
Penlac antifungal

Common Questions and Answers about Penlac antifungal


Avatar n tn My history of self treating onychomycosis has involved debriding the effected nail and applying a thin coat of the antifungal 25% Undecylenic Acid, followed by a coat of Ethyl 2-Cyanoacrylate AKA as Crazy Glue, after reading about a patent application that uses Cyanoacrylate to deprive the fungus of moisture and oxygen
Avatar f tn It’s a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Apply with a clean Q-tip twice a day. Use for three to six months. Be sure to keep your nails trimmed. Tea tree oil may not have as high a cure rate as Sporanox and it’s not as well studied … because it’s not a drug! However, if it works for you, you’re in business. A safe but pricier topical treatment available by prescritpion is Penlac. Apply twice a day for eight to twelve months. To prevent toenail fungus, avoid tight fitting shoes.
Avatar n tn While some fungal nail infections may respond to topical antifungal creams, lotions, and gels, most infections of the nail plate require oral medications prescribed by your doctor. On the other hand, splinter hemorrhages appear as a red to reddish-brown fine, vertical line that resembles a splinter beneath the nail, this disorder occurs when blood vessels in the nail bed are damaged or from a nail injury.
Avatar m tn Soon after removing the nail tips, I started noticing my nails on my thumbs started to change colors. I went to the dermatologist and they prescribed Penlac to treat the nail fungus. After using Penlac for a while I noticed that it was not working for me. After that, I went back to the dermatologist and they did a culture and they said it was a fungus.
Avatar f tn Therefore, we are preparing to do an antifungal treatment. I am just wanting advice from anyone that has done an antifungal treatment. The main thing I am wanting to know is what was used, for how long, in what dosage and what the die-off effects were. We are looking at S. Boulardi, Nystatin, Diflucan as our main options. Thank you for any help.
Avatar f tn Consider tea tree oil, a safe natural over the counter remedy. It’s a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Apply with a clean Q-tip twice a day. Use for three to six months. Be sure to keep your nails trimmed. Tea tree oil may not have as high a cure rate as Sporanox and it’s not as well studied … because it’s not a drug! However, if it works for you, you’re in business. A safe but pricier topical treatment available by prescritpion is Penlac.
Avatar n tn Please, can someone help me with this? I see the recommendation on here to use the antifungal soap to do laundry but can't find anything like that! If the doctors here are recommending it, hopefully they have some suggestions!
Avatar m tn You may need to take oral antifungal pills twice a week for 3-4 weeks along with local application of antifungal cream. There are many types of antifungals available. Take an OTC antifungal with a combination of two or more anti fungals. Use both oral and local application. Provided it is indeed fungus, then only try this. Antifungal tablets are strong medicines and should not be taken otherwise. So start with cream and if it helps, start the tablet.
Avatar m tn Hi, I started developing pimples on both my inner thighs around the testicles a day after having protected sex. It's been almost 4 days and both my penis and scrotum don't have a single of these pimples. But those on the inner thighs are still increasing. I tried some antifungal but it wasn't a success. It started itching after I started applying the antifungal. What might this be? Help.
Avatar f tn Yeast infection or thrush is at times very difficult to treat. You may need to take oral antifungal pills twice a week for 3-4 weeks along with local application of antifungal cream. There are many types of antifungals available. Take an OTC antifungal with a combination of two or more anti fungals. Use both oral and local application. At times both partners need to be treated. Provided it is indeed fungus, then only try this.
Avatar n tn Most common cause is perspiration, careful hygiene and regular use of antifungal creams should alleviate the symptoms. meanwhile wash feet with an anti bacterial soap, dry feet after showering, apply antifungal powders and creams to absorb excess moisture. Use rubber sandals when using public pools etc. If these measures fail, consult a podiatrist for any other cause of the symptoms. Take care.
Avatar f tn Last year I had an issue with my areola being itchy and the skin off of it kind of started shedding, besides that I also had extremely dry and itchy skin on my armpits and my inner upper arm. I had this sort of watery-yellow discharge from the areola, but not the nipple and the doctor gave me antifungal cream but it didn't work very well. Eventually the itch and the sort of rash went away.
