
Phentermine withdrawal side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Phentermine withdrawal side effects


Avatar n tn On the other hand, it can sometimes cause drowsiness,and you should not drive until you know if it affects you in this way. Other side-effects often reported are mood changes, most of which are transient and disappear after a few days. You should also be aware that Phentermine interacts with many prescription drugs, and it is important to inform your doctor about any medication you are taking or intend to take.
Avatar m tn I could not find anywhere a half life indication for it. However, if you have not been on it long, there should be no withdrawal effects. It is like adderall ( a stimulant) and should be out of your system fairly quickly. Of course, it does depend if you took the extended release version or not. Essentially, if you look at the label, the time it gives between doses plus half again should be a pretty good indicator that most of it is out of your system.
Avatar f tn I suggest you be very careful with phentermine, it is very similar to the chemical makeup of methamphetamine. The side effects of high dose or extended use are similar to amphetamine. This drug can blow out your adrenal glands, make you grind teeth until they rot, cause nervous ticks. When amphetamines were more regulated to sell as diet aids, phentermine started to be the main drug sold for hunger suppression. Be careful, people do get strung out on that drug.
1397822 tn?1294279534 Your observation about noticing the change when you stopped the medication could be due to the direct effect (loss of therapeutic effect) but it could also be due to withdrawal effects (all of the medications like phentermine probably cause some degree of brain tolerance - meaning your brain adapts to the medication and when you abruptly stop it you are not going back to the same state you were in before you began treatment, but a state with a lower mood and energy level - it may take a few da
Avatar n tn I used these pills back in 2004 and they worked fine but seem to be working different on me this time around.Please help,does anyone else have these side effects or has had them while on phentermine? I should add these pills were RX from the fat doctor in my area.
897541 tn?1241719557 I have had depression in my past and it runs in my family. I havent been on medication for 3 years and have been fine. Ever since I started phentermine my depression has come back. Also I have been experiencing shortness of breath and my heart has been beating really fast. I just thought this was normal with the side effects of the phentermine but read that if I was experiencing these symptoms to contact my doctor. They are condidered SEVERE side effects.
Avatar n tn Hi, Phenteramine can cause neurological and psychological side effects like hallucinations, dizziness, depression, tremors, overactive reflexes, blurred vision, panic and restlessness. Multifocal motor neuropathy is not seen after the use of phenteramine. http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar f tn Did you taper off the vibryd or quit abruptly? You can't just switch from one medication to another even in the same class and avoid withdrawal -- these meds are not easy to stop taking and it must be done carefully. Unless you completely stop taking a medication before starting another it's impossible to tell if your symptoms are a sign you're suffering withdrawal and quit too quickly or are side effects of the new medication.
Avatar f tn I am sorry, but please do not take any medications without asking your doctor first. Cymbalta increases the side effects of phentermine causes more anxiety, stress, restlessness, and a serious condition called serotonin syndrome. Please discuss with your doctor before starting any medication with Cymbalta. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you.
Avatar n tn Many physicians are not comfortable prescribing multiple weight loss medications at the same time out of concern for increased risk of side effects. Also keep in mind that phentermine is not generally recommended in the long term. It may make more sense to just stick with one of the weight loss medications to see if there are any beneficial effects. It's also a good time to think carefully about how the weight loss occurred while on the new medication.
Avatar n tn if you have a lap band why are you taking a dangerous and addictive weight suppressant? Phentermine has many side effects that can be serious and dangerous including pulmonary hypertension and addiction. If you have had surgery to help weight loss you should be waaay past the point of using drugs.
729886 tn?1232662881 In the beginning I had some minor side effects like dry mouth loss of hunger, lots of energy. My firend had the same side effects but also developed insomnia. I thought she was crazy but after a while I developed insomnia and also had some chest pain and numbness in feet. Shortly after taking the pills I had a pulmonary embolism. Which is a blood colt in my lung. The doctors said that they have no idea how i could have developed it. So be very careful.
Avatar n tn I strongly recommend against taking phentermine. It unfortunately is only mildly effective, and the effect goes away when you stop taking it. I'm also concerned about potential side effects and health risks related to it. You might find it helpful to see a nutritionist or dietician to discuss your typical food day to see where you might be able to start making some changes!
Avatar f tn Do these side effects eventually go away if you take Soboxin (sp), and then eventually no SOboxin? If a person works out and takes vitamins will this assist in getting this awful drug out of the system?
Avatar f tn 8 Dexfenfluramine, fenfluramine, furazolidone, or MAOIs (eg, phenelzine) because the risk of serious side effects, such as increasing headache, high blood pressure, slow heart rate, elevated temperature, or possibly fatal lung problems, may be increased sorry cant be more helpful
Avatar f tn When I came off of it, my doc put me on a taper as I came off of it. I did notice some side effects like naseau and increased anxiety, however I kept an open line of communication with the doc. I asked if it would be okay to go on a slower taper as I came off of it. He agreed and the slower taper seemed to help with the side effects. I am glad that you are seeing a psychiatrist to help you with your medication prescriptions and questions.
Avatar f tn I am not fully versed on the full range of possible side effects from the medication Phentermine. I would suggest perhaps having a conversation with your pharmacist and your prescribing physician about any symptoms that might be attributed to taking this medication. Best of luck in this regard and please be sure to visit our community and update us as to how you are feeling.
Avatar f tn What can I do to be rid of this extrordinarily distracting irritation?? Prednisone has so many side-effects, including weight gain, which is why I went on Phentermine in the first place. Can anyone please, please advise me?
Avatar f tn In addition, buPROPion can increase the blood levels of amphetamine, which may increase other side effects." from - So I think that you would want to be aware of any over medicated types of reactions. Another thought is that weight gain among adults with adhd is common due to (they think) lack of impulse control. If the Vyvanse can control this the Contrave might not be needed?
Avatar n tn 5MG right before Christmas day 2010 and by December 26th, I started having problems with my left side and by December 28th my left side went completely numb and pain started shooting all over my head. By December 31st I was in the ER. I had all types of blood tests ran and a CAT Scan. I am now going through massage therapy to help with the tightness and swelling. My left side is still swollen and no DR's have been able to determine the cause.
Avatar f tn Hello ive been off of phentermine for about 3 months i took it for about a year and am goin thru horrible withdrawls. I just started to take st. Johns wort..can anyone relate to me or have any suggestions on how long it takes to get thru this??