
Psychotic symptoms visual impairment

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic symptoms visual impairment


Avatar f tn I am currently recovering from a severe depression with suicide ideation in which i apparently had psychotic symptoms. Has anyone else had psychosis without knowing what it was until speaking to your therapist about what was going on? and does anyone have any advice as to what to look for in oneself when psychosis starts?
1039200 tn?1314912008 I often think that some symptoms are because people are being over-medicated but sometimes it is the opposite and the symptoms are there because people are under-medicated. It is something an experienced doctor needs to sort out. Meds can be paradoxical. Is ironic that one can be given to treat anxiety or depression but that anxiety and depression can also be a side-effect of it. Sounds messed up. Is a wonder they even work at all. It sounds like it could be from both.
603015 tn?1329862973 Hypomania is distinguished from mania by the absence of psychotic symptoms. In other words if there are psychotic features its mania. BP2's can get psychotic features in mania the same as anyone does. Is this what you are referring to on the Black Dog Site ?
Avatar m tn Thinking back, the brain fogging, vision impairment lacking emotion, and thinking abilities worsened year after year, since 2012. Then on feb 2016, visual symptoms and everything else just got so much worse on a particular day after I woke up from my sleep. I panicked so badly on that day, thinking I was having some sort of psychological episode. It seemed to get better after couple of days, then it just is getting a little worse and worse, each day.
1039200 tn?1314912008 I was never as bad as this before I had a psychotic breakdown. Can I have your opinions whether the cognitive impairment would be caused by bipolar, psychosis or the meds used to treat it (600mg seroquel/1400 tegretol)? so that I can take steps to put things right. I don't want to go back to a life on disability and this had destroyed what little confidence I was building up.
Avatar f tn What is your visual acuity? Have you seen a top quality "low visual aids" expert. There are many scientists with very poor vision that function using "visual aids for visual impairment".
16700471 tn?1451413152 what you said here is that some of what you described is symptoms of PTSD remembering flashbacks I become psychotic someone special to me had this happen to them around the same age she is violent destructive and hypersexual.
12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
1256303 tn?1291752568 My second question is how do I (and of course, my psychiatrist) differentiate between whether I am bipolar with psychotic features or schizo-affective? I definitely have the cycles of mania and depression, starting about three years ago, would have auditory and visual hallucinations when severely depressed. Recently with this batch of mania, I have begun to have the auditory hallucinations too, as well as visual. I also am having some problems with disorganized thoughts and speech and delusions.
Avatar n tn s legal definition of disablity. The definition of visual impairment or legal blindness is that with best correction your better eye must have a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse. Or your best corrected visual field at its widest must be no more than 20 degrees. Please, note that the definition is WITH BEST CORRECTION in the BETTER EYE. That means with corrective lenses, glasses or contacts (although, for a field test glasses can not be used, because they restrict your field)!
539694 tn?1434565947 i hallucinate and im often aware of it and i know ive been pretty paranoid and delusional for much of my life. Thing is at their extremes those are psychotic symptoms.. i dont feel psychotic im not a bad or nasty person :-( You say theres been times you felt like people could read your thoughts? I get that but i only noticed and really realised the last few years, its just so subconscious you know?
Avatar f tn I cant nap if my life depended on it. I also feel like I have severe cognitive impairment and my memory is non existent. Also cant handle drinking alcohol now since September. Did I do some permanent damage to my brain or will it get better if I quit smoking weed and/or taking risperdal?
334876 tn?1229979296 Patient complains of Cognitive impairment, gait distrubance, inability to swallow, spasticity in lower extremeties, visual disturbances, temp sensititivity x 3 yrs. O: Patiens vitals are normal, appears irritated, figity and visibly upset. Neuro exam abnormal, MRI reveals lesions. EVP abnormal, LP abnormal, Every indication of MS is apparent. A: UMA, MBS (Cuz I dont have any balls to call it as I see it!) P: recheck in 6 months if no improvement.
Avatar n tn Do you think the visual field impairment i.e the blurring of vision sensitivity to light and glare will return to normal with time or is this loss permanent?
338416 tn?1420045702 In sum, the predominate features of her neuropsychological profile are moderately impaired selective and divided attention, cognitive flexibility, storage of visual information, visual discrimination, visual attention to details, verbal fluency, and concept formation, and mild impairment in processing speed and memory processes for auditory information. There is evidence for mild decline in intellect into the average range from a premorbidly high average level.
2095286 tn?1333103655 Methanol intoxication is associated with severe damage to visual pathways, which can cause permanent blindness. Prolonged visual impairment is an unfavorable prognostic sign and vision recovery is difficult later. Usually steroids and vitamin B1 are effective in treating severe methanol optic neuropathy. Fomepizole is an inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase is a safe and effective in the treatment of methanol poisoning. Initial treatment is with ethanol. Hope this helps.
202665 tn?1248806733 I have been a psych patient for 13 years and I'm 32. When I was 19, the pdoc thought I had postnatal psychosis, then about a year later they thought I could have schizoaffective disorder. I only know this now because my current pdoc told me, at the time when my family pressed for a diagnosis they were told I had "affective disorder with psychotic features". I strongly believe that our symptoms evolve over the years as our lives change, we learn coping skills etc.
Avatar f tn Within FEP patients, decreases in cortisol and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio over time were directly related to the improvement in depression . . . negative . . . and psychotic symptoms . . . . Perceived stress significantly correlated with DHEAS . . . and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio . . . in controls, but not patients, possibly reflecting an impaired hormonal response to stress in FEP patients. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Avatar f tn Hallucinations can come and go or remain constant, psychotic symptoms are very variable in nature. I think it depends on the person. Is a specific individual hallucination lasting all this time or is she having different ones continually?
Avatar m tn I have experienced a lot of visual symptoms with my Lyme disease, from sharp eye pain (worse upon movement) to mild double vision, floaters, blurriness (worse upon heat or exhaustion), and bright flashing light in my peripheral vision when I move my eyes side to side. At times I would see "trails," so if I was holding an object that gives off light (candle, cell phone) and moved it in front of me, I'd see a faint image behind the true object.
Avatar n tn The first thing I did when I started to have this was go to an Ophthalmologist and I got dilated and had a peripheral visual fields test and all that stuff to make sure I did not have a stroke in my retina or any other visual impairment. I then went to a neuro-opthalmologist and now a headache center.
Avatar f tn I had been asked to take my husband with me and really it was just a along talk over what had happened and what my life was like and work and family. She was trying to see if my symptoms could be related to stress or anxiety this would mean they had a "functional" cause as opposed to a "organic" cause. As it was she did not beleive that I was stressed or anxious and has reported back to the neurologist explaining this.