
Stress management group therapy

Common Questions and Answers about Stress management group therapy


1973096 tn?1326086991 Should I work in an anger management support group along with my BPD support group or would that only be harming my recovery due to being overwhelmed?
Avatar f tn What is the preferred therapy? What are the chances of irradicating the virus? What are the side effects? How serious are they? Under what conditions is it possible to refrain from the treatment?
11214965 tn?1416269155 thanks I have spoken with the pain doctor they state I'm on good medications but how are they going tell me when I hurt the way I do should I find another pain doctor?
780665 tn?1239026549 Recreation Depts, the Y, hospitals, health depts, and churches sponsor group therapy session. They can be very effective, but your situation may be too specific to be applied to the group format. Your current prof can guide you in that. Your local cable or other tv or radio stations and newspaper are good sources of info re such groups, as are the sources I previously mentioned.
Avatar f tn hi i'm new to the group and happy to find some info on IC. I have had out infections my whole life or so i thought! 2 yrs. ago i had another doctor for a few months while mine was on maternity leave after going in every 2 to 4 weeks with a uti she said "this is not normal and im going to start testing yr. urine."...all the further tests came back negative for bacteria but there is always blood and protein in my urine. So she said i have IC and there is no known cure....
1831849 tn?1383228392 The last paragraph of the USA Today article says the same. A group of people were taking stress management and then stopped. When they stopped their # of lesions increased. And yet in the beginning of the article there's this: ""In the past it has been felt, mostly without evidence, that stress can worsen MS, meaning life stresses can bring on attacks," says Ransohoff. "This doesn't seem to be the case.
Avatar n tn It is indeed a complex process and several disease states from seborrheic dermatitis, cardiovascular disease, stroke to certain cases of cancers arise secondary to stress. Stress appears to be relevant to the medical community as medicine begins to evolve and molecular and genetic factors come into play.Stress leads to disease due to an underlying interplay of factors in the molecular level.This is something that we need to look into.
Avatar f tn If tension or stress is involved, stress management and relaxation techniques may be done. Do activities that you enjoy, alone or with your friends. Ask also your local health department if there are any support group for this. With regards to depression, medications and therapy may help. Check with your attending physician for proper management. Take care and warm regards.
717649 tn?1230744514 i thought i would stop in i have depression high anxiety and severe ptsd. i don't want to go into details onhere cause then the flash backs movie rels won't stop the rest of the day .... but they are always there when i rest or try and sleep its like a flood it does NOT stop its always going on its just worse at bed time but when i'm going some where or talking to some one i'm watching a show really its always playing in the back of my head ...i was dignosed 10 yrs ago .
Avatar m tn Studies have shown that exercise, journaling, spending time with friends and family, having an interesting hobby to work on, having a passion in your life like photography or writing or volunteering are all excellent ways to lower your stress...Talking therapy in the form of one to one therapy or a group therapy can also make a huge difference in our lives.
Avatar n tn My husbands doctor is wanting to do physical therapy on his back and take him off of his loratabs fan she do that all at one time or will she have to do it slowly to keep him from having withdrawels and can she still take him off of them if the physical therapy dont work.
901222 tn?1399142874 Welcome back...I see you have been a member of MH for quite awhile...and it seems you know how to utilize all the forums. That's a GOOD should get some good feedback that way. As a chronic pain person myself, I can only tell you that getting off opiates and staying off them was the only way I could truly learn what my true pain levels were. Then, thru a lot of research and being open to suggestions, I am finding other ways to deal with my pain.
4268628 tn?1375041176 Hello ladies! I highly suggest physical therapy for joint pain! I'm don't agree with the group sessions tho! You can always try and if ita not for you then seek another therapist and/or clinic. You need 1 on 1 with a therapist that is skilled in manual therapy, muscle energy, and strain counterstrain! I am a physical therapist and treat many pregnant women with much success! Now with that said some pains will not be fully releived until baby is delivered!
335728 tn?1331414412 Well I went to group therapy and decided to "share". I told them from the beginning what I was dealing with and how the whole story went and I was asked all the same questions that I am asked over and over...i.e. why don't you get a new gp, why don't you get another dr. to refer you to a neurologist, why don' tyou just walk in to the neuro's office and ask straight out what the problem is...and on and on...
6726276 tn?1421126668 Do you attend a group therapy ? At first I didn't. Surprising my Psychiatrist came with me to my first meeting. He admitted to also have been fighting depression for over 20 years. The group we attended was thru DBSA & is open to Bipolar, PStd,GAD,ect. The map on their website looks like they have a SUPport group in every major city in the USA. Our support group in California is great. Some members find it as necessary as their Psychiatrist & it's free!
Avatar n tn We are getting by but its tough. New town no friends no job not good.I have been under a great deal of stress and depression. My husband is looking for work but he was making a 6 digit salary and those are hard to come by where we live. I have now begun bleeding and it will not stop. Started in Nov. Stopped 6 wks and now back again. I am concerned about this now too on top of everything else.
Avatar f tn surgery, physical therapy, stress management and even Biofeedback therapy. Talk to your doctor about this. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Hello, Stress is a trigger of psoriasis and a psychological symptom management programme like cognitive behavior therapy program has been reported as being a helpful adjunct to traditional therapies in the management of psoriasis. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar f tn Pain management focuses on "management" of pain rather than "cure" of pain. That's a very important distinction that usually gets lost when a patient is first referred to a pain practice. I can pretty much guarantee that every last person on this forum who sees a pain management physician still deals with pain every day. The goal is to reduce pain to a manageable level so the patient can regain some functionality and rejoin the land of the living.
Avatar n tn Hi, Brain injured patients may receive rehabilitation that involves individually tailored treatment programs in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, physiatry, psychology, and social support. A complete physical and neurological examination is needed in each treatment program. It would be best to discuss which treatment option is best for you with your doctor for proper evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.