
Solodyn message board

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Avatar f tn Hi to everyone, I've been reading this message board for months now, but unable to post because my Apple computer won't let me, don't understand why and we've tried i'm in my adult community's clubhouse using their pc. Let me first say you are an amazing, compassionate group of ladies and I'm glad to be able to read the information you post to help each other. I'm stage 3C, BRCA 2 positive, OVCA which has metastasized to the lymph nodes.
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar m tn Thanks grace. My doctor called me today while I was at work with the results from my blood test and they were negative. It was a relief but it was through voicemail so I still haven't had a chance to talk to her to confirm all the details... I also went to a new gyn today, which I feel more comfortable with (he sat down and consulted with me first for about 10min, and then examined). He said he would be surprised if the new cut I have on my labia is herpes, then he took a culture of the cut.
Avatar n tn no results Abt two months ago, I was prescribed Solodyn, I use neutrogena creamy wash, Retin-A and some hydroquinone for the dark spots. The solodyn make me break out in a HEAP of HIVES !! so I stopped taking it about 3 weeks ago and now I have been prescribe Bactrim? It seems that antibiotics are the ONLY thing that cure my acne since I have really oily skin. The topicals dry it out in the beginning, and I only apply a little, but then my sebaceous glands quickly make up for the lack of oil.
Avatar m tn I just found out that I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and I took Solodyn 115mg for the first month of my pregnancy! I am really scared that this might have harmed my baby. All the websites say to avoid becoming pregnant while taking Solodyn because it has been shown to cause harm to the human fetus. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar m tn I saw a dermatologist and he said that it was folliculitis and prescribed me solodyn (minocyciline). The sores on my lips usually last a week, but I usually pop them and they are sore, but no blood or pus comes out. They heal and have dissapeared, but for a little redness that you can't really see unless you look closely in the mirror. Is there still a chance that this is herpes?
Avatar f tn If someone had hiv would it take two years or could it have been a reaction to the medication solodyn which does have a side effect of joint pain. I have been tested several times since that encounter and my hiv test even up to febuary when I got sick was negative and the three previous tests before that were negative.
1094941 tn?1264559085 Hi. I went to the dermatologist and he said it was Perioral Dermatitis. I mentioned to him I also had a rash on my hand and some itching on my legs but he didin't say anything about that. He prescribed Solodyn and the Duac gel. I took the Solodyn for a week and had extreme itching so I called the office and was told to stop that med. The duac gel seems to be working well. Now, my problem is that I still have extreme itching on my neck and legs. My neck is awful!
Avatar m tn In February, I got retested again and it came back negative for both. I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me solodyn (minocycline) for folliculitis and said that most likely that is what it is. Recently I experienced the same bumps on the same side of my lower lip where my lip meets my skin. I went to get it tested today and the doctor did not test for herpes, but said that it most likely was herpes.
Avatar n tn I know this is bad, but I self prescribed some meds - my kid had it for acne. Solodyn = Minocycline. Been taking it about 3 days. Will that help. Internet said it was good for UTI and clamidia.
Avatar n tn Went back to him and he prescribed me epiduo with solodyn. After a few weeks i had tiny red spots on my face and huge pimples. I tried proactive as well and that didnt work. After that i told him the situation over the phone and he said to continue the solodyn with epiduo. i did for another month and nothing happened. He now switced me to cephalaxin and i have been on it for about three days. my whole face now has tiny pimples starting to emerge in areas i never have had them before.
Avatar m tn But remember there are time differences for all of us here, so often the person may not see your message for hours or even the next day. As for AR, I promise you he will answer your message if he has received it, if you're not sure, send another one.
Avatar f tn Get out and go for a walk! Exercise! It really does help on the day of deliver plus you go back in shape like nothing.
Avatar f tn I don't know...he's a neurologist but board certified in neuro/psychiatry and he was originally treating me for occipital neuralgia, and later for panic attacks, anxiety, and now depression. I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy....mentally disturbed or something. I have other issues as well but feel that maybe I should find a psychiatrist and leave him alone.
Avatar n tn I'm sorry, I am somewhat new to figuring out this board and all of the features. I don't even know how to get to my own inbox, but somehow figured out how to message you :)) I wanted to let you know that I sent a message to you in response to another post.
Avatar n tn s daughter was just diagnosed with mito I will get in touch with her and get some info for you.
Avatar m tn I have also been on Doxy 100 Mg for about a month now because of bacterial follicilitus on my thighs which does not seem to be working. My derm has put me on Solodyn now, I'm just wondering what test I should take to test for Lyme and if I should stop taking my antibiotics to test for it. Please help.
Avatar n tn I think I"m already helping you with this on another forum - either webmd or asha's message board would be my guess sinceyou didn't have any other posts here under this name.
17568 tn?1424973559 It must not be easy managing a free message board this large and diverse. Imagine the staff and costs to run their servers, build and maintain the web framework, control spam as well as monitoring the discussion forums. Good to acknowledge that. What seems like a good discussion to some may be offensive to others. Many people that come on here may never post but just read some of the discussions and be turned off by what may seem like cat fighting.