
Solodyn tooth discoloration

Common Questions and Answers about Solodyn tooth discoloration


Avatar n tn The cutaneous hyperpigmentation usually resolves after cessation of the drug. Tooth discoloration, however, generally remains. Pigmentation associated with minocycline most often appears in patients after long-term therapy, usually at doses greater than 100 mg per day. This link may be helpful in understanding this side effect:http://findarticles.
Avatar m tn My spouse thinks that there might be a crack in the tooth. But the discoloration is due to the medicine that she gave the kid since he was sick around the same time. Anyways, the dentist is recommending root canal and says that if we leave this tooth untouched, it can spread infection, and may affect the tooth which will grow in the next set. He claims that he can perform root canal without local anesthesia since it is dead tooth after all, and root canal won't cause pain.
Avatar m tn got into a bike accident where my tooth was damaged and broke but i got an x-ray and my dentist said everything is still lodged in and looks okay...6 months later i notice some discoloration especially after i got my teeth whitened and so i got another x-ray and my dentist saids it still looks okay no need for a root canal but what about the discoloration...i just wanted to get some different opinions and insight on what it may be and what i can do...
Avatar f tn My 2 1/2 yr old son banged his tooth approx 3 weeks ago & has since discolored. A pediatric dentist advised to have a "papodmy (spelling?) & composite filling" to correct the "infected nerve" on his Front tooth (E) & mask the discoloration. This is supposed to last until his baby teeth fall out around age 7? What exactly does this mean? Will his adult teeth be affected by this? Is this the best way to proceed? Does the procedure cause alot of pain?
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar f tn Is there anything my dentist can do to prep the underlying tooth, masking the discoloration and preventing it from showing through the new crown? Also, is an all porcelain crown the best option given this circumstance? I do not want another porcelain over fused metal crown as my experience has been that they eventually show dark lines at the gum margin.
Avatar f tn The molar that touches my wisdom tooth has its gum section on the front of the tooth detatched. It doesnt look like its receeding and it doesnt have any odd discoloration, just looks normal but detatched. My sister says that she had something like her gums detatching just to make room for adjustments on the new tooth. Is my gum just detatched to help me make my wisdom teeth to move better? Is it going to reattach later on?
Avatar f tn I did wisdom tooth extraction surgery for lower left tooth , from second day to forth day l had swelling , the swelling now is recovered , but now( sixth day ) l totice a yellow discoloration on my face at left lower part of my jaw also l feel pain when l make pressure on it , can anyone help me and tell me any idea for treat this condition ? Is it danger ?
Avatar f tn Ive gotten it about 3-4 years ago and its been getting loose. Today it fell out and it has a bad smell and discoloration on my tooth. It doesnt hurt at all, its just black and it could be chipped.Since im on vacation i dont know what i should do.
Avatar m tn mature tooth grew 2 years later ( there was a delay compared to other tooth actually).. Regarding the yellowish discoloration of the same tooth, i only notice it last year (age 23)..which was exactly 2 months after removing braces.. Initially dr. suspected that it was a non-vital tooth..on my next visit she mentioned it could be PCO as the radiograph finding not very suggestive of non-vital tooth..i'm just so confused about the next step for management..
Avatar n tn no results Abt two months ago, I was prescribed Solodyn, I use neutrogena creamy wash, Retin-A and some hydroquinone for the dark spots. The solodyn make me break out in a HEAP of HIVES !! so I stopped taking it about 3 weeks ago and now I have been prescribe Bactrim? It seems that antibiotics are the ONLY thing that cure my acne since I have really oily skin. The topicals dry it out in the beginning, and I only apply a little, but then my sebaceous glands quickly make up for the lack of oil.
Avatar n tn I notice my cheek has a dark discoloration on it after having a back tooth pulled. Doesn’t look like a bruise. It’s been 2 months. Will it go away?
