
Protein in the morning

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Avatar n tn Around the same time I first started noticing that my urine was quite frothy but only in the morning. Doctor did a random Urine test - 1 sample in the afternoon, this showed no protein. Blood urea and Blood Creatinine were smack in the middle of the normal range. Kidney ultrasound showed proper kidney size. One week later I still see frothy urine every morning. I intend to get a 24 hour albumin and creatinine filtration check and also a BUN and plasma urea, creatinine test done.
Avatar f tn Is it due to the fact that milk has protein that one should avoid it in coffee in the morning? And if so what about protein for the rest of the day? Do you know if there also is a limit then on protein in breakfast itself? This is something my doctor has not talked to me about? I too wonder about any protein? Since I take synthroid, do you know how that works,? You said it is a good idea to take all vitamins 4 hrs. after taking synthroid, could this be the same with protein?
Avatar m tn but he found traces of protein in my urine. and he wants me to pee in a cup before i go to bed,at night if i have to,and in the morning when i wake up. and then my mother is to take it back to him.
Avatar f tn I'm just worried because I was hospitalized a few days ago for contractions. Went in at 10pm and they didn't stop until 7am the next morning.
Avatar f tn But he said there was protein in my urine so now I have to take the 24 hours urine test. Any thoughts on actually having preclampsia without having high blood pressure. I haven't changed in dilation or effacing at all since last week.
651681 tn?1384872629 when thers protein in the urine..sometimes these tests are incomplete meaning wrong..the blood could had been sitting to long.or etc...have the labs take another ur son heavy? being overweight shows abnormal creatine..other than that thers nothing i no to do.. having protein in urin is a sign of (ckd)..did you gt a report on other labs like the GFR? BUN,..IM SURE UR DOCS ARE AWARE OF THESE LABS..I WOULD GET ANOTHER TEST DEPENDING ON WHAT THE CREATININE LEVEL IS..MINE IS 1.
Avatar m tn ve been having problems with digestion, where I have loose stool every morning, but in the evening I cannot poop even though I feel the need to. During the day I feel gassy and bloated as well (but mostly just gassy). At first I thought it was some kind of a viral infection, but my body temperature is normal and I feel okay otherwise, I don't think viruses are the culprit.
Avatar n tn Even a mild urine infection can cause traces of protein in the urine ie protein is found in blood and with a uti it is common to have a small amount of blood in the urine - hence trace of protein as well. have a urine test done to outrule infection and have your kidney function measured by a simple blood test ;) re the altter ie blood test, even one poor egfr can also be the result of a uti!!!!! you need to show a steady pattern of poor egfr to indicate ckd.
Avatar n tn Hi Shayshay, I too am allergic to most everything. Trees grasses weeds dogs cats molds and sensitive to almost every chemical on the planet. I used to be a clean freak and scented most everything - now I can smell Alvin the chipmunk's cologne. HA! I also have been diagnosed with Vocal Chord dysfunction, and after experiencing a few episodes of anaphylaxis, I now have an epi pen. I've been weaning myself off Zyrtec and am now on about 1mg in the evenings.
Avatar n tn I only have 20 days left before my lil one is expected to come. For the last week I've been experiencing horrible morning sickness to the point I can only eat once to twice a day and it only be a pack of crackers or something little like that. I'm also extremely weak.
Avatar f tn Ask your doctor. Usually eating protein helps. Your blood sugar is at its lowest in the morning typically, so protein to stabilize it will help. Oh, and don't cook or let anyone cook anything that has a strong smell. I got sick many times when food smells hit me.
Avatar f tn Yea whey protein is actually worse for you than eating a steak. I personally would not, but I am a health nut and not into all that protein and fake crap thats what a healthy diet is for. I would at least ask your doctor.
Avatar f tn I went to the doctors to give a urine sample and my urine tested high levels of protein the doc said I could have an infection? Iv foned this morning for my result and there negative is this normal to have protein in my urine as the doctor said it could affect my baby??
Avatar f tn I can't eat very much bc of morning sickness. ..does anyone know of a protein shake that is safe for pregnant women?
