
Side effects of lamotrigine in children

Common Questions and Answers about Side effects of lamotrigine in children


Avatar f tn all three of my kids are healthy and just as normal as any other children.i had a very healthy pregnancy and no side effects to any of my kids.doctors followed my case closely. just wanted to share my story we can have healthy babies and be healthy doing it.
1756969 tn?1332437163 I take lamotrigine - 200mg -- and it has worked well for me with no side effects. It is usually weight neutral meaning it doesn't affect your appetite. I have taken other mood stabilizers and didn't like the side effects - lithium, bad hand tremor, diarrhea, vomiting; depakote, hair loss, weight gain; seroquel, extreme sleepiness Do remember that this is my experience and yours may be different.
Avatar f tn I realise this is an old post but can Lamotrigine cause overactive bladder? I'm trying to work out what caused mine, because it just gradually started over a few months for no reason and I've now had it for over a year and getting desperate! I noticed that one of the side effects of Lamotrigine is detrusor instability and urinary incontinence but I'm not sure if this would be a bit of a tenuous link? I take 150mg of Lamotrigine a day for bipolar disorder.
Avatar f tn s no evidence that lamotrigine decreases the effectiveness of the pill. The interaction is that the estrogen in the pill lowers your lamotrigine levels, which means you'll need a higher dose than you would off the pill. If you're really worried about pregnancy, consider a copper IUD or just use condoms with the birth control. I am on 200 mg lamotrigine and birth control pills right now.
Avatar f tn i did just a read on side effects of Lamotrigine b/c my son recently started this med....and YES it can cause sore throats ....says to seek immediate medical attention. at least contact your dr asap....there can be some very life threatening s/e's from this med....good luck!!!
Avatar m tn It would depend on how the medications are helping her as contrasted to any side effects she is experiencing or the potential of long term side effects and that is best discussed with a psychiatrist. This is some information on mood stabilizers and mood disorders that you could discuss with her psychiatrist:
Avatar m tn t neccessarily get with lithium, and without the risk of going manic). As for side effects, I get the stereotypical hand tremors seen with lithium, plus I get really thirsty sometimes. I don't get any side effects from lamotrigine except for some dizziness when I up the dose. But I'm on high levels of both (lithium blood level 1.0-1.2 and A LOT of lamotrigine, but I take it for epilepsy as well) and I haven't seen too many side effects.
5544493 tn?1369608788 dont use seroquel u cant take motrin like ibprofin with it not even advil it has adverse effects on it triliptol usually works so does welbutrin and depicoyte
Avatar f tn It is a side effect of Depakote. It's a difficult drug with a lot of side effects that a lot of people find hard to stay one, especially those who are given it for things other than seizures. It does away if you stop taking it. I don't know what collagen would do for hair loss. You can try a multivitamin or a multi made especially for the hair, such as Ultra Hair by Nature's Plus, just for one. Biotin is especially useful for hair.
Avatar n tn His teacher and myself (my son too) have noticed a postitive change in his work output at school and during homework sessions. Two of the side effects are of great concern to me. My son can't sleep until well after 10:30 pm. (we are trying Melatonin, but haven't found the right dosage). The other side effect that is most troubling is the loss of appetite. When we went to see his specialist, 6 days ago, he'd lost 4.5 lbs (in 40 days).
Avatar n tn Yeah 25 mg is a pretty low dose, so you are lucky to respond so well. 200mg shouldn't cause you problems. I take 200mg and respond well. It doesn't cause any flattening of emotions or other cognitive impairments that I can tell. It is supposed to be a bit sedating but I've never noticed that side effect. My psychiatrist has me taking 50mg in the am and 150mg in the pm. And it you do experience problems you can always lower the dose verses having to go off it completely.
1756969 tn?1332437163 Remember that this is a community of consumers, not professionals. What you will find is that people who have had bad experiences with medications are more likely to write about it online. Also, no everyone has the same response to a medication. I happen to take Lamictal (Lamotrigine) which has not affected my weight and I don't have any side effects from it. Others may have different experiences. Listen to your doctor and try the medications he/she prescribes.
Avatar m tn Are the side effects worth what the medication is doing for you? Maybe you could try self help techniques in combination with the medication, and then have it lowered and see if that works better for you. Focusing on living healthy is really important to help minimize symptoms. Do some research and see if you are interested in trying any of the self help techniques and then discuss it with your doctor.
Avatar n tn Concurrent use of lamotrigine with ECT in bipolar depression seems safe, did not interfere with routine ECT practice, and allowed for transition to maintenance pharmacotherapy. (C) 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Avatar n tn I had the same fears when beginning Lamictal- the warnings are very terrifying-- but I experienced none of the rashes or side effects, and responded well to it in general. My psychiatrist feels it is one of the most effective drugs out there for bipolar despite this side effect, which from the research I have seen is rare, but serious. If you are thinking of starting it, the doctor should start you out very slowly on what is called the "starter pack," which brings you up very slowly.
Avatar m tn It is weight-neutral, but of course it, too, has a list of possible side effects. In my case, I really liked it as a mood stabilizer, but over time it caused pronounced hand tremors. The big one to watch out for is the risk of a severe and potentially dangerous rash. If Lamotrigine is ramped up very slowly, that risk is greatly diminished. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Lamotrigine is very well known to cause hand tremors as a common side effect. That being said it could also be caused by your body readjusting it's GABA levels following withdrawal from drinking. If the tremors persist or you're concerned your GP or pdoc if you have one might be able to prescribe something to ease the tremors. Hope you feel better soon.
1149753 tn?1280478422 I take lithium, lamotrigine and a low dose of depakote. the main side effects are intermittent flat affect, permanent dazed feelings and detachment with dizziness. the other stuff is minor and tollerable. I am trying to take all meds twice a day to maintain steady levels. I stopped antidepressants nearly 2 months ago due to a 3-6 week interval rapid cycling that was worsening over the last year.
Avatar m tn t stop taking your lamotrigine unless you talk to the pdoc first, just saying these are listed side effects. Lamotrigine is a really good drug for bipolar and side effects usually wane after a few months. Since you were only on Ziprexa for 4 months, chances are really minimal that any permanent damage was done. If you are not having movement related issues - smacking lips, drooling, etc. it shouldn't be anything permanent.
Avatar f tn What are the long-term effects of a psychotropic (lamotrigine) and its propensity for binding to melanin in the eyes? Will a person lose vision in later life? Does this phenomenon contribute to ARMD or increase one's risk for glaucoma or vision loss? Can one ward off damage to photoreceptor cells or counteract the potential risk from medications?
Avatar n tn Do they tend to subside after awhile? Also, have you ever heard of spatial disorientation as a side effect of Lamictal? Thanks in advance!