
Side effects of salmeterol xinafoate

Common Questions and Answers about Side effects of salmeterol xinafoate


Avatar n tn Spiriva® HandiHaler® (tiotropium bromide inhalation powder) is one and Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate) another. Each is a bronchodilator and capable of giving good relief of shortness of breath.
Avatar n tn If you think I am exaggerating about the effects of steroids (including deaths), surf the net, avoiding sites of parties with a vested interest.
Avatar n tn You and he/she will have to resort to other preparations, to include a different inhaled steroid, such as Flovent® HFA Inhalation Aerosol (fluticasone propionate), either alone or in combination with a long-acting bronchodilator, like Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate) or Foradil® Aerolizer™ (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder), such a combination being either Advair® HFA (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Aerosol or Symbicort® (budesonide/formoterol fumarat
Avatar n tn This would include a long-acting bronchodilator, such as Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate), Foradil® Aerolizer™ (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder) or Spiriva® HandiHaler® (tiotropium bromide inhalation powder) along with an inhaled steroid. Another potentially helpful, oral medicine is called theophylline. Your doctor may also want to prescribe this. You should have your blood oxygen level checked, in case it is low and you would need supplemental oxygen.
Avatar m tn ve been told by one doctor my lymph nodes on the left side of my throat are quite swollen and that this could cause throat problems. I'm gonna continue seeking the remedy to this because I can't just give up and be miserable forever. Is there any suggestions you could give me? I'm just at a loss.
Avatar f tn I was taking that dosage. As time went by I developed very serious adrenal fatigue, sometimes so bad that I couldn't walk. Cortisol levels were very high. I was treated for it with only moderate success. But there was a more serious side effect that I was not aware of. For the last two years my lung health was declining seriously and I honestly did not think I would make it through the coming winter. I assumed that the COPD was progressing at an alarming rate.
757137 tn?1347196453 Not only can it worsen asthma, but the side effects can be fatal. Other forms of treatment should be sought and, if the product is used at all, it should be for short periods of time. Advair affected my adrenals, harmed my eyes, and worsened my asthma. It caused such serious choking that I feared it would kill me. I stopped taking it last August and am doing fine on natural anti-inflammatories. This is no thanks to my pulmonologist. I had to work out my treatment for myself.
Avatar n tn Advair® HFA (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) is generally well tolerated by most people with asthma but more than a few side effects have been reported, especially with the dose that contains the highest amount of fluticasone. If you can do OK with your asthma, you are wise not to take it. But, if you need it to control your asthma you should ask your doctor for the dose that has the lowest amount of fluticasone.
Avatar n tn You are correct in wanting to wait until you have achieved optimum benefit from the Advair® HFA (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Aerosol, before any consideration of oxygen use. The Advair® HFA (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Aerosol may raise your saturation, to a degree that will make oxygen use unnecessary.
Avatar m tn But the thing is, I was making some research in Internet and it seems that Salmeterol can increase in a long term use the Asthma symptoms even causing death in some extreme cases. Another disadvantage of the mix Salmeterol/Fluticasona was the risk of Osteoporosis and blood pressure increasing.
757137 tn?1347196453 Because of serious side of effects of both Advair and an inhaled steroid that did not contain salmeterol, I now rely solely on a nebulizer and an antihistamine. I take supplements to reduce inflammation and thin mucus. I have moderate COPD and am doing fairly well, but would benefit from a longer-lasting medication. Any suggestions? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/924096'>Advair Skip a Day</a>.
Avatar n tn 1) the addition of a long-acting inhaled bronchodilator to your regimen, such as Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate) or Foradil® Aerolizer™ (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder); and 2) check your blood oxygen level. The other possibility is that your shortness of breath is not caused by COPD or asthma but by another lung problem, such as clots to the lung, or from heart disease.
