
Stopping abilify weight loss

Common Questions and Answers about Stopping abilify weight loss


Avatar f tn I first took Geodon. As I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder which was originally thought to be schizophrenia, I experience psychosis all the time regardless of my mood so I take antipsychotics for the psychotic aspect of my illness. Geodon worked better for my positive (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc.) symptoms and not so great for my negative (loss of pleasure, lack of affect, lack of motivation, etc.) symptoms. Abilify works better for my negative symptoms.
Avatar f tn And I took Abilify in the past. Abilify is the antipsychotic least likely to cause weight gain but it can happen. Fish oil is good but better is the anti-cholesterol medication Lovaza derived from it which is used experimentally for bipolar. As per weight loss, I'd go on a standard diet or if its of concern go to a nutrionist. Its probably from the Abilify and usually not a problem but you would still have to keep within a normal weight limit in a healthy manner.
Avatar f tn Hi all, I am severely depressed & have been taking Prozac for a month now & my doc suggested Abilify to add. I had already put on 30lbs from lexapro, which is part of becoming depressed again. I have been on the Abilify for 6days now & can tell it is having a positive impact on me. I have had enough motivation to work out the past two days & I am really watching what I'm eating. Has anyone here had success with losing weight on Abilify & prozac?
Avatar n tn I am on seroquel and abilify, and so far they havent caused any weight gain for me, or weight loss! I was on geodon at one point to, but that was a nightmare! You will have to sit back, and see what happens. If you really dont want the weight gain, then exercising should definitely help! I cant say for sure either, what the result will be!
1172209 tn?1263427216 All the atypical antipsychotics have the potential to cause metabolic imbalances that often lead to weight gain and can create the changes that lead to diabetes, Abilify, Fanapt and Saphris being the 3 with the least of this potential. Eating a proper diet of course can help strongly but it still can be a problem.
Avatar f tn I decided to take the advice, stopped the Lamictal and continued to just taper off the Abilify. Btw, the main reason for stopping it wasn’t the weight. Cholesterol doubled, became pre-diabetic with flat affect. Now it’s been 2 months completely off Abilify. Depression and mood swings unbearable. Started back on Lamictal. At 75mg, doc wants 100mg. Also added Wellbutrin XL150 and still on Zoloft 100mg. Helps a bit, but depression and anxiety continue. Mood swings better.
1012542 tn?1313354880 Some people say they gained weight from Abilify, I havent as of yet, but I did gain weight with the Seroquel, but the benefits outweigh the side effects. It doesnt matter what you take, all meds have side effects, but it is important that you are aware of them. I too am only seeing my GP right now. I will be seeing a psyc. once I can afford it., but your GP should really be seeing you for longer appt's even though its just to check up on your meds.
918275 tn?1254068752 I started out on Risperdal and then was switched to Abilify, which seemed to slow the weight gain down, but I am continuing to gain weight which is very troubling to me. I have read alot about Topamax and it's weight loss side effect. I wonder if my psych would be willing to prescribe it for me since the weight gain is really putting a damper on my progress as far as happiness goes.
Avatar n tn When I looked up weight gain and bipolar medications, Abilify was at the bottom of the list for weight gain, Geodon people gained the least then Abilify. I'm on 2mg. of Abilify and in the begining you tend to feel sleepy, that's why they start you on it at bedtime. I would be surprised if Abilify caused a racing heart but you definately have to tell your doc about that. I was also on Wellbutrin and had to come off because it caused to much anxiety.
Avatar f tn I was supposed to start on 10 mg of Abilify, but my doctor decided to start me at 5 mg at night with the Cymbalta and Valium. I haven't noticed any changes except for extreme tiredness. I can't seem to get enough sleep. I know that the Abilify causes you to be sleepy, but most of the medications do that until they get in your system. I'm sure my doctor will increase the Abilify in the next two weeks.
Avatar f tn I have been taking prozac for 6 days andi feel kindamore anxious and in a fog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also a member told me on her prozac reacts with the abilify i have been on so now im scared to take them both...........
Avatar n tn psychiatric meds take a toll on weight gain i gained 66 lbs. from abilify in that same amount of time i take geodon now.
Avatar m tn I am seeing the Dr this coming week and I am going to suggest Abilify or Saphris and see what she thinks, but I was wondering what you are taking now, and if it has helped with the weight loss. Let me know - thx.
Avatar f tn Well that's very great news. Some of us are on medications that don't cause weight gain and it is much better. But some of us still are and the medications still work and don't cause other problems. For myself, the mood stabilizer I take Clonidine causes weight gain. I bought some chocolates today and I had already eaten dessert. I was going to snack on them anyway but I told myself not to or the weight gain would start so I didn't.
1052851 tn?1307741160 Abilify is the least likely of the antipsychotics to cause weight gain. Saphris and Fanapt are two other new options. The antipsychotic agent that I take that is in Phase II FDA study (google "Dr. Javitt, glycine) is among new class of antipsychotics that will not be out for years (NMDA receptor modulates) but when they are approved will have a more favorable side effect profile than current antipsychotics and a fuller recovery rate.
Avatar f tn It is not intended to be used for weight loss alone! Did you know it can cause hair loss and kidney stones? By the way, I have been on Topomax for about a year and haven't lost any weight becasue of the other drugs I am on. Think twice before you add another med to your list!
Avatar m tn I recommend these doses. I would like to know side affects of sex drive, sense of humour, weight loss? And can I use paracetomels with this mix? And green tea slimming pills? I have a drink at the weekends which seems to be ok. A few bottles of wine.
Avatar f tn You are on a lot of meds. I was like that yrs. ago; way overmedicated and way overweight. I'm now down to 2 antidepressants and 1 mood stabilizer. (I am also a rapid cycler). Everybody is different and responds to medication differently. The best and most all-around useful mood stabilizer for me has been Topamax. It is an anti-convulsant, also indicated for propylaxis of migraines (which I also have). The great side effect, if you're overweight, is WEIGHT LOSS. Be careful, though.
Avatar n tn I think it was the combination of going off of the Zoloft and starting on the Topamax that caused the weight loss. I recently was prescribed Abilify and started gaining weight immediately. I stopped taking it. Good luck!
Avatar m tn Yes I did take some mood stabilizers in the past that caused weight loss (what that term means, the term anoxeria nervosa is what is used to describe the psychiatric disability people might be more familiar with). Some medications have that potential more than others but each person responds differently to each medication. If you have had any unexplained weight loss after starting a specific medication or at any time it would be essential to discuss this with your psychiatrist.
Avatar f tn am taking abilify 8 years and suffer fom random memory loss, also have experienced uncontrollable shivering . Have major problems with the psychiatrist as they simply state no other patient has experienced those symptoms. The memory loss is fustrating/social embaressing but the 'shivering' is actually very scarey. Also keep waking up at night...4 or 5 am .Am seeking info/contact with other persons who may experience the same. Am 48 years old female.
Avatar n tn Need input on coming off depakote. Currently taking 750 mg x 3 daily. I USED to have seizures due to a stroke, but I have been seizure free for a year. I am on 30 mg of abilify & 200 mg of lamictal. I want to come off the depakote due to weight gain & memory loss/confusion. My Neurologist has given her approval, but I do not want a manic episode at all. Can you help?