
Penlac onychomycosis

Common Questions and Answers about Penlac onychomycosis


Avatar n tn My big toe and to a lesser extent toe immediately adjacent have all the symptoms of the unsightly onychomycosis. The skin next to my big toe has for some time had a reddish appearance, but has just recently starting eroding and has rapidly deteriorated. There is no pain, but it is very unsightly and no amount of moisturing helps. Because Lamisil has potential liver toxicity and is expensive, my doctor did not seem to favor treating my onychomycosis systemically.
Avatar f tn I might be in the wrong forum as well but I was prescribed lamisil after a positive test for Onychomycosis on my toenails. I was told to take one tablet a day for 3 months. My doctor did check my liver before starting and he called to say everything was normal and to go forth with the treatment. I've heard so many bad things from hair loss, death, loss of taste and I'm so scared.
Avatar n tn Fungal infection or onychomycosis tends to run in families because of an inherited tendency, but not everyone is susceptible. While some fungal nail infections may respond to topical antifungal creams, lotions, and gels, most infections of the nail plate require oral medications prescribed by your doctor.
Avatar f tn hi! i know this could be quite late but maybe this could help you. my friend was also positive for onychomycosis. i think he used zerofungus to get rid of that. i'm not sure if there's anything to worry about lamisil. i think you should check reviews.
Avatar m tn Soon after removing the nail tips, I started noticing my nails on my thumbs started to change colors. I went to the dermatologist and they prescribed Penlac to treat the nail fungus. After using Penlac for a while I noticed that it was not working for me. After that, I went back to the dermatologist and they did a culture and they said it was a fungus.
Avatar f tn Soak you nails for about 15 min in warm water with a cheap instant tea solution mixed in. Daily until fungus disappears. No side effects either. Tannic acid is the miracle worker.
Avatar n tn Hi, Treatment of onychomycosis(which means fungal infection of the nail) is challenging because the infection is embedded within the nail and is difficult to reach. As a result full removal of symptoms is very slow and may take a year or more. Most treatments are either systemic antifungal medications such as terbinafine and itraconazole, or topical such as nail paints containing ciclopirox or amorolfine.
Avatar m tn Hello, With the presenting symptoms and the fact that you say you have a fungal nail infection, I would suspect you have onychomycosis. Onychomycosis does lead to onycholysis, painless separation of the nail from the nail bed. Topical treatment in most cases is enough but does take up to 6 months, while oral medication will only be prescribed under certain conditions. In terms of treatment you need to get your nails cut to stop the buildup of fibre and dirt.
9474591 tn?1403997568 I've been getting "flare-ups" like these for several years now. Maybe every 6 months. It begins as hardened blisters with nothing underneath that eventually peel. It can be very painful. My dermatologist listed it as onychomycosis but I've tried many ointments and nothing has worked. It seems to just have to run its course. I'd rather get to the root of the problem and figure out whether I perhaps have a deficiency in something or maybe something even worse.
Avatar m tn It is also called onychomycosis and the commonest presenting feature is thickening and discoloration of the nailbed which may be white, black, yellow or green. As the infection progresses the nail can become brittle, with pieces breaking off or coming away from the toe or finger completely. 2) Second possibility is of psoriasis nails. The presenting symptom includes small pits which appear on the surface of the nail. There may be one pit or many pits on the surface of a single nail.
Avatar f tn Hello, From the picture and symptoms it looks like fungal infection of the nails. . In onychomycosis(nail fungal infection) nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Topical and oral antifungals are needed which are available under prescription. My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get a KOH examination of the nail and skin specimen done to confirm the diagnosis.
Avatar n tn I have Onychomycosis on my left fore finger(hand) and left thumb finger(leg). Will it be caused due to calcium deficiency?Why I am asking is because I was lactose free for a year and it started after that. If not what are the causes? How can it be treated topically without any oral pills? My hand finger nail hurts so much. I keep trimming it and it keeps growing hard and it looks ugly too. Please help.
