
Sleep paralysis and narcolepsy

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep paralysis and narcolepsy


Avatar m tn This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Hi, narcolepsy and sleepwalking are different sleep disorders. Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnagogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. It can however be regulated with medications. So, ensure to take them regularly and follow up with your doctor. Regards.
Avatar f tn It does sound like narcolepsy to me but it could be any of the sleep cycle disorders really. Sleep paralysis is a very common feature of narcolepsy. How old are you? I was convinced I had narcolepsy when I went but I ended up having periodic limb movement disorder. It's where you kick your legs and move your arms all night long. Every time I would get into REM, I would kick my legs or move my arms and it would jerk me out of it. That's what caused me to remember my dreams vividly.
Avatar n tn You might want to inquire about having a full sleep study to rule out sleep apnea and/or narcolepsy. The sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and daytime sleepiness are hallmarks of narcolepsy. Narcolepsy isn't just suddenly collapsing in a state of sleep. I tell you this not as a medical professional, but as a person with narcolepsy. Best wishes.
Avatar f tn I have narcolepsy and my sleep paralysis is getting better..My sleep study showed that I do not go into REM sleep very long..and when I get hit with intense sleepiness, I start dreaming as I am closing my eyes. When you dream with eyes open/ awareness, you have a hard time distinguishing reality from dreams. I also have RLS, Involuntary Limb movement, and it is pretty much ruining my life. I was put on all the typical drugs and slept 24 hours..I could not wake up.
1745492 tn?1320198340 My husband was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy about 5 years ago and the narcolepsy is under control with 200 mg of Provigil. He had hypnogogic hallucinations, body jerks when falling sleep, imaginary conversations with no one, talked in his sleep, fell asleep driving, talking and even in activities you'd never imagine a male would fall asleep. He appears to always have had it since about puberty but it got worse as his sleep apnea did.
871962 tn?1244730028 Think about adding medications, treatments and other issues relating to narcolepsy and hypersomnias to your sleep tracker. Insomnia and sleep apnea may be common sleep disorders, but not the only ones.
Avatar m tn i was able to come out of it and then tried to go back to sleep and it happened again for another few seconds and i as able to come out of it but it was hard. this happened another time, maybe 6 monthes ago and i do not want this to worsen. i also recently changed my bedroom around and i think this might have caused it, and i was also facing my tv which was on while it happened, i think that may have been the cause. if you have any techniques of stopping this please met me know!
Avatar m tn Hi, suffered sleep paralysis for decades now. No voices etc, just paralysis. WHY doesn't the medical world take an interest in this phenomena, which is more common than I think is believed? It is left to the realm of cultural myths, alien abduction theories, generalized medical mumbling about anxiety - the definition of anything they do not understand or think will get them into trouble by not investigating.
Avatar m tn Is it possible to have both narcolepsy and insomnia? My doctor said my complaints are highly suggestive of narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness, occasional episodes of hypnopompic hallucinations upon waking, short term memory lapses, etc).
Avatar f tn But fortunately enough of my symptoms of daytime sleepiness and sleep paralysis which can be very severe and is worsening made the consultant have a rethink and they've booked me in. You don't know my history, apologies, seems to have worsening indications of some systemic problem, being investigated for lupus, not MS, and to date haven't really considered MS as a diagnosis.
Avatar m tn What you are experiencing could be hallucinations and delusions and they can occur with certain medications, stress, sleep deprivation, in certain brain disorders and with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. When sleep paralysis happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. You will need to consult your primary care physician for assessment. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
573569 tn?1278629655 I can do everything normaly but I get tired pretty quickly too. Mine did start with sleep paralysis and then i felt like i was going into a coma and was fighting to wake up. Apparently they think i may nave narcolepsy, where when your sleeping your not gettiung the right kind of sleep so your brains sorta always tired and hence your lack of concious. Apparently it's more common to get it at night but mine goes on through the day too. Is your sleep continous? do you have vivid dreams?
Avatar m tn Again, only a sleep study can show what is going on. Narcolepsy can also indicate sleep apnea and potentially cataplexy. I waited 18 years before talking to a doctor about my paralysis and one month later, I learned I have sleep apnea. Who know what 18 years of severe sleep apnea did to my heart, brain and organs. It would be worth your time to speak with an MD. The longer that apnea goes untreated, the more damage occurs to the body. Best of luck!
Avatar m tn The associated symptoms with the following disorder are confusional wakefulness, sleep paralysis, nightmares and night terrors. This can occur in any sleep stage (REM and non-REM stage). To rule out parasomnias you need to undergo Polysomnyography and sleep analysis. You need to take out time for further evaluation. Sleep with light on. Short term benzodiazepine against prescription will help you. I suggest you to consult physician or sleep specialist. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn Someone with narcolepsy will experience the characteristics of REM sleep (vivid dreams and muscle paralysis) at the beginning of sleep, even if that sleep is during the day. It can take YEARS if not decades to diagnose, if you don't have Cataplexy. Could also be that you aren't quite awake yet. Definatly talk with your doc though. Sorry to put all this in here. I am kinda fascinated with it right now because they think I have it.....
488264 tn?1226520307 Information on sleep paralysis can be found on slep disorder websites such as talk about sleep. I have Narcolepsy and SP is a common factor that I deal with. Sleep Paralysis happens when the brain is kinda disconnected in the order of sleep. Our brain is awake but it puts our body in dream sleep and paralyzes us- once the brain copes with the dysfunction and recconects the proper wires the SP dissapates.
Avatar f tn Also, some of the aspects of REM sleep that normally occur only during sleep—lack of muscular control, sleep paralysis, and vivid dreams—occur at other times in people with narcolepsy." [wiki] did it start all of a sudden and when?
Avatar m tn As robere pointed out it can be Hypnagogic hallucinations which is a component of narcolepsy and also can be associate with Sleep paralysis and Cataplexy (emotionally triggered muscle paralysis resulting in partial or complete collapse). Even certain drugs acting on CNS can cause such visual hallucination. Other CNS causes should be ruled out.
Avatar n tn This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Best regards.
Avatar n tn Classical narcolepsy constitutes of Hypnagogic hallucinations, Sleep paralysis and Cataplexy (emotionally triggered muscle paralysis resulting in partial or complete collapse). You need to undergo tests like Polysomnography, Multiple Sleep Latency Test and CSF levels of Orexin/Hypocretin which help to substantiate the diagnosis. Having regular nap for about 20 min during day will help to prevent sleep attacks.
12594947 tn?1426138835 re inquiring about meds to treat insomnia, early awakening, night terrors, sleep paralysis/hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or what? Also, alcohol has no therapeutic use in sleep medicine. In fact, sleep specialists recommend that people wish sleep disorders minimize their alcohol intake, and never drink before bedtime as that can cause a disordered type of sleep (even if it subjectively seems like it's "helping" you sleep).
Avatar f tn ve experienced sleep paralysis many times ever since I started college but have never had any symptoms of further sleep problems or narcolepsy. It turns out, after doing pretty extensive research, that sleep paralysis can happen alone without being brought on by a sleep disorder. It can be brought on by stress, an off-balance sleep schedule or lack of sleep, and other things which can throw off your sleep cycle.
Avatar m tn i do have narcolepsy and the reason i add this is because i know this in itself has a lot of symptoms ie cataplexy sleep paralysis.