
Solodyn and itching with bumps

Common Questions and Answers about Solodyn and itching with bumps


1094941 tn?1264559085 Above my chin and on the sides of my mouth I have some big blister like bumps that are filled with water and hurt bad. I have treated them with all sorts of things and now my skin feals like sand paper and is so dry. It is very red and irritated and I am so depressed and angry. I don't want to be seen by anyone. I have never had anything like this. Couls you give me a clue as to what it might be or how to treat it?
Avatar n tn Solodyn is used for 'acne' and is NOT known for weight loss with it.
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar m tn I just found out that I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and I took Solodyn 115mg for the first month of my pregnancy! I am really scared that this might have harmed my baby. All the websites say to avoid becoming pregnant while taking Solodyn because it has been shown to cause harm to the human fetus. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar m tn I took a blood test for herpes 1 and 2 and it came back negative. In February, I got retested again and it came back negative for both. I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me solodyn (minocycline) for folliculitis and said that most likely that is what it is. Recently I experienced the same bumps on the same side of my lower lip where my lip meets my skin. I went to get it tested today and the doctor did not test for herpes, but said that it most likely was herpes.
Avatar m tn 1 that I performed oral sex on, but no penetration and 4 other partners with mutual masturbation and frottage.
Avatar n tn A few years ago I had a horrible case of acne and was put on the Doryx pill for 3 weeks, wash with Brevoxyl 2x day, morning Tazorac topical and evening Duac topical. This combination cleared up all of my acne and dark spots in a month !!! So after two months I weened myself off of the topicals. Everything was fine. About 2 years later, I had another bad breakout. I have really oily skin, lots of white and blackheads and acne scarring (dark spots) resulted from these pimples.
Avatar m tn I try to think positively and hope and pray for the best and really hope that it is all coincidental with the heavy period, and the wiping and the yeast infection causing these cuts, and that is possible, but I am just trying to get through these next 4 days without losing my mind. I also recently discovered 1 cut in my inner labia possibly from the yeast infection, or from wiping to well as geographic tongue (crossing my fingers it is a coincidence). Scared, hopeful and praying....
Avatar n tn For a few months now, i have experienced itching and puss-filled bumps on my inner-thigh near my penis. I was wondering what the cause of this may be? After a few days the bumps will become dried out and dissapear...but a few days later a few more will reappear.
Avatar m tn Sorry to hear you're feeling so lousy. IgG amd IgM are measurements of antibodies produced by your immune system against specific bacteria. I'd suggest you ask your doc what specifically you were tested for. After a while, your body quits making antibodies to whatever invader it was, so first the IgM and then the IgG antibodies will lessen and pretty much go away.
Avatar f tn Within a couple days red raised bumps followed by scabs appear that are wildly itchy. These bumps then open with crater tops and a yellow fluid leaks out. It takes weeks before the itching stops. I had this last summer as well; never any other time of year. I'll get occasional ones on my other arm. Since it's so localized it seems like a contact reaction but considering there is never any change in my skin when the itching starts I'm baffled.
Avatar n tn It burns and itches like crazy. It seems the only time it feels good is when I am itching it. I know all this does it make it worse and opens the skin, again it is the only time it feels good. It looks almost like what a scab looks like when you pick it off since I scratch it so much. Otherwise it just looks like bumps on my skin. I have been married for 6 years so this is not an STD. I have read about so many others just wasting money at the doctors and though I have insurance.
Avatar n tn My son has an allergy to Hogsweed and his hands start with itching bumps bad then the bumps go away and large blisters appear and run there course for about a week and a half. We usually give him Benadryl and psorisin ointment and that helps him a lot. You could always try using an over the counter allergy medicine or a type of anti itch cream on your hands.If these things do not help and it persists more than a couple days I would have it checked out by your doctor. Hope this helps you.
