
Tacrolimus for eczema

Common Questions and Answers about Tacrolimus for eczema


Avatar n tn I was given daktacort hydrocortisine to manage the flare-ups which has controlled the eczema. However after using the cream for about 3 months I began to develop an area of redness on one side of my nose which goes across my cheek bone. It seems to be very sensitive to the sun, after I wash my face and in certain environments. Grateful for your advice.
1227049 tn?1267237385 For approximately a year and a half I have had recurring eczema due to a previous course of accutane coupled with my already sensitive skin, and the harsh climate I live in. It is quite widespread accross my body including the face, chest, arms, and pubic region. I have tried a wide variety of things to control it. Doing nothing and natural treatments (oatmeal, honey lotion, etc.etc.) have had no affect and have caused the condition to become worse.
Avatar f tn Hi When topical corticosteroids do not provide relief, sometimes more the doctor may consider prescribing some more potent corticosteroids for some period, in adults with may be needed for adults with eczema on the scalp, limbs, and trunk or those with chronic/ lichenified eczema. Newer two topical eczema drugs like pimecrolimus (Elidel Cream) and tacrolimus (Protopic Ointment) are reserved only for cases where corticosteroids have not been effective.
Avatar f tn Hello, First of all was the diagnosis of eczema confirmed for these dry red patches on the nose? This is because eczema often presents with itchy, red, dry and flaky skin. If the rash is non itchy then dry skin or seborrheic dermatitis of the face are important differentials to be ruled out. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes flaky, dry, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas esp under the nose or anywhere on face.
Avatar n tn When topical corticosteroids do not provide relief, sometimes the doctor may consider prescribing some more potent corticosteroids for some period, in adults with may be needed for adults with eczema on the scalp, limbs, and trunk or those with chronic/ lichenified eczema. Newer two topical eczema drugs like pimecrolimus (Elidel Cream) and tacrolimus (Protopic Ointment) are reserved only for cases where corticosteroids have not been effective.
Avatar n tn Oral antifungal drugs and immunomodulators such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are used in very severe cases. The other possibilities are of eczema, lupus erythematosus or dermatitis. Best would be to consult a dermatologist and get biopsy skin done to confirm the diagnosis. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
583092 tn?1218128207 usually a lower-potency steroid is prescribed for sensitive areas. If the eczema is especially severe, a doctor may prescribe prednisone or administer a shot of cortisone or triamcinolone If the eczema is mild, over-the-counter hydrocortisone can be purchased at the local drugstore. If complications include infections (often of Staphylococcus aureus), antibiotics may be employed.
Avatar f tn I've had eczema on my hands and around my mouth for nearly four years now, what has also developed is a serious itch around my pubic area. Starts of like little water blisters then with scratching in my sleep wake up with bloodied nails and a very sore vagina. Also very flaky skin. I've tried almost everything the doctor can think of.
1463785 tn?1286595561 Topical antifungals and mild steroids are the usual treatment and combination of the two can be used to treat stubborn patches. Oral antifungal drugs and immunomodulators such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are used in very severe cases. The other possibilities are of eczema or dermatitis. Best would be to consult a dermatologist and get biopsy skin done to confirm the diagnosis.
Avatar m tn I have eczema in my eyebrow/upper cheek on the left side of my face. I used to have dandruff, but it has essentially cleared after using zinc shampoo a few times a week. But the skin is still greasy under my brow and on my eyelid, which results in hairs being weak and falling out. Any suggestions to clear up the greasy skin? I've tried hydrocortisone cream, but to little avail. Also, the condition seems to worsen after a night of drinking alcohol - is that part of the problem?
Avatar f tn use a moisturizer every night and morning. You probably have mild eczema. Blistex works good. I get chapped lips in the winter, but my wife has to use it all year long.
Avatar m tn I am suffering from sebhoric eczema( as diagnosed by dermatologist). It started with a very small red patch on my upper lip. Doctor prescibed Novasalic oint and I used it for three years off and on. With time its spreading more and more over the face. I do not use any soap or cleanser at all on my face. (just fresh water wash) THe doctor then prescribed oral Adoxa, Ketoconazole and and it helped for just the duration of medication course.
Avatar f tn See beside photo- I have had this rash appearing on my face for a few years now. It appears around my mouth, chin, and sometimes in patches on my cheeks. It is not rosacea. I have spent lots of money going to many dermatologists and they have no idea what it is. They/ I think it may flare up be my immune system when it's down, but are there any treatments I could use to help stop these random outbreaks? I use eczema cream, moisturizer, lip creams etc...
Avatar n tn I'm 22 and had a sore rash down the sides of my nose for a few years now. Some days it's not as bad as others, and it seems to be worse after I have got out of the shower. My doctors have given me a couple of things which didnt work. They gave me some hydrocortizone 1% which worked and cleared it up but I stopped using it because I was advised to use it for only a week, so the soreness came back. Can anyone help? Here are some images:
Avatar m tn t stay away of being hungery or stressed, because I spent hours in work and collge with full of stress. is there any medicine for this or is this normal. I am 26 years old, and I look older than that. this condition started 3 years ago, but now it is increasing. I would be more than grateful to find an answer or solution for this.
Avatar m tn I have had symmetrical rashes in my temples for about a week. They are red, itchy, burning at times and flakey. What is it?
Avatar f tn Hi I am a healthy 20 year old female with a childhood and somewhat teenage years history of eczema. I have a very itchy red flaky rash on only one calf. It started about a year ago as small circular patches and then grew to cover almost my entire calf. I was told by one doctor it was eczema and given betamethasone which helped sort of but it became just as bad after I stopped using it.
Avatar m tn ve been using Aquaphor Healing Ointment (Advanced therapy) for two weeks now and my skin is trying to heal and close up so it can be soft but since my mouth is moving all the time it makes the cracks deeper and now it burns whenever water or any liquid touches it, so now I'm done using the ointment seeing as it is just making it worse. Please tell me what it is and any treatments or home remedies that can help it go away.
Avatar m tn The Triamcinolone cream, actually would potentially make that worse. Tacrolimus is more for an eczema rash- so it might be that you need to be checked for a fungal infection instead. Head back to the doctor, and let them know that it's not working- hope you feel better soon!
Avatar m tn I have been prescribed numerous steroid cream but as prolonged use of this kind of cream can thin the skin I tend to apply it for a few weeks and then stop for a couple. However without the steroid cream it is just terrible and I have tried so many different creams which work at the time of applying but by the time ive got through a day the skin is really dry and flaky and I cant stop scratching it. Please take a look at the pictutres in my profile.
Avatar f tn I wonder if this is a reaction to something you used for hair removal? Reaction to waxing, or a depilatory cream?
1460176 tn?1285884158 Oral antifungal drugs and immunomodulators such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are used in very severe cases. The other possibilities are of eczema, lupus erythematosus or dermatitis. Best would be to consult a dermatologist and get biopsy skin done to confirm the diagnosis. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar m tn Allergic reaction is one of the important causes of eczema. In most cases of eczema no one treatment will be effective. A combination of treatments should be used. Along with topical steroids, you should use good quality moisturizers on the area. Immunomodulators like tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus are not without side effects and should be used after a dermatologist’s prescription.
624829 tn?1240755671 Newer two topical eczema drugs like pimecrolimus (Elidel Cream) and tacrolimus (Protopic Ointment) are reserved only for cases where corticosteroids have not been effective. Sometimes oral corticosteroids and immunosuppressants like cyclosporine and phototherapy are used for resistant cases. Since you are having intense itching, your doctor may prescribe some sedative-antihistaminics to reduce itching. You may discuss about these treatment options with your doctor.