
Psychotic disorder due to epilepsy

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic disorder due to epilepsy


Avatar f tn I was also put on Phenobarbital for around 9 months when the Ritalin did not appear to be working. The Phenobarbital made me psychotic and prone to violent meltdowns. It was several months before anyone made the connection. I was then returned to Ritalin and remained on it until I reached puberty. When I was in my mid-20's I spontaneously developed complex-partial temporal lobe seizures. I had about 4 or 5 a year until my mid-30's when they went away and haven't been back.
Avatar f tn There is information that link paranoid/delusional thinking with menstruation, especially with a history of intense PMS (it is sometimes referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD). It is also possible for people to develop psychotic-like symptoms amidst a severe depressive episode ("psychotic depression"), as a reaction to medication, and substance abuse.
1985196 tn?1402190098 Hi , I've had 1 dr diagnose me with bi polar another with bi polar 2 , and now they seem to think it's bi polar with psychotic features or possibly schizoaffective bi polar type , i was thinking it could be ultradian rapid cycling or mixed episode's or something like that i'm on meds for it and due to see my p doc in a few weeks , i just had an eeg done yesterday for my hallucinations mainly olfactory (smelling things ) of concern to check for epilepsy , i drift in and out
Avatar f tn First off, thank you to all who spoke up for me the other day. I needed a little reassurance. In the doctors (pleural - my gp was told by the docs who work for the insurace company) defense, I have no sign, really, of organic disease. In order to explain my difficulties, they came up with somatization disorder. I spent yesterday researching somatization disorder, all over the world wide web. I then RE-researched the neuropathic pain which brought me to them. You know?
Avatar f tn s they are reducing the Dep. another 250 my request due to weight gain/. Then they are going to see about the Abilify since I've been on it ssoo long.. Thanks ILvokate..
Avatar m tn I have just been reading up on it and found it could be due to undiagnosed disease.. I have just found that I have Shingles, could this be the reason for it?
202665 tn?1248806733 ve just been incorrect to start with and as the others said, bipolar disorder can have psychotic features and you could develop schizophrenia symptoms down the road alongside the bipolar disorder, but that would be schizoaffective disorder. Also, in the new DSM-V they have currently decided to totally deleting all the subtypes of schizophrenia and just going to diagnose solely schizophrenia.
Avatar n tn ve been told that (besides now having a personality disorder) I have atypical psychosis and thus my diagnosis has been changed to borderline personality disorder and psychotic disorder NOS. I've done some research and I read that some of my hallucinations, like colours changing or objects moving, are not typical visual hallucinations and are more indicative of a neurological condition, same with the voices that I hear and can't make out what they're saying.
12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
Avatar f tn If I can help you understand any factors of epilepsy, I'd be glad to help, as I've had epilepsy for 69 years.
1965148 tn?1354978634 I think that bipolar disorder can be with or without psychotic features. Since you seem to be having some psychosis then I would say you have it with. I think they have to observe you over time to get an acurate diagnosis. Therefor you would have to meet the diagnostic creiteria outlined in the DSM IV to recieve a diagnosis.
222267 tn?1253302210 In my view, pschy because pts show at the time of mania psychotic features, because due to the missing fuse they get irrational that's all.
Avatar f tn I have been told not epilepsy therefore they are not always due to epilepsy. Although the treatment I have been given is clonazepam which is an anti epilepsy drug. Feel free to look at my homepage and add me as a friend.
Avatar f tn Not every breakdown is psychotic. I had a complete mental breakdown about 16 years ago or so which lead to 3 years of crushing depression - my illness course leaves me prone to this type of breakdown. However not being on meds? Dont know - i went nearly 15 years not on meds and i thought i was fine until I wasnt and went psychotic manic, so you might be fine for a long time as well. And I wasnt fine, I was hypomanic and looking back had at least 3 mini breakdowns and burnouts in that time.
Avatar n tn Please see a neurologist and or psychiatrist for help in further finding out the root of this problem. Do you have epilepsy, or any brain disorders? This is something to look into. I really hope you can find out what is going on.
Avatar f tn I have epilepsy. Does anyone else seem to seizures most when ovulating amd during period? What helps?
Avatar n tn No your boyfriend/husband condition of epilepsy wouldn't be the reason for your miscarriages. MOre than likely it's due to faulty eggs on your part, esp if the miscarriage occurred early in pregnancy. Many times this is just due to bad luck. I am sorry for your miscarriage. I can sympathize with you. That's how I ended up on this website, looking for answers for my m/c's. In most scenarios it just due to an egg of poor quality. ..don't blame yourself or him.
Avatar f tn If someone has a headache and an arachnoid cyst, just given the statistical probabilities, they are more likely to have a headache unrelated to the cyst than to have headaches caused by the cyst. Similarly, in a patient with bipolar disorder and an arachnoid cyst, the likelihood is that the cyst is NOT causing the psychiatric disorder. Having said this, it depends on several factors, including the location and size of the cyst, and more importantly its effect on surrounding brain structures.
Avatar m tn I've been dealing with bipolar disorder since 2012 and I've gone through 4 hospitalizations due to the manic/psychotic breaks. I've also suffered a few milder hypomanias during last 6 years but I feel exhausted ALL the time I'm not in a mania. I could sleep for hours and still feel extremely tired. It's gone as far as I am calling sick from time to time because I literally am not capable of getting out of bed.
1052703 tn?1266279337 of the epilepsy all those years ago. Is there a link between my having epilepsy and my subsequent bouts of anxiety? I have had many good years without any panic attacks but have had trouble within the last six months with severe anxiety and panic. I am taking buspar 10mg three times daily and Xanax 10mg as needed within an eight hour period. Should I request an eeg from my doc just to see if there is anything abnormal? Would antiseizure medication be applicable?
Avatar f tn I just started back on Abilify and ambien (temporarily for sleep) after being off meds for 10 days. I am taking 10mg which is an increase from the 5mg that i was on. I was experiencing psychosis, paranoia, anxiety, and sleep deprivation. I'm not sure how my mood was at the time. When i went to my psychiatrist he mentioned Schizoaffective disorder but did not diagnose me with it.
Avatar m tn schizophrenoform disorder, r/o psychotic disorder NOS, r/o MDD chronic with psychotic features, r/o alcohol abuse, partner relation problem Axis 2: no diagnosis with paranoid traits Axis 3 deferred Several months after discharge diagnosis (not by doctor who gave second opinion) amended to Axsis 1: MDD, in remission, r/o depression due to general medical condition (vestibular injury), adjustment disorder with depression/anxiety, partner relation problems, alcohol abuse.
Avatar n tn I was wondering where the best place for me would be to find a complete list of medicines I should stay away from with Long QT syndrome. I have a list but it is over 5 years old, and I am in need of a new one! Thank You!
Avatar f tn Since there could be many causes of this they might want to refer you to a neurologist as well to rule them but only a doctor would know for sure.
1351968 tn?1278205300 No bipolar disorder will not turn into schizophrenia if not treated, the two are totally different illnesses. However, the two can sometimes be mixed up when a doctor is initially trying to diagnose someone. Bipolar disorder is an illness where the chemical inbalance in someone's brain causes their moods to be more extreme than those without the disorder. It also causes the moods to shift between the extremes (that's the difference between bipolar disorder and unipolar depression).