Avatar f tn ******" I CAN"T TAKE THE ITCHING AND RED BUMPS ANYMORE******** I am 21 and i have little red bumps all over my legs, stomach and arms. They itch like crazy, i mean i wake up out of a heavy sleep and itch. I have had these symptoms for about 8 months to a year and i don't know what to do. I have tried cortisione cream, anti-itch ointments, callimine, changing soaps and detergents. I don't know what it is or what to do.
Avatar f tn And suspected celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis (not related to herpes) at this point my stomach back thighs and chins are starting to get more bumps and bleed from scratching, skin feels like it has acid on it, burning, and itching 24 hours… Waiting on blood work panels for lipids, thyroid and celiac disease.. then in the past 2 weeks my wife and 1 if my 4 children started itching in the same spots.
Avatar n tn about 3 weeks ago my house got fully rewired and ever since then ive been really itchy and red bumps have appeared they appeared on my waist first but have spred to the gentale area, back, stomach, chest, arms, and legs ive already been to the doctors and they she said that she was not sure what it was but gave me a cream and tablets to stop the itching, i cant bare the itching no more and more and more lumps are appearing, im going back to the doctors tomorrow and ask about scabies and ive been
Avatar f tn I've been dealing with penile itching months now, I have to black scab bumps on my penis head and followed by dryness and flakyness.. The bumps on my penis head don't itch at all just has a black scab and tender..And i have a rash on my penis shaft and scrotum and it feels like something is crawling down there sometimes..I've seen 2 doctors they said it could be mollcusum contagious because I've been itching in other places..
Avatar m tn Hi ALL few weeks ago I had little bumps in my finger, but after few days the bumps are gone. Now two days ago the bumps came back with irrtitaion and iching that I cannot sleep all this bumps goes from the top of the finger to the palm of my left hand. The itching is incredible painful. Please let me know sometime to avoid the itching.
Avatar f tn I went back to the doc to do more test and i,came back negative for bactiria and yeast and trick and gonnoreaha and hiv. What else could be wrong with me ! My vagina seems to always be itchy for months at a time. Please help !
Avatar n tn I went to a doctor about this and she found a bacterial infection, but said that the bumps I was experiencing were probably just from hair follicles. However, the itching and bumps is spreading and getting worse, so I don't think that is the problem. I noticed the break outs happened the day after sex one day, but I have been with the same partner for nearly a year and we have not changed anything recently. What could this be and how do I stay the itching and make the bumps go away?
Avatar n tn now my younger son has the same type of rash. itching with flesh to red bumps. there is no puss or sign of infection but they both are being driven crazy with the itch. they haven't had fevers or anything. just this crazy itching. i have done all i can do. if you have any suggestions please let me know. they have taken everything from benadryl to antibiotics and used hydrocortizone and topical steriods.
Avatar f tn I have just been reading all the comments about itching and MS ( I was diagnosed in 2004) Had no idea that itching was a problem with MS. I have been itching intensly for about 5 days. But my itching is NOT localized as most of the comments suggest, but it is all over. Have also had raised red spots, but not until I start scratching. Like the scratching produces the red spots (what I think of as hives) Have been to the dr. twice. 1st time steriod shot. 2 days later not any better and dr.
Avatar f tn t know that it helped with the itching, maybe it did, I fell asleep pretty quick. The bumps are still there today though. Benadryl made me tired and groggy and headachy so I don't want to take it again. Ive already switched to tide free and clear and am using some plain old Goat milk soap and cocoa butter lotion or super itch defense lotion. Graah. Starting to feel like I have the plague. Don't know what else to do. Oatmeal baths? Ugh.
Avatar n tn , for the past few months I have had terribly itchy bumps in different areas of my body. The itching first started around fall last year, on my stomach, with no bumps. Then all of a sudden, they started appearing on my arms, legs, buttocks and genital regions. They've never appeared on my face, feet or back. The bumps are the same color as my skin (brown), and don't appear to be filled with any fluid like puss.