
Psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury


728480 tn?1312059930 Well you are talking about two different issues. First of all, psychological and Freudian theories are now considered outdated as regards psychiatric disabilities (my prefered term for mental illness). That doesn't mean people with psychiatric disabilities don't experience normal feelings that need psychotherapy. And there are complex issues.
Avatar m tn I have smell disorder after a mild traumatic brain injury 1 year 3 months ago and still suffering. It may be permanent. Complete loss has been called anosmia. What I am suffering from is everything smells and tastes different what it is not and many times obnoxious. I don't even know the medical term for it. Unfortunately no one can predict what will be the outcome. Just hope and keep praying.
Avatar f tn damage to his brain. Damage to the head and brain is also called Traumatic Brain Injury. Perhaps that a clearer way to say what I intended.
Avatar n tn I am a pediatrician. I would like to seek your expert opinion on traumatic brain injury. 1) Is there a consensus on the height of a fall which would be fatal in an infant of few months old? 2)Is it possible for a head injury that caused skull fracture with subdural and subarachnoid hemorrahge to occur without external scalp wound or bruise? Thanks for your help in advance. I would appreciate if you can provide reference as well. Thanks again.
Avatar n tn Borderline personality disorder is not a result of brain injury. It is considered a personality disorder. He would have to have been diagnosed with BPD before getting the concusions to be considered true BPD. You will get more and better information from looking up Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), which is the result of concussions and can look and feel a lot like BPD or bipolar disorder depending on the area of the brain affected. There are medication that help some people.
Avatar n tn My son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at 2.5 years old. He has all the typical symptoms such as delayed speech, repetitive behaviours such as hand flapping. He has a tendency to line up his toys, he has inconsistent eye contact and doesn't respond to his name.
Avatar m tn I enter into a Psychotic state ( lasting abt 10-30 days ) following coming in contact with the following pricipitating factors:: Pricipitating factors are like stress, anxiety, fear / phobia, lack of sleep, drinks more then 3 pegs.
Avatar n tn MRI is done to identify if there is any traumatic brain injury, bleed etc or if there is a spinal cord injury. It is an important step in early diagnosis of head injury. Take care!
Avatar m tn You are probably stressed out because of the fight and subsequent injury and could be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Other than that it can be due to frontal lobe injury that occurred due to the hit on the head and hitting table. You need psychotherapy to overcome the stress and a MRI of the brain to see if there has been some traumatic brain injury. Please consult a doctor and get this examined.
Avatar f tn My son (19) was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At time of hospitalization he refused an MRI. Subsequently he agreed and a subarachnoid cyst 6cm X 4.5 cm anterior to right temporal lobe was found. He has c/o forgetfulness, h/a, and had a severe manic episode with auditory hallucinations and paranoia. Could all this be related to his cyst? No family history of bipolar disorder. Also, what would treatment be? Surgery? Expected recovery time? What are chances mania will recurr?
1568058 tn?1320437008 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Aquired Brain Injury (ABI) are widespread conditions that people struggle with, often as invisible disability.
Avatar n tn What could be the cause of sudden onset unresponsive episodes in a middle aged male post traumatic brain injury. These episodes are triggered by light, noise, concentration, ........There are cognitive impairments such as inititiation, memory, concentration, judgment, following instructions, comprehension, focus, word find. ..... There is considerable fatigue with minimal activity and considerable somnolecence from 10-18 hours per day.
510168 tn?1211327589 My question is concerning what exactly would the Nerologist be looking for with an EEG result, being that I have been Diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Avatar m tn I had a similar injury and had brain contusion (temporal and frontal lobes) happened 1 year 8 months ago and had lot of constant symptoms still (dizziness, head aches, fatigue etc.,) plus distorted sense of smell and taste. Mine is bizarre lately since it keeps changing through out the day and gets some what better in the night (meaning I can slightly have normal smell and taste). In the beginning it was so worse.
Avatar f tn I would like to know if an injury that happeed during brain surgery in which a general surgeon assisting my neurosurgeon retracted too forcefully caused an injury which left me with a left sided hemiparesis, 1.5 years of LT/ST memory loss and a seizure disorder, is actually a traumatic brain injury. Also, could this be the cause of my insatiable hunger, inability to lose weight, and pre-diabetes given its proximity to the hypothalamus? I'm told that I had a hemorrhagic stroke or two.
Avatar f tn This sentence in your question is one that really resonates with me: "It is as if this head trauma has decreased coping mechanisms that I have managed to develop over the years." I was in a motorcycle accident in 2017 and suffered a concussion. I also have post-concussion syndrome, it has gotten better, but it has never gone away.
640891 tn?1256900528 Last year I had a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (invloving all lobes of the brain).To give you an idea of the severity of this head injury, I bled from both ears for over a month.Since this injury, I have now had THREE of these post coital headaches.Yesterday was the worst one EVER.It felt as if a lightning bolt had hit me in the right side of the head.(the headache occured approx.
Avatar f tn My husband had a traumatic brain injury about 10 years ago. As a result his brain now acts like it is bi-polar. After many many many medication changes he is now on lexapro 20mg, risperdal 3mg 2x a day and trileptil 300mg 2 in the morning and 2 at bed time. I don't think it is really helping.
Avatar m tn A good friend of mine was in a bad car accident and was taken to the hospital about a year and a half ago. He had many broken bones, a collapsed lung, and a traumatic brain injury. Previous to the accident he was a daily pot smoker. He's doing really good now and has had no problems with breathing, although he does have some trouble with his short term memory from time to time. This may be due to the past weed smoking, but he is leaning toward smoking weed again.
Avatar f tn A MRI of brain should be done to see whether this is due to traumatic brain injury or not. The cognitive impairment could just be due to concussion which at times persists for years and all of a sudden disappears. This does not have any long term complications. The person just needs support from family members and has to learn to live with the memory loss and other such problems that you are facing and undergo behavior therapy for that.