
Rhinocort aqua pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Rhinocort aqua pregnancy


1363867 tn?1277825361 Hi Kali, You are having allergic rhinitis, Try with nasal spray (such as Rhinocort aqua/Flixonase/Flomist), antihistamines (Cetrizine/Fexofenadine), saline nasal drops (to keep the nose moist) and drink plenty of water. Remember there is no cure for allergic problems. PREVENTION IS THE BEST TREATMENT. Do not sleep directly under the fan, everyday change the bed sheet before going to sleep, when ever you are exposed to just cover your nose with a clean handkerchief. Any doubts you are welcome.
Avatar f tn Do you have Endometriosis?
168348 tn?1379357075 Thank you so much. A little history if I may, please .... Last summer I underwent an upper endoscopy, multiple biopsies, x-ray with barium, esophageal manometry, and was also prescribed Aciphex and then Nexium. The G.I. who presumed that I 'had difficulty swallowing' even after I insisted that I just keep 'spitting' finally determined that "your evaluation has been completly negative".
Avatar n tn I am using a humidifier at night to help with the dryness since the heat has come on. He just started taking Rhinocort Aqua and I am hoping that will help.
895401 tn?1302792967 What I found works for me is getting a nasal steriod spray, like Rhinocort Aqua, Nasacort, etc., After I started using this at night it opened up my nasal areas ( which I did not realize were clogged), then I use the mouth inhealer in the mornings and that seems to work for me. Since I don't know your situation, please make sure that you don't stop using any medication and have a attack. You do know your body better than anyone, just be careful.
Avatar f tn I am 23 yrs old and I am allergic to all pets that have fur or feathers, as well as tabacco, dust, grass, and dandelion. I take cetirizine hydrochloride and Rhinocort everyday. However, a few months ago, I started to get an itchy/tingly feeling in my teeth, throat, chest, and toungue. I got it almost everyday, and sometimes for several days straight. My doctor said it might be a side affect of the antihistimine. So, I have switched to loratadine and have been using this one for a few months.
Avatar m tn I am on steroid inhalers for asthma medication ( Advair, Rhinocort aqua nasal spray) and regularly take Claritin and Singulair. Does this delay Ab production? Thanks for your time on this.
Avatar f tn I too suffer with awful post nasal drip and also gerd. I take zyrtec and Rhinocort Aqua, it is nasal spray and it does help. I have tried other nasal sprays but this one seems to work the best.
Avatar f tn I was the same.. went to the doctors and he gave me Rhinocort..a nasal spray that's safe in pregnancy. I've been using it at bed time and within a week I was all better. Not only do I sleep better and don't snore anymore but my nose is completely unblocked during the day also.
Avatar f tn light excerise is ok, nothing too vigorus, check with your doctor first, but its always good to stay fit during your pregnancy, aqua arobics, and pregnancy youga are low impact
Avatar n tn In the summer of 2008 he was on daily doses of Singulair, Claritin, Qvar, and Rhinocort. Concerned over this amount of medication for someone this young I sought a second opinion. That doctor took him off all the medications and he was fine with no adverse reactions but occasionly felt he need an albuterol inhaler. In Jan 2011 he developed a severe cold which aggravated his asthma and is now (Nov 11), and has since, been back on daily doses of Qvar, Claritin, and Rhinoqort.
Avatar f tn t mention, after the chest infection and before the wheezing properly began, I also too suffered sinus trouble (I think it runs in my family aswell). I used Rhinocort Aqua which cleared my nose within 2 weeks. It was then I noticed the wheezing. I was a bit scared at first to use the inhaler as I thought it was for bad chest infections, or asthma, none of which I believed I had. I was convinced for ages that it was the Rhinocort that caused the wheezing so I stopped using it.
Avatar n tn No I have not had a topical steroid prescribed, I go see the dentist on next Tuesday, the only medication i am prescribed is Valtrex, Singulair, Rhinocort, and Yaz, just started Yaz this month. However, been on Valtrex consist for a year nearly now.
Avatar f tn Its good to keep fit while pregnant, you should check with your docotr, usually low impact excersie is reccomended, such as aqua arobics, pregnancy yougs etc
341551 tn?1266980730 some say using cleansers and creams w/ acne meds in it isn't safe while prego. but i never stopped using my normal stuff in any of my pregnancies and all my kids are fine! in my last 2 pregnancies i used the acne treatment gel by mary kay... it has 5% benzol peroxide in it. i don't have breakouts anymore so i won't give it up! it works great!
7003050 tn?1390124013 No. I use a Netty pot with sterile/preboiled water to decrease the symptoms. Went to see my Ob and allergist. I'm continuing my claratin and singular. Allergist changed flonase to rhinocort (super expensive). They want me to avoid triggering another bad asthma attack. That can be harmful to baby. Hope you feel better.
Avatar f tn I really recommend pregnancy yoga in your 2nd and 3rd trimester, before that aqua aerobics, swimming, normal yoga and Pilates, gym workout, light jog, stationary bike and cross trainer, anything really as long as you are feeling well and comfortable doing it.
216239 tn?1233257361 Rhinocort is category B so it supposedly is the only recommended/safe one. My friend gave me her approved drug sheet and it says Benadryl 1-2 tab every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 6 pills in 24 hours. Did the doc say anything? I know how you feel. I'm the same way with these allergies but I'm too afraid to take anything at 6 weeks. Did Rhinocort once and that was it. The rest of the days I suffer. Good luck.
Avatar f tn or anywhere that has aqua green and aqua blue transport bedsets. thanks to anyone who helps! im 24w.
Avatar f tn Thank you, will due the betty pot soon. I took some Benadryl but it has only made me sleepy instead of any better.
Avatar f tn My primary sent me to a gastro doc that gave me rhinocort to spray directly on my throat. It really helped. I had to stop taking it because several months of using it like that can cause a fungus in your throat, but it helped to where now my swallowing is closer to normal. Plus, the gastro doc can probably find out what caused this problem to start with. Mine turned out to be several acid reflux related problems that I have and he is trying to treat. Hope you feel better!