
Singulair gluten free

Common Questions and Answers about Singulair gluten free


Avatar n tn Hello, momof1son! Thanks for your comment. He was on singulair several years ago but became somewhat immune to it, it just wasn't helping anymore. We have tried Zyrtec and Claritin but the same is happening with those, they just aren't working anymore. I haven't given him anything for several months now and the pediatrician has finally set up an appointment with an allergist so hopefully this will help to isolate where the problems are coming from.
Avatar m tn hav been taking singulair for 3 years. Cramps in fingers, throat and leg occured common. Shoulders drooped. Standing and sitting posture gone really bad. Extreme tiredness 24X7. Always thirsty even after gulping bottles of water. Inactive physically and mentally. Become even more inferior in social gatherings and activities. Can't even meet minimum commitments and thus affects career and personal, family relationships. After dropping Everything became normal after 8 - 10 days.
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Avatar f tn There are a ton of books out there for this, as it's quite a fad these days even for people who don't have Celiac, so I'd look into that. But cooking gluten free isn't any different from cooking with gluten unless you're making bread or cookies -- most foods don't contain gluten so you're already eating mostly gluten free unless all you eat is bread and pasta.
Avatar f tn s is a brand of gluten free baked goods you may find pretty good. Canyon Bake House makes a terrific gluten free rosemary focaccia bread that is actually soft and not crumbly.
Avatar f tn Luckily many grocery stores around me carry gluten free foods and there is a strict gluten free/dairy free/vegan bakery close by if I get a sweet tooth.
Avatar f tn I have alot to say about Singulair but none of it is good, unfortunately. My son was on Singulair for 3 yrs. I finally recognized the side effects he was having and discontinued. He suffered from leg pain, stomach pain, irritability, anxiety, quick to tears, easily frustrated and excessively fearful. At the age of 7, his dosage was increased to 5mg. At that point, it became very clear he was suffering side effects. All of the side effects I mentioned above were multipled x 10.
1844885 tn?1330536610 I do recommend trying to go gluten free I would also recommend dairy free. I would try one first and then the other to see which one, both, or any cause you to react. The best ways it go gluten free for awhile (I was told 10 days some people say a month) see how you feel and then on the 11th day or whatever eat a lot of gluten to see how you feel and then you can do the same with dairy.
Avatar n tn Stop the singulair! Look it up on the web - there are all new reports that it causes all kinds of problems. My son was on it years ago - and he had a grand mal seizure - and the doctors laughed when I said I thought it caused it. I stopped it - and he never had another one!! Amazing, huh??
Avatar f tn Is it possible/ recommended to do a gluten free diet crossed with a calorie controlled diet? I was thinking of cutting carbs also but if I have to have them they have to be gluten free? Is that recommended ? Or is there any other way to do it?
Male My doctor has told me I need to move to a gluten-free diet....yikes!!! All my life (and that is a very long time--ha ha) I have generally eaten whatever I wanted to eat. This change to a GF diet seems like such a huge mountain to climb. I know there are many others who have had to change to a GF diet after a lifetime of eating what they wanted with little or no restrictions. How does a person even get started on a change like this? What do you do when you go out to eat at a restaurant?
Avatar f tn My doctor suggested that I stop eating gluten. I have been gluten free for 2 1/2 days and I'm so hungry. My stomach is growling constanly. I have purchased gluten free crakers, pasta, and bread so I'm eating some carbs. Does this feeling go away after your body adjusts? I have more brain fog than ever and I just feel so weak. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I'm curious as to whether or not the casein and gluten-free diet is one that needs to be adhered to for the entirety of a person's life who has autism and has found it to help? What happens if my son's autism improves because of this diet but he goes back to consuming casein and gluten some day? Will his autistic symptoms reappear or have they been cured?
168348 tn?1379357075 Glad I saw this, there are some great recipes there!
1202943 tn?1347840652 I just wanted to pass on some of my favorite Gluten free finds. I am trying to eat mostly fresh veggies, fruit, eggs, & proteins. Sometimes I just need crackers, pasta, or a quick bar to grab as a snack. My favorite new find for crackers are Sweet Potato chips: Food should taste good brand. Favorite pasta is a Quinoa pasta: Quinoa Corporation. Favorite bar is Larabar: Small Planet Foods. Oskri Fiber Bar, Cashews and Cranberries is amazing and has 12 gram of fiber.
Avatar m tn I am planning to ask him about stopping the Singulair, having my son eat foods that contain gluten, and a few weeks later doing the celiac blood test and a large food panel allergy test to see if it is some sort of food allergy. Maybe some of this info and testing would help your son. If you find out what is going on, let me know. Hopefully we can get this figured out for both of these kids.
780647 tn?1304020942 Find alternatives to your normal gluten foods. For example buy gluten free cereals, pasta, and bread (some of these are only found at certain stores). Also read every single label of everything you eat (things you wouldn't expect like soy sauce are not gluten free). Also don't eat out at any restaurants while you are trying the gluten free diet. Let me know if you have any other questions.
1202943 tn?1347840652 I decided I wanted to feel better and was willing to try a gluten free diet. I have never been tested for CD, but I noticed I felt better being gluten free. Every time I cheat I don't feel so good. I don't have many of the digestive issues, but I feel sluggish, achy, have more allergies, and bloated. It's amazing all the info I've found online. I've even read that some people think gluten can trigger Graves'.
Avatar f tn Has any one had success with a gluten free casine free diet? We are about to try it under the support from an integrated medical doctor and dietitian. Does any one have any good result stories or otherwise?
Avatar n tn Get a 1,000 mg vitamin D pill and take daily. Get one that is gluten/soy free. Walmart has them. Also, sitting in the sunshine 30 minutes a day helped me. Sometimes, it's not so easy to control the rashes, hives, etc. Also, I sure hope you're on thyroid meds. Eventually, as your meds are raised, you should be feeling better and maybe these rashes will clear. My scalp rash actually improved with the prescription shampoo, Nexoral. Then they put me on generic and it doesn't work.
268911 tn?1213744781 Read on the lable and if it says "wheat, barley, rye, flour, vinegar" it has gluten in it. It is also very common for people with Celiacs disease to also be lactose intollerant. Cut out all dairy and wheat products and see what happens. This will be a MAJOR life change for you. Baiscally you will be limited to fresh fruit and vegetables, beef, pork, chicken and fish.
Avatar n tn Thyroid hormones/antibodies are within range (other than 1 slightly elevated free T4), but right lobe of thyroid gland was found to be enlarged on ultrasound (endocrinologist does not believe that to be the cause). Liver enzymes originally checked in December and found to be on high end of normal. Retested in March '10 and found to be slightly elevated. Retested again in April '10 and found to be increasing slowly.