
Solodyn joint pain

Common Questions and Answers about Solodyn joint pain


Avatar f tn Just want to know two years to the month of my last sexual partner I got sick where I had bad joint pain in my knees and wrists it was difficult to move. If someone had hiv would it take two years or could it have been a reaction to the medication solodyn which does have a side effect of joint pain. I have been tested several times since that encounter and my hiv test even up to febuary when I got sick was negative and the three previous tests before that were negative.
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar n tn no results Abt two months ago, I was prescribed Solodyn, I use neutrogena creamy wash, Retin-A and some hydroquinone for the dark spots. The solodyn make me break out in a HEAP of HIVES !! so I stopped taking it about 3 weeks ago and now I have been prescribe Bactrim? It seems that antibiotics are the ONLY thing that cure my acne since I have really oily skin. The topicals dry it out in the beginning, and I only apply a little, but then my sebaceous glands quickly make up for the lack of oil.
Avatar m tn I just found out that I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and I took Solodyn 115mg for the first month of my pregnancy! I am really scared that this might have harmed my baby. All the websites say to avoid becoming pregnant while taking Solodyn because it has been shown to cause harm to the human fetus. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar n tn Looking at the side-effects of Solodyn; joint pain is a side effect. I use Solodyn and take Celebrex for the pain. The Celebrex has helped a lot. Just a thought. I have used Celebrex on and off for 6 years and have no ill effects. It is way better than ibuprofen, Alleve and the like. It doesn't irritate my stomach and does not make you drowsy or anything.
Avatar m tn I saw a dermatologist and he said that it was folliculitis and prescribed me solodyn (minocyciline). The sores on my lips usually last a week, but I usually pop them and they are sore, but no blood or pus comes out. They heal and have dissapeared, but for a little redness that you can't really see unless you look closely in the mirror. Is there still a chance that this is herpes?
1094941 tn?1264559085 Hi. I went to the dermatologist and he said it was Perioral Dermatitis. I mentioned to him I also had a rash on my hand and some itching on my legs but he didin't say anything about that. He prescribed Solodyn and the Duac gel. I took the Solodyn for a week and had extreme itching so I called the office and was told to stop that med. The duac gel seems to be working well. Now, my problem is that I still have extreme itching on my neck and legs. My neck is awful!
Avatar m tn In February, I got retested again and it came back negative for both. I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me solodyn (minocycline) for folliculitis and said that most likely that is what it is. Recently I experienced the same bumps on the same side of my lower lip where my lip meets my skin. I went to get it tested today and the doctor did not test for herpes, but said that it most likely was herpes.
Avatar n tn I know this is bad, but I self prescribed some meds - my kid had it for acne. Solodyn = Minocycline. Been taking it about 3 days. Will that help. Internet said it was good for UTI and clamidia.
Avatar n tn Went back to him and he prescribed me epiduo with solodyn. After a few weeks i had tiny red spots on my face and huge pimples. I tried proactive as well and that didnt work. After that i told him the situation over the phone and he said to continue the solodyn with epiduo. i did for another month and nothing happened. He now switced me to cephalaxin and i have been on it for about three days. my whole face now has tiny pimples starting to emerge in areas i never have had them before.
Avatar f tn I started having joint pain a couple of weeks after gall bladder surgery. It is continually getting worse and in my shoulders, wrists and right jaw. My left hip joint has gotten better. The pain hurts really bad at night when I am laying and try to move my arms. I am also having trouble chewing with my jaw in pain. I am 63 years old and a Real Estate Agent. I never had a pain at all until after the surgery. I have always been in good health and don't drink or smoke.
Avatar f tn Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body's joints. Joint pain is a common complaint, and does not typically require a hospital visit. Arthritis is a frequent cause of joint pain.
Avatar f tn I got diagnosed with hsv2 last fall. After continual outbreaks my doc finally put me on suppression therapy. I've had weight gain depression and now joint pain. It's a 6 month dose and one month to go. Does the joint pain go away after dosage is done? Does the weight come off? I exercise regularly and eat properly. Depression I know is a mental battle. I just don't like the joint pain as I'm trying to get this weight off.
634590 tn?1293774093 As you know i took 20mg isotretinoin for 15 days and pain started in my right hip joint. Went to Arthopedic and he said it is infection. im now on antibiotics (one week on IV augmenten + oxidil and then on ciprofloxacin 500 twice) for last 5 weeks. Today i suddenly feel same kind of pain in my left groin (front of hip joint) . im wondering if there was infection in right hip joint how can that infection travel to my left joint even im on antibiotics.
Avatar m tn Hello Everyone, My concern is as follows: the only exposure I have is unprotected oral performed on other men. Since the beginning of the year i have been experiencing pain on my both knees that come and go and well, I'd like to know how does ars joint pain feel like. The doctor diagnosed some patellar disfunction but I doubt it, since I only started running last year and I read professional runners are those who get it. Or something.
Avatar m tn Alternatively, your physician might be able to recommend other treatments, possibly including injections into the joint itself or surgery, that can improve your joint pain.
Avatar f tn I have joint pain in my knees and elbows, weakness in knees after kneeling down and trying to stand up. I have numbness that comes and goes in my feet. My chemo/raidiation treatments ended a year ago. Are these aches and pains caused by the after effects of the drugs and radiation? I also have trouble taking antibiotics or pain meds. I seems to get every side effect listed. Alcohol of any type bothers me also. I use to enjoy a glass of wine but no longer.
Avatar f tn I've been having pain in my fingers, knees, hips and ankles for about a year, maybe a bit longer. I'm 28 years old and live a pretty active life. I've looked up joint pain on the internet and all I find is arthritis, but I really don't think that's what I have. Any help?
Avatar f tn Maybe you could ask to be put on .175 instead. Seems kind of drastic to go from .2 to .15 when there's a dose in between those two. I'd ask why there was such a drastic dose reduction and tell the doctor about your new symptoms. Do you know what your TSH was and the range?