
Sleep paralysis in other cultures

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep paralysis in other cultures


Avatar n tn Rather, REM sleep--the phase of sleep in which most dreaming occurs--is simply malfunctioning. In a phone conversation McNally even likened the situation to getting a case of the hiccups". "Our bodies are paralyzed while we undergo REM sleep, and for good reason (lest we act out our dreams and injure ourselves). But in some small number of cases we can actually start to wake up before paralysis wears off, and yet still remain in a dreaming state.
Avatar m tn t seem to have expertise about hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis that you may need to get a second opinion from a doctor who is well-versed in sleep medicine. Sleep specialists generally are either pulmonologists (lung and breathing doctors) or neurologists (brain, spinal cord, and nerve doctors) who have chosen to sub-specialize in sleep medicine. You should look for a specialist who is "board certified" in sleep medicine, ideally.
Avatar m tn s like that my body start to paralyse and i go in deep sleep and then it holds me tightly pushing me in crushing way my heart beat faster but because i am use to it i relax myself when it comes and i fight it back and trying to twist it break it, even if i wake up and sleep straight away it will come back like 9 times in one night I have to totaly get awake and change my sleeping position, look if u have it in bad way and u scare to get u worse ask for someone who have big knowledge in islam onl
Avatar f tn Hi, this happens to me all the time. Exactly what your explaining. Last night I was laying in my bed watching a show when I suddenly realized that I was in sleep paralysis. I am completely frozen and I can't move but I can slightly rock my body or legs back and forth. This seems to help wake me up. Anyway all I think in those moments is please someone for the love of God shake me and wake me up! Then a shadow figure walked into my room and put his hand out to touch me.
Avatar f tn I have experienced sleep paralysis once, about 6+ months ago, where I was lying in bed and all of sudden my arms got really tingly and heavy, and so I just continued to move them and shake them, and then my legs got that feeling too. It was like my body was falling asleep before my mind was. So after awhile of moving my arms and legs around (luckily I didn't wake up my husband!) eventually it passed. This has been my one and only time experiencing that.
Avatar n tn There is not much medicine available for sleep paralysis. However, if it is associated with other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, have this checked by your doctor for proper management. Have enough sleep and try to de-stress and change your sleep schedule.
Avatar m tn Hi, suffered sleep paralysis for decades now. No voices etc, just paralysis. WHY doesn't the medical world take an interest in this phenomena, which is more common than I think is believed? It is left to the realm of cultural myths, alien abduction theories, generalized medical mumbling about anxiety - the definition of anything they do not understand or think will get them into trouble by not investigating.
Avatar n tn use of EOG traces shows that eye movement is still possible during such episodes.When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). The paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger. Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.
568812 tn?1379165794 Like my mom said, I used to get it and be really frightened of it. But at some point I started looking up on the internet, found out about sleep paralysis and read up whatever articles I could find. The ones I found most reassuring where the articles that had a scientific/medical base and left out the supernatural element. Also I learned the parlysis part is natural when the body gets into REM mode. What isn't quite natural is that you are awake durring that REM stage.
1995699 tn?1327155353 I have had many dreams...In all i have gotten much better at waking myself up. I'm 13 years old...My dreams every once in a while are where I KNOW im dreaming...but only right before im about to get hurt or scared...I can force myself awake and when I do its like im fighting so hard with my eyelids to keep them open...And once i get them to stay open, my whole body cant feels like there are weights on my back,but i can talk fraily...It takes a lot to make my body move...
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, there is no practical way to decipher between normal REM sleep and sleep paralysis. This is because in normal REM sleep you experience the same paralysis as in sleep paralysis; the only difference is your level of consciousness at the time. So there's no way to develop a sensor that an app could use to address this issue. This also may be of interest to you: I have a service dog whose primary task is medical alert.
Avatar n tn I sympathise with you fully as I get it most nights sometimes twice a night, and it is always terrifying. I just get the paralysis, but the other sensations are also very common in many people. What has happened is that your mind has woken or continues to be awake as your body enters a sleep state. Our muscles become paralyzed in this state probably to prevent us sleepwalking and acting out our dreams.
Avatar f tn I actually get sleep paralysis as well... It won't harm your baby at all.
Avatar n tn My friend in her 50's has sleep paralysis. She was misdiagnosed and they put her on all these psch meds because of the panic attacks which are making her worse.
Avatar n tn Every couple of months i keep waking in my sleep or so i think and i can see a little boy, An older lady and recently a very scary man with a top hat, i can never see there faces but i can not move at all in my dream and sometimes i just fall asleep and can see what is happening in front of me but cannot move, for example if im having a nap on the settee and the tv is on i no whats happening, and can even see my daughter and partner but i cant talk move or anything it is freaking me out, especia
Avatar m tn What you are experiencing could be hallucinations and delusions and they can occur with certain medications, stress, sleep deprivation, in certain brain disorders and with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. When sleep paralysis happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. You will need to consult your primary care physician for assessment. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time last night. It was absolutely terrifying. I couldn't wake up no matter how hard i tried and when I was about to wake up I would be dragged right back into the horrible dream I was having Is anyone else experiencing sleep paralysis for the first time while pregnant.
Avatar n tn I'm a medical student in India. i had several episodes of sleep paralysis last years. but the problem is that when i try to move my limbs or body parts there some cracking pain inside my head. the pain is increased when i try harder and there will not be any movements. when i relax my body the paralysis will resolve and i wake up as like in a dread. this occur exactly when i'm about to sleep. when i try harder and harder to move body the pain increases and makes me uncomfotable.
Avatar m tn The symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an entity called sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior.
Avatar m tn My symptoms (following a car crash) are very similar to yours. I didn't realise it was unilateral diaphragm paralysis until a long time after. I thought it was just severe bruising etc. I was a marathon runner and keen footballer (soccer) because I was still fit . I am 55 now but still played at a reasonable standard.till 2010/11. The accident was 15 months ago. Like you I was told the normal prognosis was recovery over two years. There has been no improvement now for over a year.
Avatar n tn Last night I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time and it was terrifying. I felt like I was being tortured and heard noises but I could not talk or even muffle any sounds. I was unable to sleep for awhile before this and only slept for two hours. Yesterday was also the three year anniversary of my mothers death who I was very close to so I am sure this was not a coincidence. Is this most likely an isolated incident by stress and the situation or should I be concerned?
Avatar m tn The symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an entity called sleep paralysis. When this happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior.
Avatar n tn I am a 20F, I am currently taking adderol 20mg when I need to study, and Xanax to help me with panic attack, as well as Suboxone. I have been suffering with hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis- I wake up, usually from a day-time nap, unable to move or talk. I always brushed it off as a dream until it lasted for about an hour, I fell on the floor and was found there. During this time of Paralysis i got overheated, excessive sweating, and couldnt stop biting my tongue.
Avatar f tn Anxiety manifests in so many ways! I don't get sleep paralysis, but I have visual hallucinations when I first wake up from a bad dream (which is about once a night). Very unsettling, but with time and help, you learn how to deal. Panic attacks in your sleep are fairly common, and should be something that you talk about with your mental health professional.
Avatar f tn Hi all, The other night, I went though what I believe to have been a moment of sleep paralysis. It was in the morning when I had woken up too early and tried to get back to sleep for another hour or so. I can't really describe, but I felt like I had a concious control over my dream, like I was aware of what was going on during it. Well, it turned into a nightmare where I was drowning and the next thing I knew I felt as though I was paralyzed.
Avatar f tn I take that back; I think I had an auditory hallucination last night. The same one twice. I didn't check to see if I could move or not until a few seconds later, though.