside analogue therapy, is associated with a modest decrease in sensitivity to tenofovir.
Avatar m tn Association of Higher Plasma Vitamin D Binding Protein and Lower Free Calcitriol Levels with Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Use and Plasma and Intracellular Tenofovir Pharmacokinetics: Cause of a Functional Vitamin D Deficiency? "The finding of a 26% increase in vitamin D binding protein and a 42% decrease in free 1,25-OH(2)D between the lowest and highest quintiles of plasma tenofovir has not been previously reported.
Avatar n tn genital herpes is transmitted through direct skin on skin contact with the genital area. just kissing someone is not a risk for genital herpes. are you sexually active? have you had any sexual contact since february? have you ever been tested for herpes to know your own status?
Avatar n tn The following is a paper from doctors in Francel. It said you can breastfeed whilst your are on Tenofovir because "Tenofovir is not absorbed in the breast milk". However, I have googled and cannot find any reference to this claim. All the best to you and your baby. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2011 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print] Hepatitis B virus infection and pregnancy. Pol S, Corouge M, Fontaine H.
Avatar n tn Hi there - Right now, I would go with the condylox. You just might be having a reaction to it, or you have applied too much. It doesn't sound like you applied to much though. Most of the time, you are supposed to apply it two times daily for 3 days, then stop for 4 days, etc. If you did it more that that, or applied it to skin that didn't have a wart on it, then you might have used it too much. I don't know if you have herpes.
Avatar m tn Hi stef good day. U still there?? I have some question stef about taking tenofovir because i dont know what to do. Im start taking tenofovir september 2020 and i notice that february my urine have bubles until now my urine still foamy or bubles but in evening is normal. Tenofovir can cause proteina stef??
Avatar f tn About 2 or 3 weeks later I started to have those symptoms again so I went to her and she took a culture test and gave me diflucan again if it was yeast and told me if the symptoms returned after a few days to use the metronidazole vaginal gel she also prescribed. Me being very paranoid used the gel only after a couple of days of using the diflucan.
Avatar n tn tenofovir, no resistance entecavir, 1,5% resistance but cannot be used on those using lamivudine because in this case resistance can go higher than 50% interferon if i had a doctor prescribing me such rubbish useless toxic.....i d destroy his life....
Avatar m tn I am on tenofovir from March 2012 when i am pregnant at week 32. At that time i had hbs and hbe both positive.
Avatar m tn at this point since no testing was done, all you can do is follow up with type specific herpes igg blood testing 3 months post encounter or should you get a return of symptoms, be seen promptly and insist on a herpes lesion culture if you they suspect herpes at that time. if you are given the vague "viral infection but not herpes" diagnosis again, ask for a general viral culture to prove it. I also recommend seeing a different provider if this reoccurs too.
Avatar m tn Hi All, Is there a way I can have a prescription from a doctor when buying tenofovir online? Here in the Philippines, the drug is not yet available and the doctors are not prescribing it since it is not available. I'm planning to take tenofovir but having trouble in getting prescription, so i cannot order online. Please advise.