
Sleep paralysis or seizure

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep paralysis or seizure


Avatar n tn I am a 20F, I am currently taking adderol 20mg when I need to study, and Xanax to help me with panic attack, as well as Suboxone. I have been suffering with hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis- I wake up, usually from a day-time nap, unable to move or talk. I always brushed it off as a dream until it lasted for about an hour, I fell on the floor and was found there. During this time of Paralysis i got overheated, excessive sweating, and couldnt stop biting my tongue.
Avatar f tn Hey everyone. I'm coming here to ask about something that's been happening to me every so often for the past year. I chose this random morning to post, because I've reached the point at which I can no longer go on without knowing how to solve my problem, or even knowing what it really is. I'm afraid to go to sleep, because that's when my "episodes" occur. Just this morning I woke up at 6:30 AM to have one of the worst ones yet, and now here I sit.. Typing.
Avatar m tn Q:Are they connected maybe? A:The answer literally is 'maybe' of the problems with connecting isolated and completely different types of events months to years apart to being 'partial focal aware' seizure related activity, is the lack of similarity or repetition of what you've experienced with each event you've described is what makes epileptic seizures less likely than more.
Avatar f tn The first type of seizure you described sounds like an absence seizure. Was your boyfriend put on medication of any sort? Did the evaluation(s) he had reveal anything else? The second "seizure" does not seem at all like sleep paralysis. It could have been any of a number of things, from seizure to night terror. The severity of the event, along with his and your reaction, make me think he should see a doctor about this very soon.
Avatar n tn The actual cause of sleep paralysis is not understood. But sleep paralysis can run in families and people who have narcolepsy. Sleep paralysis can be treated with clonazepam, Studies show that vitamin B12 improves sleep patterns but not enough evidence show prevention of sleep paralysis. Reducing stress and getting the proper amount of sleep may be beneficial. Learn to recognize your symptoms and the triggers of your sleep paralysis.
Avatar n tn Bell’s palsy is paralysis of the facial nerve or VII nerve.It is a weakness or paralysis of the muscles that control expression on one side of your face. The disorder results from damage to one of a pair of facial nerves that runs beneath each ear to the muscles in your face. The severity of Bell's palsy can range from mild weakness to total paralysis on one side of your face. The onset of the problem is fairly abrupt, generally becoming apparent within several hours to a day or two.
Avatar m tn During sleep a phase comes called as Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep. During this phase the sleep is deepest. During this sleep the muscles go in a paralysis like state and the person sleeping appears to be ‘dead to the world’. If there is a disorder off this phase of sleep, then muscle paralysis like state does not happen and the person ends up flailing, grabbing, jumping, falling out of bed, kicking, talking trashing etc.
Avatar n tn Sleep paralysis is known to occur more frequently in people who sleep with their face upwards, who have irregular sleep schedules, or are under increased stress. I would suggest you to learn some self relaxation techniques to cut down stress if you feel under a lot of stress. It is also important to rule out sleep apnea since you have a history of snoring. Please consult a good neurologist as you may need tests like EEG, sleep study and CT scan of brain. Take care!
Avatar m tn I am no stranger to sleep paralysis, I get short 3 - 4 second periods of these at least 6 - 8 times a month. This on the other hand was earlier today after a long sleep, I woke up for a bit and turned around in bed, all of a sudden i lose muscle control in all of my body. this also only lasts a short time, maybe 10 seconds or so. The difference in this episode is the fact that I had absolutely no hallucinations and the likes which i have always had before with sleep paralysis.
Avatar f tn then it will go away and i feel exhausted, dizzy and just icky all around. I thought at first this could be sleep paralysis, but im not seeing creepy things or anything like that, just my bedroom. Could this be seizures??
Avatar f tn As I understand you experience episodes of sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior.
Avatar m tn I would definitely see a neurologist and get an EEG done to check for seizure activity. If possible, you might want to have the tech doing the EEG do something that would make your son angry. I know it sounds a little strange that we would want to make him angry. However, before I had surgery for my seizures, they hooked me up for an EEG (Mine was an internal one that lasted a week but his would be external and take an hour or two.
Avatar f tn m in need of medical assistance. However, when I have episodes of sleep paralysis or cataplexy (similar to sleep paralysis except the onset occurs during the day not when you're in bed, so you suddenly lose muscle tone and collapse), he pays no mind to it at all. From his perspective, I'm just taking a nap. I hope that helps in understanding this phenomenon better.
Avatar m tn What you are experiencing could be hallucinations and delusions and they can occur with certain medications, stress, sleep deprivation, in certain brain disorders and with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. When sleep paralysis happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. You will need to consult your primary care physician for assessment. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Sleep paralysis occurs when you may go to sleep or may tend to wake up from sleep. It is a temporary phenomenon where you are incapable of moving your body or even part of it physically but keep trying to shout loudly or seek someone’s help. It may be lasting for a few seconds to minutes. It can repeat once again if you sleep and there is no physical injury to body, but you will be probably frightened with sweating and increased heart beat with shortness of breath.
Avatar f tn Sleep paralysis is which occurs when you may go to sleep or may tend to wake up from sleep. It is a temporary phenomenon where in you are incapable of moving your body or even part of it physically but keep trying to shout loudly or seek someone’s help. It may be lasting for a few seconds to minutes. There may not be any physical injury to body but you will be probably frightened with sweating and increased heart beat, one may feel a shortness of breath or air hunger.
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Neurology/sleep-paralysis-or-apnea-or-something-like-that/show/1901061">sleep paralysis or apnea or something like that?</a> was started.
Avatar n tn t quote me exactly but he mentioned something about a chemical or hormone that is released when we go through certain cycles in our sleep. The chemical or hormone is produced to protect us whilst we are sleeping. It basically stops us from physically carrying out what we are dreaming. For example if we are dreaming about hitting someone, it stops us from waving our hands about and hitting the person sleeping next to us.
Avatar m tn The symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an entity called sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior.
Avatar f tn Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to REM atonia, the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Sleep paralysis occurs either when falling asleep, or when awakening. When it occurs upon falling asleep, the person remains aware while the body shuts down for REM sleep, and it is called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis.
Avatar n tn Every couple of months i keep waking in my sleep or so i think and i can see a little boy, An older lady and recently a very scary man with a top hat, i can never see there faces but i can not move at all in my dream and sometimes i just fall asleep and can see what is happening in front of me but cannot move, for example if im having a nap on the settee and the tv is on i no whats happening, and can even see my daughter and partner but i cant talk move or anything it is freaking me out, especia
Avatar n tn what makes sleep paralysis happen? what can i do to reduce the risk of suffering sleep paralysis? what medication is avalible for this disorder? how effective is it? how does it help? i would be very gratefull to hear off you.