Avatar m tn I just found out that I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and I took Solodyn 115mg for the first month of my pregnancy! I am really scared that this might have harmed my baby. All the websites say to avoid becoming pregnant while taking Solodyn because it has been shown to cause harm to the human fetus. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar n tn Discoloration of a tooth after traumatic injury is a common indication of pulpal necrosis. Root canal treatment is indicated if electric pulp test reveals non-vital pulp.
Avatar n tn Now i am having just a little pain in that tooth and more pain in the tooth right above it. It is sensitive to cold mostly. I went to endodontist and x rays looked good. Air did not bother them. She said a root canal is not needed right now but it stills hurts to drink cold things and a little sensitive to eat. It has been hurting now for 8 days. What should I do now?
4405063 tn?1354071904 Besides porcelain veneers,is there any option to cover the discoloration of teeth after root canal?
Avatar f tn Sorry, just wanted to ask again - is the discoloration area around the tooth normal? I was thinking it is probably dried blood or bacteria coming out from the root canals.
Avatar n tn I had a injury to my mouth about 4 years ago and had to have my two front teeth and one just to the left root-canaled and crowned/venereed. The one tooth (left of the 2 front teeth) was cracked below the rootline and I had to have an extensive build up. My gum has never really healed up right and is always sensitive on this tooth.
Avatar n tn i went to the emergency dentist on sunday with tooth ache in my lower left and he said it was a previous filling being too close to the nerve so he gave me 2 injections. the first was fine but the 2nd one was the worst pain i have ever felt in my life, it felt like it hit a nerve and made me jump, he then put a new filling in and everything felt fine. the next day everything was fine but the next day i feel like i have tooth ache again but not as sore as before.
Avatar n tn (A previous dentist had said I would eventually need a root canal for that tooth.) The tooth had some discoloration particularly along the gum line, there were two slight fractures (causes from clenching), sensitivity to hot/cold and pain when biting/chewing. The root canal began before Christmas and was finished the first week of January. The temporary filling which caused gum irritation was removed two weeks later and the crown had been in place since January 20.
Avatar m tn Often, dentists use ultrasound scanners to remove the discoloration caused by excessive tea, coffee or nicotine. This however, leads to the loss of tooth surface and a better way of removing discoloration is bleaching." "loss of tooth surface". Such as enamel. "As such, it has been proven that an ultrasound scanner should be used only for plaque removal and discoloration of teeth should be treated with bleaching.
Avatar f tn It could be a stain but if its a hole, sounds like it may be a cavity.
Avatar f tn My jaw swoll up to the size of a grapefruit going down my throat and into my ear with a red discoloration on my skin, very angry like with heat and a lot of severe pain. The dentist misdiagnosed my problem, thinking it was an impacted wisdom tooth. Two days later my face was disfigured and I was in the ER getting antibiotic iv's and morphinr for pain. Since then, the tooth was extracted. However, no drainage was preformed. Leaving the grapefruit on my face.
Avatar m tn I saw a dermatologist and he said that it was folliculitis and prescribed me solodyn (minocyciline). The sores on my lips usually last a week, but I usually pop them and they are sore, but no blood or pus comes out. They heal and have dissapeared, but for a little redness that you can't really see unless you look closely in the mirror. Is there still a chance that this is herpes?
Avatar n tn He had two teeth( the front tooth and the one next to it) displaced. He was taken to the ER they were placed back into position. Exrays are normal. He saw a dentist the next day. After that besides being incredibly sore, his gum above the area turned white. Then a day or so later the white area was not there. He had not been brushing his teeth do to the pain. And shortly after he began brushing it went away. Is there anything to worry about, is that normal, why did it happen?
Avatar n tn Since the crown was put on, I have sometimes had very short, infrequent episodes of mild pain in the tooth when biting, typically caused by food getting trapped by the tooth, that always resolve themselves. Today a piece of food got stuck in between #16 and #15, which immediately caused a rather sharp pain which did not cease. I was at work and not able to floss it out for several hours.