Avatar m tn Had a dermatologist look at it and they told me it was fungus (onychomycosis). Should I trust that diagnosis, given how often SM is misdiagnosed? For clarification--you're saying Hutchinson's sign is only present when longitudinal melanonychia is present? If it's just a rounded spot/non-streak that doesn't arise at the proximal part of the nail, even if there is some sort of pigment on one of the nail folds, it is technically not defined as "Hutchinson's sign?
Avatar n tn Hello, From the symptoms fungal infections of the nail need to be ruled out. In onychomycosis(nail fungal infection) nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or black appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Topical and oral antifungals are needed which are available under prescription. My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get a KOH examination of the nail and skin specimen done to confirm the diagnosis.
6248076 tn?1379851096 Zoloft 150 mg, 1 1/2 tab of 100 mg, po qAM; Elavil 10 mg 1 tab po qPM, Vistaril 25 mg 1 cap po PRN, 50 mg max qd. P-96, T-98.6F, BP-100/64 Wt 115 Last ECG- Aug 26 2013; unremarkable. CBC c diff; chem comp; TSH; FBS; Fasting lipids all WNL on Aug 26 2013. Petechiae appeared suddenly several hrs ago; no other associated sx. Has happened in the past in the same area. Petechiae are localized and do not blanch. Did take Excedrin Migraine 24 hrs ago.
Avatar n tn ve got Proximal subungual onychomycosis on my toe nails, 6 month later it appeared on my fingernails. I know this kind of fungal infection associated with HIV. What should I do? I can't except my negative tests results because of my multiple symptoms. My doctor gave up on me, but I want to get rid of my sickness and live normal life! Please, please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar m tn In onychomycosis(nail fungal infection) nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Topical and oral antifungals are needed which are available under prescription. My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get a KOH examination of the nail and skin specimen done to confirm the diagnosis. Also nail fungal infection may take a bit longer to go away.
Avatar f tn One point I would like to make clear though is that treatment for fungal nail (onychomycosis) does not need to involve the liver and therfore no damage will be done. Topical tx via a nail paint has none of the side effects that are associated with oral systemic therapy. My advise would be to consult a podiatrist (foot dr), as we have studied 6years of just lower limb conditions compaired to that of 1year of your local GP.
4683754 tn?1357938574 , the environment found in shoes and socks—the infection can spread rapidly and transfer to the toenails, resulting in onychomycosis. Infection is often seen in successive generations of families, likely due to sharing of hygenic products and showers. In the case of injury, we see the loss of toenails most frequently in sports such as running, soccer, skating, and skiing.
Avatar m tn Nail fungus also known as Onychomycosis is very common but hard to treat because of the location of the fungus that happens to be under the nails. There are different ways to treat this infection, but recent studies suggest that using both topical and oral anti fungal medications at same time yields better result.
Avatar f tn I think it will be more preferable if you immediately see a doctor. This way, you can get the right treatment for your condition. The damage on your big toe actually makes you vulnerable to Onychomycosis or nail fungus. So, if I were you, I'll go to a doctor to avoid complications.
Avatar f tn Athlete’s Foot, nails (onychomycosis), mouth (thrush), digestive tract, esophagus, vagina (vulvovaginal candidiasis) and other parts of the body. Yeast infections occur most frequently in moist areas of the body. Although Candida albicans are the most frequent offenders, other types of yeasts (fungi) are known to cause infections.
1430129 tn?1283281475 Hello, The symptoms are suggestive of fungal infection of the nail. In onychomycosis(nail fungal infection) nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Topical and oral antifungals are needed which are available under prescription. My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get a KOH examination of the nail and skin specimen done to confirm the diagnosis.
Avatar m tn I've recently been diagnosed with "Proximal subungual onychomycosis" which is apparently a "clinical marker of hiv infection" all accounts it essentially does not occur in HIV negative people. I had a negative oraquick in home test 4 months post exposure... Would such a specific symptom give me reason to doubt my 4 month oraquick..also would an opportunistic infection such as this occur in relatively early hiv, or would this be more symptomatic of advanced disease.