
Side effects of chantix varenicline

Common Questions and Answers about Side effects of chantix varenicline


Avatar f tn Hello, Chantix (varenicline) and Zyban (bupropion) are the only two non-nicotine medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
Avatar f tn You are talking about Chantix (Varenicline tartrate) that should be available worldwide. If not, ask your doctor for other suggestion for quitting smoking.
444932 tn?1273980797 All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Constipation; gas; headache; increased appetite; nausea; stomach upset; strange dreams; taste changes; trouble sleeping; vomiting.
Avatar f tn Congrats to both. I too am smoke free, about 12 weeks now. Its been a really rough road, I wasnt one of the lucky ones. Hubby was. Off the board I've heard a lot of complaints about people not being able to take the side effects of taking the drug. Nothing about withdrawl from the drug.
Avatar f tn The serious problems — including reports of completed suicides, suicide attempts, aggression and hostility and depression — had been mixed among some 26,000 records of non-serious side effects such as nausea and rashes, with some dating back to 2006, the year Chantix, or varenicline, was approved. They echo previous claims that the drug can induce extreme reactions in people trying to quit cigarettes, including vivid nightmares, crippling depression and sudden, violent outbursts.
Avatar f tn ve been smoke free for over a year without it. I know a lot of peole get side effects from chantix but not much for me. I took it steadily for about 9 month and stopped about 5-6 weeks ago. I started having cravings again and broke down and paid for a re fill. That first pill worked fast and really helped with any cravings. I will take it as needed for however long and try to always have some on hand.
984138 tn?1359813073 ) go for it..
Avatar n tn Because Chantix is fairly new, it is important that they document all of the possible side effects. Your complaint is just another in a long list of complaints that people are associating with the drug. A lot of these can and should be researched as the more then 1000 additives that are added to tobacco and what happens when they are absent from our bodies for a period of time. I hope that you feel better soon.
Avatar n tn 4 years ago, my heart went out of rhythm and I had a virtual blackout. At the same time, I also started having psychological symptoms, especially chronic derealization. I don't have anxiety or panic attacks, I feel like something toxic is effecting my mind, like the psychological side effects of Chantix or a similar drug but it won't ever wear off. Now of course at first, I had no idea about any of these terms I'm throwing out, but this is where I am 4 years later.
Avatar n tn Chantix worked wonders for me and I am grateful that it came out when it did : ) I wasn't one of those who quit right away, but after a month and 2 weeks of Chantix, I was finally ready to stop completely. Melody, don't stop taking the Chantix until you know you are ready. I know that mcclos10/ empathy323 will disagree with me, but what really worked wonders for me was to read the articles (Joel's Library-Education) at
Avatar m tn Definitely works for a lot of people, and some have no side effects at all. As you start taking it, pay attention to how you feel. I think it's very helpful to know what COULD happen ahead of time, then you will know if you need to call your doctor and you can be aware that it's the drug, not you. For me the side effects were not enough to keep me from trying it one more time. We'll see how I feel in a couple of days though...
Avatar f tn Chantix can have a lot of side effects, including headaches. They may go away after some use of it for a while. And congratulations on quitting smoking, that is one of the hardest things to do in my oppinion. Chantix originally worked for me. Best of luck!
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
Avatar m tn Chantix side effects may include suicidal thoughts, depression and even violent behavior
444932 tn?1273980797 There is no mention of headaches as a side effect on the Chantix site but it may be that it is a lesser reported one. I never had any problems other then a little gas/queasiness but that wasn't until my second month. Maybe you should try a few more days and if it persists, call the Chantix hotline. Good luck and try to hang in there!
Avatar f tn my best friend quit smoking but first tried chantix an had some really bad side effects felt strange awful nightmares an had seazure from chantix doc took her off asap. Also seen on tv a lawyer saying if you had bad side effects from taking chantix or even death pls call today we have law suit in effect.
Avatar f tn She felt that the nicotine withdrawls, combined with the side effects of the Chantix is what caused the severe anxiety.
Avatar f tn Last night I looked up Chantix side effects on the web and found HUNDREDS of people with problems like mine that persist long after they stopped taking the pill. Many people in their thirties that just had a heart attack one day out of the blue (this is what I am most afraid of happening to me) Does anyone know how to undo the damage that chantix is causing?
Avatar f tn -- I took my night time dose of Chantix and went out to a club with friends since it was my last day of smoking. I only had a couple of beers (not even enough to do anything), and all of a sudden my memory left me, I couldn't walk, got sick numerous times, I remember bits and pieces, don't remember getting sick everytime, don't remember going home, don't remember how I got into my house, don't remember going to bed, don't remember anything. I had to ask.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix and had absolutely no extreme effects. A bit of upset stomach was the worst of it. I took it for a month and a half and have been quit for 1 year and 1 month! There are times when I still feel and urge, especially when stressed, but it goes away in mere seconds and it doesn't happen often : ) I hope you feel better with each day and thanks for offering your help.
Avatar f tn My son took it for 3 months and although he did quit smoking, the side effects have nearly put us over the emotional edge. He had mild side effects while on it, the dreams, slight stomach ache, manageable headaches, but... when he went off it, the whirl wind began. He began with terrible hives, then numbness, dizzy, foggy, moody and the latest is he has been diagnosed with panic and anxiety.
596605 tn?1369946627 Any better today? I've been thinking about you; read a few more posts on Chantix side effects, and if you still feel that deep fatigue, I would quit the Chantix immediately!...and most especially if you have any kind of emotional issues (I don't mean to assume) as Chantix can exacerbate them. There are many other quit aids to choose from if Chantix turns out to be not right for you.
Avatar n tn I have been on Chantix . My breast are swollen and tender. Has anyone else had this side effect. Not from my periods - had a hysterectomy 15 years ago.
Avatar f tn Since this drug affects brain neurotranmitters, it has all the same possible side effects as those types of drugs, which are many. These can range from changes in personality to suicidal thoughts to getting the sweats to nothing at all. I would speak to my doctor about this.