
Psychotic disorder elderly

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic disorder elderly


Avatar n tn Schizoaffective disorder is schizophrenia which a co-existing mood disorder which in my case is bipolar disorder. However, the American Psychiatric Association is considering a new criteria which is "schizo-obsessive disorder" and regardless obessive behavior can occur in schizophrenia so it has aspects of both.
Avatar f tn Schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder must be diagnosed first. And even standard psychiatric guidelines are now stating to use anti-psychotics with caution in the elderly given that the rate of emergent tardive dyskinesia as well as other side effects of current anti-psychotics are more severe in an older population. Even for someone who needed the medications Klonopin already is an anti-anxiety drug. Xanax is not needed as well and can be highly addictive.
Avatar m tn Sensipar works be lessening the amount of parathyroid hormone (PTH) released by the parathyroid gland. Less PTH means less calcium and phosphorus are released from the bones. Sensipar is prescribed for secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis, hypercalcemia in patients with parathyroid carcinoma, and severe hypercalcemia in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism who are unable to undergo parathyroidectomy.
Avatar f tn The Risperdal can have many negative effects on children. These type of anti-psychotic drugs have never been tested on children so the long term side effects of children using this drug are relatively unknown. My brother was put on this drug when he was younger and has suffered from extreme weight gain and facial tics. The tics never go away - even with stopping the drug. Risperdal is not usually used for PTSD or ADHD as it is an anti-psychotic.
1516809 tn?1345082764 My elderly mother has Alzheimer's Disease, she is 87, and recently developed elevated Liver Enzymes. Her geriatrician stopped all her meds including those for Alzheimers to stabilize her liver. Once her Liver stabilized, the doctor introduced Risperdal stating that it is less liver antagonistic. I have read much about Risperdal being fatal to the elderly but I have also read that given in low doses it is quite effective.
12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
Avatar f tn My question is what is the difference between Bipolar disorder with psychotic features and Schizoaffective disorder? And which one sounds closest to what i am experiencing, if it's possible to answer?
1351968 tn?1278205300 Well there is a gradation between bipolar and schizophrenia such as bipolar with psychotic features (where a person experiences psychotic symptoms specifically during moodswings) and schizoaffective disorder, as was mentioned as I have where if untreated a person experiences psychotic symptoms at all times. Bipolar in some people can worsen over a life time, certainly if untreated and there are many subtypes of bipolar, including bipolar with psychotic features.
1201916 tn?1277603095 It works better than Geodon did for me but I take it for a psychotic disorder rather than a mood disorder but bipolar disorder can have psychotic symptoms and every medicine works differently for each person.
603015 tn?1329862973 Hypomania is distinguished from mania by the absence of psychotic symptoms. In other words if there are psychotic features its mania. BP2's can get psychotic features in mania the same as anyone does. Is this what you are referring to on the Black Dog Site ?
Avatar f tn 14 years old is indeed young but it might be psychotic episodes or something somehow leading to bi-polarity as it could be and it is very likely, that is is schizo but at this age who knows if she's just shizotypal or schizoid, well you wanna know if it's a personality disorder or a psychotic disorder. In females real psychotic disorders tend to appear later than in men, who are starting to get symptoms between adolescence and early adulthood.
202665 tn?1248806733 Yes schizophrenia doesnt have any mood changes but there are a whole spectrum of conditions in between such as bipolar with psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder which involve both psychosis and mood changes. Sometimes certain concerns such as psychosis can increase over time become more apparent or are more in need of treatment. Bipolar with psychotic features is generally defined by psychotic thoughts or auditory or other hallucinations occuring only during mood swings..
Avatar f tn t say I know what specifically causes it in the brain (nor can ANYONE or it would be CURED), but I do know how it is classified and I also know the unfortunate kind of misdiagnosing that goes on with unskilled psychiatrists and doctors whom have never seen this illness before. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder because reality testing is lost, however, reality testing remains during DP/DR episodes.
Avatar f tn Holiday blues can affect anyone, especially people with things like bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes I don't think are required for bipolar disorder 1 to be diagnosed and only mania is required but they frequently occur. With psychotic features just means you experience psychotic symptoms when manic and/or depressed but particularly while manic.
Avatar m tn The only form of depression that can cause psychotic episodes, is Bi-polar Depressive Disorder but typical clinical depression that can result from severe anxiety, is not in the psychosis category
Avatar f tn My son (19) was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At time of hospitalization he refused an MRI. Subsequently he agreed and a subarachnoid cyst 6cm X 4.5 cm anterior to right temporal lobe was found. He has c/o forgetfulness, h/a, and had a severe manic episode with auditory hallucinations and paranoia. Could all this be related to his cyst? No family history of bipolar disorder. Also, what would treatment be? Surgery? Expected recovery time? What are chances mania will recurr?
Avatar n tn You could have depression with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder. I have schizoaffective disorder and the mood disorder aspect is bipolar. I am recovered now with an antipsychotic in Phase II FDA study glycine as I've said on other posts but I know what the experience is like. But there are other forms of schizoaffective disorder that have depression instead of bipolar as the mood phase. And if you have suicidal urges you need to see a psychiatrist right away.
728480 tn?1312059930 Could a personality disorder answer many queries about someones mental state saying the personality covers everything ? etc depressed (someones experiences repressed in memory) seeing things (imagination developed through isolation) not connecting with others (personality non human compatable) ?
1044813 tn?1370494406 Hello all, I would like to request the addition of Seroquel (quetiapine) which is an anti-psychotic to the mood tracker. Seroquel is very commonly prescribed for the treatment of both manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder.
1256303 tn?1291752568 My second question is how do I (and of course, my psychiatrist) differentiate between whether I am bipolar with psychotic features or schizo-affective? I definitely have the cycles of mania and depression, starting about three years ago, would have auditory and visual hallucinations when severely depressed. Recently with this batch of mania, I have begun to have the auditory hallucinations too, as well as visual. I also am having some problems with disorganized thoughts and speech and delusions.
Avatar n tn Can paranoid personality disorder develop into paranoid schizophrenia?A person from my family went undiagnosed for many years despite strange behavior, only when she had a psychotic episode did she allow us to take her to a doctor and was diagnosed with paranoid disorder. The symptoms fit her "usual" symptoms (i.e. those she's had for years) - relatively coherent delusions of being disliked, plotted against, of her flat being bugged, someone stealing things when she's out.