1425157 tn?1311651679 i could call the doc and ask him/her if there is anything out there on the market that they can prescribe to you to keep your bronchials open w. no side effects of the adrenaline have to weigh out the benefits and what is more acute and has to be dealt with and not getting enough air to me take priority over an occasional fast heart however you want to make sure that the doc has okayed you to take an aspirin if you are going thru this to ward off the threat of clotting....
Avatar m tn I take Advair, (Fluticasone propionate / Salmeterol) once a daily inhaled. My asthma is not controlled without Advair, but is stable with one dose daily. I would like to take Harmine alkaloids (Harmine, Harmaline), but I'm not sure if Salmeterol is safe to take with Harmine alkaloids as they are MAOI (reversible MAOI however) are they safe to combine? Thank you!
Avatar n tn I am wary of inhaled steroids because I have had serious side effect that were worse than the ailment it was supposed to treat. So if you are prescribed something like that, ask if there are alternatives. The FDA sent out warning a year ago about inhaled steroids. There are natural anti-inflammatories that can help. I take mullein (in a liquid form), vitamin B5 and vitamin C. Marshmallow is also good. Some Chinese herbs are excellent, but you have to have a doctor get them for you.
Avatar f tn During the one month that I took Advair I was concerned about drug dependency, side effects, high costs of the drug ($180 per month), and the necessity for it since I have NEVER had an asthma attack. During the month of using Advair, I noticed my shortness of breath a little less than before, but the difference was so mild that I couldn't really tell if Advair was making a difference or not. I informed my pulmonologist who then prescribed me Advair 250/50.
Avatar n tn Severent (salmeterol) can have very serious side effects, death being the most notable. Flovent is a corticosteroid. Read the FDA warnings of February 2010. Like you I have moderately severe COPD. I use Duoneb (similar to combivent) in a nebulizer and find it very helpful. I discontinued the use of Advair (which is basically a combination of Serevent and Flovent) because it almost killed me (choking). It also caused adrenal fatigue, was harming my eyes, and was subverting my immune system.
Avatar n tn The long-acting bronchodilator medicines that are effective in the treatment of asthma can also, as a side effect, cause a rapid heart beat, or further aggravate an existing rapid heart beat.
Avatar n tn Many infections, including pneumonia, can cause inflammation of the airways of the lungs. Even after the infection has cleared, it is possible for the inflammation to linger. This inflammation can last a couple of weeks. Sometimes this inflammation may linger for 3 to 6 months. The inflammation will eventually go away on it own. However using a long-term control medicine, like Advair, Diskus (fluticasone/salmeterol), should help clear it away quicker.
Avatar m tn 5 mcg/actuation, and Wixela (fluticasone propionate salmeterol inhalation powder) for my COPD. Is there a sequence I should be taking these meds in? Is there a time frame I should use between the two meds?
Avatar f tn To my knowledge Advair® (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) has not been linked to strokes. Have you heard anything about this in the lay press?
Avatar f tn Been diagnosed with non allergic rhinitis, feline dander, housedust etc allergies. Also diagnosed with excercise induced asthma in the 90's. About a month ago wheezing. Doctor has me on 50mcg fluticasone/salmeterol powder am and pm,plus albuterol every 4 hrs. I haven't been using rescue every 4 hrs. When I talk I start coughing and choking and have to spit. What is going on with treatment?
Avatar f tn Advair is a combination of the same corticosteroid in Flovent (fluticasone) and a bronchodilator called salmeterol. Bronchodilators relax the muscles around the airways to relieve asthma symptoms like wheezing and coughing. So, Flovent is the steroid fluticasone. Advair is a combination salmeterol/fluticasone. Let us know how you are doing and what your doctor is telling you.
Avatar n tn I have medium severity asthma and was recently prescribed Seretide. I have been on it for close to three weeks and I now have a constantly hoarse voice. I have followed the instructions and rinse my mouth after each use, I have gargled with various throat medicines and mouth wash, I have sucked on hard candy to produce excess saliva etc and nothing works. I am a stage actor and singer as well as receptionist for the company I am with and this has seriously interfered with my work.