
Smoking effects smokers

Common Questions and Answers about Smoking effects smokers


Avatar f tn Ok so I'm just finding out I'm pregnant. Sad to admit, I like smoking marjuanna. I know doctors suggest not smoking cigarettes while pregnant because of the toxins in the nicotine. Are there any known cases where marjuanna effects fetal development? Not saying I won't quit smoking, I do want a healthy baby, just curious.
Avatar f tn Researchers concluded that additional studies are need to evaluate the dose-related effects of cigarette smoking and the potential effect on SVR of smoking cessation prior to Study from 2004 in Egypt: In conclusion ,smokers with HCV tend to have lower response to INF-a compared to non-smokers,however this deserves further evaluation in prospective study.
Avatar f tn Certian things you do will put stress on your baby.. and will be harder on the baby then to just keep smoking. But i personally dont like smoking..because the smell.. and effects. So id take that into concideration.. for you and the baby before you continue.. i think that would help me(: good luck!
Avatar f tn I know its terrible and i no i should give up.but is dere any other smokers out dere?
393419 tn?1228447393 I have a question for anyone on synthroid who used Chantix as an aid to quit smoking. Have you had any reactions between the synthroid & chantix? I really want to quit smoking. . .I quit for 2 months prior to my surgery and for about 2 months after, but alas I started again. . .I checked a drug interaction web site and it didn't list any interactions, but I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience. Also, former smokers who didn't use chantix, what worked for you?
Avatar n tn Are you running from reality? Every day there are stresses but it's up to you to learn to deal with them and hopefully without the use of any "substance." Sometimes people need the help of a anti-depressant/anxiety drug to get them through a difficult period but that should be discussed between that person and their doctor. It is a fallacy that smoking helps stress. Read on: "Smokers often report that cigarettes help relieve feelings of stress.
Avatar m tn I've read many studies on the research of marijuana on the lungs, brain, heart, etc. From my findings, I have found that moderate smoking poses little risk to the body. While I've ready pretty consistent reports on marijuana effects on the heart and brain, I read different articles about marijuana on the lungs everyday.
Avatar f tn I was a smoker and stopped straight away i dont even crave anymore and i do feel a lot better for it although ive got to admit i have to watch what i eat as at first i think i ate to give me something to do lol. I googled what effects smoking has on a baby and that was enough to put me off straight away. Im not saying its not going to be hard especially if you have smokers around you but id also ask them to refrain from smoking anywhere near you.
Avatar f tn Just get rid of your packs, lighters, anything that is smoking related. Don't be around smokers and don't go where people are smoking. Replace the habit with a healthy one.
4624236 tn?1357891407 To all mom to be's that were frequent smokers before finding out you were pregnant, how many weeks were you when you found out you were pregnant and is your baby healthy even though you smoked while it was being conceived?
Avatar f tn I quit over 2yrs ago with help from the patches. Smoking affects everything you do and the older I get the more society turns against smokers. I smoked for over 40yrs before I quit but it was starting to cause really bad wheezing at night and other health issues. There are many smokers on this forum, they'll be in later.
Avatar f tn Are any of u ladies smokers and if you are how often do you smoke daily? I'm a smoker and it's a lot harder to quit than I thought it was going to be and I am worried about what it's going to do to the baby, I'm 28 weeks and 2 days.
Avatar f tn I'm fortunate enough that smoking is making me wicked nauseous, at 6weeks. Sometimes, out of habit, I'll smoke, but usually put it out half way. It's helped me to cut down allloottt! :) and im also using an e-cigg now to kill cravings.
Avatar f tn Hi lexi. Welcome. While I would never advocate smoking while pregnant now, I did smoke with my first 2 kids. Today my oldest is a 3rd year law student in one of the best law schools in the country. Her sister graduated from highschool with her associates degree that che completed at the same time. She was 16. She is now working on her masters. Just a little reassurance.
Avatar f tn What did y'all use to stop smoking? I was on Welburtin until I found out I was pregnant....I'm prone to miscarriages I had one 3 months ago....
Avatar f tn Are any of you ladies smokers, or smoked in your past pregnancys? If so what helped you to quit? Im 28w3d and still having issues kickin the habit.
Avatar f tn As Mrs_bagz said there is nothing you can do no-it's not good for baby at all, even being around smokers is awful. Well done for giving up-I've never smoked but imagine it must be hard-but we will do anything for our children so well done! Don't start again-so much healthier fir you & your bundle! All you can do is go onto the net & print some articles explaining the effects smoking will have on her baby pre & post & hope a maternal instinct kicks in! Good luck!
Avatar n tn Studies have shown that people who smoke tend to have lower resonse to treatment compared to non-smokers. It is advised to avert from smoking before embarking on therapy "Furthermore, tobacco consumption has been associated with an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with viral hepatitis[6-8].
Avatar f tn I am 7 weeks pregnant some of my friends and family never gave up smoking. Whats everyones views on smoking while pregnant??
1262435 tn?1270311859 Benefits from quitting are seen in former smokers even after many years of heavy smoking. Investigations also have demonstrated benefits from cessation for smokers who have already developed smoking-related diseases or symptoms. Persons with diagnosed CHD experience as much as a 50% reduction in risk of reinfarction, sudden cardiac death, and total mortality if they quit smoking after the initial infarction.
Avatar n tn multiply how much money you spend on tobacco every day by 365 (days per year). The amount may surprise you. Now multiply that by the number of years you have been using tobacco and that amount will probably astound you. Multiply the cost per year by 10 (for the upcoming 10 years) and ask yourself what you would rather do with that much money.
Avatar f tn Well have you tried not smoking it to see if you can actually substain being without it? Anything you put in your body that causes you to feel differently physically, mentally, or even emotionally affects your baby, regardless of what anyone says. If you live in Washington, where it's legal, no CPS shouldn't get involved. So it's ultimately your choice to put that stuff in your body and your babys body.
Avatar n tn Well there are kinds of long terms effects of smoking not just cancer. But note I said long term. One time will not do that. I don't know if hookah pipes are safer. Perhaps. Clearly nicotine overall is not healthy in any form. But one time usage will not create this.
Avatar f tn Stop smoking both immediately. Smoking will harm your baby and make them have a low birth weight.