
Superfoods for fertility

Common Questions and Answers about Superfoods for fertility


Avatar f tn Try conceiving naturally for a while, and take these supplements and I would seriously, consider taking a fertility medication as I agree that you need to be a little aggressive. I would not rule out anything at this point since I have heard of pregnancies occuring with worst numbers than yours- you have a good egg somewhere and youre still relatively young. Are you seeing an RE? I would really wait a bit..
Avatar f tn Not sure if the superfoods have causes this grainy stool, but I am concerned since it lasts for a couple of days. I have opted to skip a few days between the smoothies to see if there is a difference in my stool and yes, today, that are somewhat (minor) more consistent and compacted. HELP. Should I be worried?
2175366 tn?1337651654 Some people get good results with "superfoods" such as bee pollen, royal jelly, spirulina because they are so highly concentrated with nutrients. Adrenal aids such as eleuthero and rhodiola can be helpful as well.
7600327 tn?1393358885 t it way too early in the game for this? Can you ladies tell me if this has happened to you, or is it just a mental thing?
1806883 tn?1458321004 I drank wheatgrass shots everyday, consumed fertility superfoods, ate organic fruits and veggies only, and eliminated dairy from my diet. I'm currently 3 weeks pregnant naturally at 38 years old. My FSH is 15.9 and AMH was .16. I was told donor egg was my only option. Don't let these doctors discourage you. You can improve your egg quality even though quantity doesn't change. My husband and I aren't telling anyone yet about the pregnancy until I'm out of the first trimester.
Avatar f tn Learn about what you can do to limit your exposure to xenoestrogens and estrogen. Avoid soy, for one, and plastic containers for another. Lupron and surgery are only temporary treatments. Your body is telling you that it needs to be worshiped as the amazing temple it is. Be aware of the ingredients in all foods you eat. I highly recommend a raw diet, though it is a slow and gradual process to be 100% raw. Just start incorporating organic, natural foods and lay off the junk/sugar.
1105753 tn?1374287348 I am 41 with a FSH of 15 (10 or under is good for fertility) I just started getting acupunture for this to help with trying to conceive. I just wonder if the person I have been going to will help or what to look for. He is certified and he says he can help but how do I know he is using the right points during my cycle. Can you give me any advice or things to watch for? Have you had any success in this area? Thank you.
Avatar f tn With multiple servings of fruits and vegetables and a blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods, Greens provides naturally occurring, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes to give your already well-balanced diet a nutritional boost.
Avatar m tn m not a doctor and you should consult your doctor prior taking any non-essential supplements since you are on medication. Vitamins and superfoods supplements are safe tho and they have no interactions.
15355684 tn?1440035790 Can anyone suggest some superfoods that help improve the brain performance? Recently I found a superfood called Bulletproof brain octane oil that helps improve brain performance at Giddy Yoyo, a certified organic food product seller in Canada. Does anyone here have tried this product? or if someone who knows better superfood then please share.
Avatar f tn Also I'm very sorry for ur loss. im grieving for my nephew and i can't even imagine if it'd been my lil girl. my prayers go out to u and ur wife. Best wishes to u both.
Avatar f tn ve been getting fertility acupuncture for 5months now. Still not pregnant but it has brought my cycle from 37-40 days down to 32 days. It had also totally relieved my pms.
Avatar f tn I am not much on people being lazy during pregnancy but i would def reccomend it for you. Dont lift anything heavy at all. Treat yourself like you would treat that baby. And i eould talk to the dr about having sex. Usually it is perfictly fine but may not be in your case. And dont worry about it either bc stress isnt good for either of you. But if it does happen, it is not your fault and nither were the other ones.
374593 tn?1257879950 t find any studies that say it increases conception rates, rather it may just make you asymptomatic during the treatment time. Do you ever use Femara for fertility purposis in Endometriosis patients - even though its blacklabel for this, it seems that it would make good sense? Thanks!
Avatar n tn Hi, I love acupuncture, I started doing it in January to help with stress prior to IVF. It helps a lot for stress and most acupuncturist have great tips and herbal remedies for fertility issues. While I haven't had any success getting pregnant because my tubes are blocked and no amount of acupuncture is going to change that, I have learned a lot about Eastern medicine and I think I am better prepared for IVF and pregnancy now.
788859 tn?1236734548 I just found out from my RE that Femara is off-label for fertility, I didn't know that! He said that he gets a letter a week from the drug company telling them not to use it for fertility treatment since it can cause massive defects if used while pregnant. With that said, he still uses it for assistance, as it has benefits. It does 'wear off' so there is little danger for use while ttc.
1129232 tn?1360800358 I have been going for the past 2 mos. to an acupuncturists who says one of her specialties is fertility. She always has me lay face down so never puts any needles in my stomach area. I was recently reading the book called the Infertility Cure that talks about acupuncture for infertility, and it sounded like the best points to help thicken the lining, etc. are in the stomach area. I'm wondering if I'm getting the right treatment at my acupuncturist?
763297 tn?1281379425 i wish they made a insurance for fertility only ... they would totally have buisness..... i have A ETNA and they cover pill form meds... and ithink i get th triGger billed to them but i have to pay a portion but not untill they bill me... it is very expensive thE gonal f pens it self900iu ae 700 each imagine how mny you need gees...
763297 tn?1281379425 Thank you so much for your advice. I spoke with bcbs and they don't do it for individuals.
Avatar f tn The more you stress the worse it is for your baby. Also try pregnant yoga its amazing what stretching can do for your mind. Eat some pregnancy superfoods like greek yogurt or beans or my favorite popcorn its a whole grain.. Its healthy for the both of you and gives your baby extra nutrion. Folic acid everyday prevents defects 600 mg. You can buy it at any walmart. Hope this helps.
Avatar m tn t know, but one thing you can do now is start eating superfoods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, organic, fresh when possible, unprocessed, and eat pumpkin seeds every day. They have been shown to fight prostate cancer.
Avatar f tn My anniversary is in August, and we decided after 5 years (last year) that it was time for children. I went to my primary care when my cycle stopped and he told me to lower stress and gain weight (I was 120 at 5'9"). Since then I've gained about 25 lb and lowered the stress and quit my second job. When my cycle still didn't show, I went to an OB/Gyn. She did a testosterone, FSH, TSH and hcg and all were normal and I was not pregnant.
367100 tn?1330914725 Yes, I have three children and I conceived easily. I have not heard of Hep B interfering with fertility. Many couples take a year to conceive. I'm not sure if you have access to this book but "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is an excellent book for any woman but especially someone trying to conceive.
Avatar n tn Has she seen a Dr or fertility specialist?