Avatar f tn This would need treatment with both, oral antifungal taken once a week for 4 weeks or more and local antifungal application. Yeast infection or thrush is at times very difficult to treat. You may need to take oral antifungal pills twice a week for 3-4 weeks along with local application of antifungal cream. At times both partners need to be treated. Discuss this with your gynecologist. Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
Avatar m tn i used the anti-fungal for like 2 days and the first doctor told me to stop and use the other cream.
Avatar m tn Ive been prescribed 3 weeks of antifungal creams. They partially solved the symptoms, mainly closed the skin leaving the red areas within the skin. I was then prescribed an oral antifungal taken as pills. It was 15 days, one pill a day. The symptoms did not went away. Could this be something more serious like HPV or Hepatitis C? Or what could it be? The antifungal medicines never cleared the symptoms. I remember I was tested for gonorrea, herpes and HIV but results were negative.
Avatar m tn He can prescribe an antifungal medication to take by mouth and also an antifungal cream that you can apply to the area. Some of the lower strength medications can be purchased without a prescription from pharmacy so you can ask the pharmacist for his advice. A doctor can prescribe stronger and longer doses of antifungal medications to take by mouth and also stronger antifungal creams or spray. As you already know, you can this from having sex with your girlfriend if she has it.
Avatar f tn Reddish circular bumps that grows outwards with a central clearing may suggest a tinea or fungal infection. A corticosteroid cream with an antifungal preparation may be able to help alleviate the redness. Antifungal creams may not work readily and you may need to apply them for at least a week to see results. Also, if there is a dermatitis involved, then resolution of the said skin condition may be further delayed. Avoid applying any other creams except those prescribed by your physician.
Avatar m tn I though it was something like a yeast infection, so I bought an antifungal. The day I bought it, a red painless bump appeared. I have been using the antifungal for about 5 days, and I have seen massive improvement there is still some stuff that is down there when that area becomes moist. But The antifungal cream says to use it for a total of two weeks. The only thing is the red bump is getting less red and drying out, but is not totally gone.
Avatar n tn would a basic over the counter antifungal cream clear it up?? or Is there a oral prescrption I could take, or perhaps a cream?
Avatar n tn Yeast infection or thrush is at times very difficult to treat. You may need to take oral antifungal pills twice a week for 3-4 weeks along with local application of antifungal cream. There are many types of antifungals available. Take an OTC antifungal with a combination of two or more anti fungals. Use both oral and local application. At times both partners need to be treated. Test for diabetes and other STDs as presence of either or both can make it difficult to treat the fungal infection.
Avatar f tn I had a yeast infection about 2 weeks ago I got an antifungal pill to take and six to insert but no antifungal cream for my vagina. After my symptoms cleared up I had sex (unprotected sex) with my boyfriend and everything was ok until my menstrual came. I started having itching around the second day of my menstrual and now it's beginning to get worst do I need to go back to the doctor or can I just get an antifungal cream at a pharmacy?
Avatar m tn So I have been treating some symptoms I have been having with an antifungal cream for 7 days. I would say those symptoms have about 90% cleared up. However, I still have the red bump that appeared. It is going down, but I am still worried it could be an STD. I popped it, which I was unable to do before starting the antifungal, and no pus came out, just a little blood. I was tested for chlamydia and gohneria, and both of those came back negative.
Avatar n tn Most cases are treated by application of topical antifungal creams to the skin, but in extensive or difficult to treat cases systemic treatment with oral medication may be required. In general ringworm responds well to topical treatment. Topical antifungals are applied to the lesion twice a day for at least 3 weeks. The lesion usually resolves within 2 weeks, but therapy should be continued for another week to insure the fungus is completely eradicated.
Avatar n tn Application of local antifungal cream(terbinafine, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole) and oral antifungal drugs are the mainstay of treatment. If even after treatment itching persists,then other possibilities like contact dermatitis,eczema,dermatitis,sweat dermatitis or heat rashes have to be ruled out.Pls consult a dermatologist then as without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough. Hope it helps.Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn A couple more days 3 red bumps appeared on my shaft (red bumps with tiny white heads)on the same side in a line with space in between them, they faded with no crusting or scabbing, then 3 more appeared close by again in a line and same thing, (painful and itchy) got antifungal cream from doc and seemed to go away, when almost gone 3 more came up???? Very frustrating going on 5 weeks now, keeps fading and coming, when they fade the skin does look ashy. Any help is appreciated.