
Sleep paralysis out of breath

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep paralysis out of breath


Avatar f tn ve experienced sleep paralysis many times ever since I started college but have never had any symptoms of further sleep problems or narcolepsy. It turns out, after doing pretty extensive research, that sleep paralysis can happen alone without being brought on by a sleep disorder. It can be brought on by stress, an off-balance sleep schedule or lack of sleep, and other things which can throw off your sleep cycle.
Avatar n tn what makes sleep paralysis happen? what can i do to reduce the risk of suffering sleep paralysis? what medication is avalible for this disorder? how effective is it? how does it help? i would be very gratefull to hear off you.
Avatar n tn I'm a medical student in India. i had several episodes of sleep paralysis last years. but the problem is that when i try to move my limbs or body parts there some cracking pain inside my head. the pain is increased when i try harder and there will not be any movements. when i relax my body the paralysis will resolve and i wake up as like in a dread. this occur exactly when i'm about to sleep. when i try harder and harder to move body the pain increases and makes me uncomfotable.
Avatar n tn Sleep paralysis occurs when you may go to sleep or may tend to wake up from sleep. It is a temporary phenomenon where you are incapable of moving your body or even part of it physically but keep trying to shout loudly or seek someone’s help. It may be lasting for a few seconds to minutes. It can repeat once again if you sleep and there is no physical injury to body, but you will be probably frightened with sweating and increased heart beat with shortness of breath.
Avatar n tn I am 40 year old female. For about three years now I wake up at night feeling like my body has forgotten how to function. This only seems to happen right when I fall into the deep sleep or right after I have fallen asleep. Sometimes I feel like I forgot to breath, sometimes my whole head and chest feel numb, sometimes I feel like I'm going to die. I am to the point where I am sometimes scared to go to sleep. My Dr.
Avatar f tn Yes, about 7 hours of sleep per night is ok if you are also able to manage atleast 1-2 hours of sleep in daytime. Stress could be either mental or physical and end of day if you are in a run down state it could lead to sleep depravation, so try to relax and have lot of liquids. Alprazolam can be taken before bed time for few days. Do update on your doctor advise. Take care.
Avatar n tn But like Wrian, I had/have exteme difficulty laying flat on my back, shortness of breath with exertion, and other posturally related shortness of breath. Again like wrian, I'm wondering if others have had the difficulty in being diagnosed and what further options they have had. It has seemed to me hopeless in geting any further understanding, treatment, from my DR.
Avatar m tn It sounds like it could be sleep paralysis to me. I do that all the time. I thought it was "night terrors." I'm fully aware of everything around me, can hear and everything but can't scream out, can't move, nothing. I learned it was common with narcolepsy. You need to go see your primary care doctor and/or get a referral to a sleep specialist.
Avatar m tn It sounds like you have what's called sleep paralysis. It especially happens when people sleep on their backs. Do a search online for "sleep paralysis" for more information.
Avatar f tn The symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an entity called sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. Also, hypnagogic hallucinations are hallucinations that occur between sleeping and waking. These are the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy.
Avatar f tn m in need of medical assistance. However, when I have episodes of sleep paralysis or cataplexy (similar to sleep paralysis except the onset occurs during the day not when you're in bed, so you suddenly lose muscle tone and collapse), he pays no mind to it at all. From his perspective, I'm just taking a nap. I hope that helps in understanding this phenomenon better.
Avatar m tn To the both of you...there are treatments out there that can help especially if there is shortness of breath involved. Usually people with unilateral (one sided) paralysis don't have problems with breathing, in fact it isn't discovered until a chest xray is done in many cases. But, there are a few who have problems....One option that can help is a surgical procedure called plication where the surgeon tacks down the affected side preventing it from migrating up into the chest cavity.
Avatar m tn i think i had a mild episode of sleep paralysis lastnight. i could not move, my body was tingling, my heart beat was increased. i was able to come out of it and then tried to go back to sleep and it happened again for another few seconds and i as able to come out of it but it was hard. this happened another time, maybe 6 monthes ago and i do not want this to worsen.
568812 tn?1379165794 But at some point I started looking up on the internet, found out about sleep paralysis and read up whatever articles I could find. The ones I found most reassuring where the articles that had a scientific/medical base and left out the supernatural element. Also I learned the parlysis part is natural when the body gets into REM mode. What isn't quite natural is that you are awake durring that REM stage. That's why you may get hallucinations in that time.
Avatar m tn The symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an entity called sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior.
1206353 tn?1307250410 No, it is called sleep paralysis, I have it too. I wake up and can't move for several minutes, it's terrifying, and surprisingly it is fairly common. Google sleep paralysis and there is quite abit of info avail. It's like a delayed reacation of your body vs. your brain. Some people think demons are after them, some people feel like someone is pusing on their chest, it is scary but knowing what it is helps to fight the fright and helps you to ride out the episode.
Avatar m tn some nights I'd wake up, and be completely paralysed, only able to move my eyes. I wouldnt be able to speak, or move any other part of me. I'd have a great sense of fear, and It'd take a few minutes to come out and back to normal, then I could completely move and everything would be fine again, I'd just be abit shocked as to what just happened, I started to get this more and more, to the point where it was 6-10 times a I cut out ALL caffine.
Avatar n tn What happens in the sleep paralysis is that while arousal system has brought you out of the REM phase, your body still is paralysed. This is the short phase of time when one gets dreams of being paralysed. Some people see themselves lying on the railway track with the train approaching, but can't move a muscle. There are experiences of being paralyzed while one can see and hear the surrounding. This is definitely not something made up by your mind. It has a scientific basis to it.
Avatar m tn Hi, suffered sleep paralysis for decades now. No voices etc, just paralysis. WHY doesn't the medical world take an interest in this phenomena, which is more common than I think is believed? It is left to the realm of cultural myths, alien abduction theories, generalized medical mumbling about anxiety - the definition of anything they do not understand or think will get them into trouble by not investigating.
Avatar f tn I was dreaming about a monkey then I woke but physically could not move and out of corner of my eye I thought I could see a monkey sitting on me but I couldn't move or use my voice for what felt like ages. Freaked the bejaysus outta me! Im 15wks 4days!
Avatar n tn I am a 20F, I am currently taking adderol 20mg when I need to study, and Xanax to help me with panic attack, as well as Suboxone. I have been suffering with hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis- I wake up, usually from a day-time nap, unable to move or talk. I always brushed it off as a dream until it lasted for about an hour, I fell on the floor and was found there. During this time of Paralysis i got overheated, excessive sweating, and couldnt stop biting my tongue.