9801256 tn?1412729114 Today i had the midwife and she said i had protein in my urine she's sending me to my gp tomorrow for further tests im 25 weeks pregnant what does it mean when you have protein in you're urine? I read that it could be early stages of pre clampsina or diabetes?
Avatar f tn I'm 8 weeks this week and the nausea is getting worse. I didn't even have one day of feeling sick with my first pregnancy. I'm struggling to get out of bed. I'm so exhausted that I'm struggling to do everything day things. Even walking up stairs I have to pull myself up with the railing and I can barely lift things. I feel dizzy. I'm so close to vomiting without actually vomiting. Eating makes me feel better for 10mins but then it's back with a vengeance.
Avatar n tn So as you can tell by my name, I'm kind of a hypochondriac. I had some dipsticks I got online. Mainly to see if I urinated any protein after taking whey protein. I never get any protein in my urine. However, I noticed that I sometimes get trace blood in my urine. Never more than trace. Sometimes I can go a whole day or 2 without it. Or sometimes it will come and go in the afternoon or evening. However, it never ever shows up in my first urination of the day.
Avatar f tn Also eat lots of protein before bed. Before you actually sit up in the morning eat some dried fruit or cereal or crackers, or pretzels something to that nature. Morning sickness is caused by lack of food on your stomach but do not eat anything that has dairy in it or is super heavy until after you make sure the morning sickness is gone for the time being.
Avatar n tn Other options include a small protein snack at bedtime, exercise in the evening, a small glass of wine in the evening. These may or may not work, but no harm to try.
Avatar f tn I have learned that one of the functions of the liver is to somehow help to process proteins we consume. Does anyone know if lowering ones protein intake would be beneficial to the liver by not making it work so hard. I am thinking in regards to a vegan diet benefiting someone with Hep C.
Avatar n tn That doesnt sound fun at all here are some tips that i used Eat something high in protein before going to bed. Helps your blood sugar stay more level. Two crackers before your head leaves the pillow is old but wise advice. Have sips of ice water as the urge to purge strikes. Many women say that this helps them keep meals down as well. Flat Sprite® is supposedly great at keeping the stomach from churning. Avoid foods and smells that seem to trigger nausea.
Avatar n tn You should really have protein early in the morning. Almonds and other healthy snacks. Keeping food in your tummy should help with nausea. And if you don't like ginger try smelling peppermint oil or eating peppermint candies. They really help. But you should really try to get protein.
Avatar n tn For about 4 days I have been completely symptom free and have been able to quit taking my Zofran! Most exciting part, just in time for the Holidays! I can grub down and not have to worry about running to the bathroom!! I am currently 11w 4d (which also means less than 200 days til my due date! Yay). Have any of you other ladies recently gotten over morning sickness and been as happy as I am?! Even my fiancé is ecstatic!
Avatar f tn Congrats to all due in June 2013. I am currently 7weeks and I throw up about 3times a day, I can hardly stomach anything, also my nausea is ongoing and worse than being sick itself. I can't do anything at all. I feel useless! Can anyone share what works or has worked in the past please. Bee.
Avatar n tn 2) there is fluid back up from the liver or large blood vessels into the peritoneal cavity -- known as portal hypertension; 3) low protein state in the body; and 4) miscellaneous.
Avatar f tn Same thing happened to me, I feel like the morning sickness came back now because there is less space so if i eat just a little too much its not good! but also have found it helps to eat a few almonds or some type of protein even when I get up to pee at night:) Im a little over 35weeks now, but started at 34 also! were almost there:)!
Avatar f tn Saltiness and sprite will be your friend. Eat before you get up after laying down. The trick is to try to keep food in your tummy all the time, eat a little bit every hour or 2, make sure you get plenty of protein. If this doesn't help, you can ask your doctor about some nausea medication like zofran to help you through.
700722 tn?1429663648 Hello, today i went to the doctor and they did the normal rountine check up and every was good execpt for my urine the doctor said that i had 300 protein in my urine ??? i am 25 weeks and 2 days im kinda freaking out since this is my first baby and really dont know much .. he said it wasnt bad but the gave me this bottle that i need to collect my urine in for two days and then take it to a place which there they are going to draw blood . has anyone had this happen to them?